Fem!Hitoshi Shinsou x Neko!Male!Reader

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02sleepyallthetime requested for fem Hitoshi as well, so here it is!

Hitoshi sighed tired as she came back home. She opened the door to her home and walked in. She made her way to the kitchen to eat something when she noticed her neko walking out of their bedroom. Y/n stretched and walked up to her.

-Welcome back. - he said wrapping his arms around her. - I made dinner.

-Thank you. - answered Hitoshi nuzzling Y/n's chest. Y/n squeezed her in his arms, knowing very well that it was something she needed after stressful day. He kissed her forehead before she looked up at him. - Lean down. - he said. Y/n smiled and did what he was asked. Hitoshi kissed him, relaxing in his embrance.

They kissed and held each other for few minutes before Shinsou finally decided to have dinner. Y/n was a good cook, so she was curious what he made. She smiled seeing her favorite dish. Hitoshi warmed some up for the both of them and kissed his cheek. As they ate, Shinsou told him about her day. Once the dinner was finished, Y/n picked Hitoshi up bridal style and carried her to their bedroom for a nap. He laid down with Hitoshi on top of him. Shinsou nuzzled his neck and let out a deep sigh as Y/n's finger's played with her hair. Y/n was purring softly, making Hitoshi relax completely.

-I will fall asleep if you continue. -she muttered.

-Sleep if you're tired love. - answered Y/n and pecked her lips.

-But we have a Friday night, I don't want it to pass so fast. - she argued.

-What do you want to do then? - asked Y/n.

-Maybe watch a movie? - she said.

Y/n couldn't refuse to her whenever she was speaking to him so softly. That was something only he got to hear. Y/n nodded with a small smile on his face. Hitoshi got up from the bed and made her way to the livingroom with Y/n following her. Hitoshi set up the movie she picked and got in Y/n's lap. He immediately wrapped himself around her, engulfing her in his warmth. Hitoshi leaned against his shoulder and kissed his cheek.

-I love you. - Y/n whispered in her ear.

-I love you too. - she whispered back.

Y/n buried his face in Hitoshi's hair as they watched the movie. He missed her for the whole day when she was out, so he didn't plan on letting her out of his arms any time soon. He had the whole weekend to make up for the past five days when his lover had to go to school. He could be as clingy as he wanted in that moment and both him and Hitoshi were okay with that. She needed his comfrot and he needed her closure. Hitoshi smiled lightly when she felt Y/n's tail around her waist.

-You are unbeliavably cuddly tonight.- she said.

-Because I missed you. - muttered Y/n resting his forehead on her shoulder.

-My poor kitty. - cooed Hitoshi, scratching behind Y/n's ear.

He purred at the sign of affection and nuzzled her hand. Then he leaned in for a peck on the lips. Hitoshi pulled him closer and kissed him properly. Y/n purred into the kiss making Shinsou feel the vibration in her chest. She let out a moan at the feeling. That sound only made Y/n purr louder.

-Y/n you little tease. - chuckled Shinsou.

-I don't know what you're talking about. - Y/n answered innocently. His smirk though was what gave him away.

-Really? - Hitoshi raised her eyebrow.- Because I think you are trying to get me in the mood for getting frisky.

-Is it working? - Y/n purred the question in her ear.

-It may be working, but remember baby that two can play that game. - said Hitoshi, running her finger down his chest.

She made sure to stop at the waistband of his pants and look into his eyes. Y/n waited, wanting to see what she will do, but she only winked and turned her attention back to the movie. Y/n blinked few times, surprised. Here he expected her to at least rub him through his pants, as she often did when he was teasing her. But she didn't. Hitoshi seemed to notice his distress, because she chuckled and leaned closer to his ear.

-Be a good boy and let me finish the movie. - she said. - Then you will get a reward.

-Yes ma'am. - he said and cuddled his lover.

Fem!Characters/Genderbend x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now