Fem!Akaza x Male!Reader

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Akaza and the rest of the Upper Moons were watching as their leader, the one they feared so much, was begging on his knees. It looked pathetic. The stranger that made Muzan beg was standing in front of him with his arms crossed against his chest. He kicked Muzan away from him and tore his head off.

-I believe you all deserve a word of explanation. - he said, turning his attention to them. The Upper Moons got ready to fight him, even though they knew they would most likely fail against him. - Muzan stole something away from me and he finally paid for that. The blood that he gave you to increase your power was not exactly his, it was mixed with mine. Your power comes from me, not from this good for nothing bastard. You have a choice, swear you loyalty to me, or die. I'm listening. - he crossed his arms against his chest one more.

The Upper Moons all agreed to serve under Y/n. He smirked hearing that and got back to his mansion, leaving his newly recruited soldiers alone with Muzan's remains. They stared at the body parts as they were fading away.

Time skip

Y/n kept calling Akaza in for amost all the jobs. Bigger or smaller, it didn't matter. Soon it became a problem, because Akaza knew she shouldn't be checking him out, but she couldn't help it. Y/n was just in her type. She knew that Y/n had hots for her too, the looks he was giving to her were giving it all away. If it was anyone else, she would kill them without blinking an eye, but... when it came to Y/n, she liked it.

-What can I do for you my king? - she asked when he called her in once more. Y/n stood up from his chair and walked up to her slowly.

-I have a proposition for you. - he said, leaning down slightly.

-I'm listening. - she answered looking up at him.

-Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I wasted enough time on just admiring. - he said. - Tell me Akaza,would you like to be my queen? - he asked wrapping his arms around her waist.

-I would love to. - answered Akaza leaning in his touch.

-Very good to hear. - he smiled lightly and leaned in more.

Akaza took it as a good opportunity to taste him. She got on her toes and kissed his lips. Y/n pulled her closer, kissing back. He sat her on his desk as their kiss was getting more and more heated. Akaza gasped as Y/n's lips went down her jaw to her neck. He started leaving lovebites and hickeys all over her neck and chest. It would be hard to hide all of those marks. Her thinking was stopped complately when Y/n found her sweet spot. Akaza shivered and pushed herself against Y/n, leaving no space between them. Y/n only smirked and left one last hickey, before he moved his lips down to Akaza's boobs. He opened her shirt completely and pulled it off. He sucked and played with her nipples until she begged him to fuck her finally. But Y/n was far from done. He pulled Akaza's pants and underwear off, before he kneeled down with his face between her legs. Akaza moaned, feeling Y/n's tongue giving her few kitten licks, before it entered her fully. Akaza's eyes rolled in the back of her head as Y/n was skilfully pleasing her.

-I'm cumming. - she panted and cummed few seconds later, shuddering in pleasure. - Please, put you cock inside of me.

-You plead so nice, I can't resist you.- said Y/n as he unbuttoned his shirt and pulled his pants down.Akaza laid back on the desk and wrapped her legs around Y/n's hips. He rubbed his lengh against her entrance few times, before he thrusted in. Akaza kept her legs around him as he leaned down and kissed her. Akaza could taste herself on his lips and it turned her on even more.

-You're so big. - she moaned. - So good.

-Get used to that love, this cock is the only one you will be having from today on. - answered Y/n, getting rougher.

-Yes. - she breathed as he attached hislips to her neck again.

This continued until they were both coming closer to their releases. Akaza's orgasm hit her first, then Y/n gave few last rough thrusts, before he quickly pulled out and shot his cum on Akaza's stomach and breasts. Akaza sat up, her golden eyes still dazed from the session they just had. Y/n got dressed, then cleaned his cum from her body and wrapped his arms around her. Akaza nuzzled his chest and breathed in content.

-I wanted this since the day I met you.- she said.

-Me too. - answered Y/n, kissing the top of her head. - I love you Akaza.

-I love you too. - she whispered, feeling tired. - Can we take a nap?

-Of course love, let's go. - smiled Y/n. He picked her up and carried her to his bedroom.

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