Juvia x Male!Reader

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Y/n was the newest member of Fairy Tail. He was there for a week now and he made a lot of friends. The bickers between Natsu and Gray were hilarious to him, Erza was sparing with him, Lucy and Wendy were fooling around with him and Mirajane was someone he could get a good advice from. He also fell in love, but unfortunately he didn't have enough courage to confess his feelings.

-I'm so relieved that Juvia changed her interest from me to you. - sighed Gray.

-Do you you like her? - asked Lucy.

-I do. - Y/n blushed lightly and looked away.

-You're adorable. - Lucy chuckled seeing his reaction.

-Y/n-sama. - Y/n jumped surprised when he suddenly noticed Juvia by his side. - I made cupcakes for you. -she said, handing him a box with cupcakes.

-Thank you. - Y/n nodded, happy that he didn't shutter.

Juvia asked Y/n to try the cupcakes. He preferred to do it at home, but the way she looked at him made him give up. He knew he would't be able to resist her for too long and he will do what Juvia wants from him. He opened the box and took a bite of one of the cupcakes. He had to admt they were delicious. Juvia blushed when he said that.

-Juvia is happy that Y/n-sama likes her food. - she said looking away.

-They are so cute together. - giggled Lucy, making both of them blush more.

Juvia was sitting next to Y/n for the rest of the evening. They were sitting at the guild house longer than usually, they lost the track of time. When it was finally time to go home, Y/n felt uncomfortable with letting Juvia go home on her own. He took a deep breath before he offered that he will walk her home. Juvia happily accepted his proposition, appreciating that he was worrying about her.

-Have fun you two! - smirked Erza as they were leaving.

They walked next to each other in silence. Y/n wanted to speak up to break it, but he couldn't bring himself to it. At the same time he was alone with Juvia, which was a rare thing. Usually they were surrounded by friends. Y/n counted to three in his mind before he took Juvia's hand in his. She blushed more and intertwined their fingers. Y/n smiled lightly that his little advance wasn't rejected. This gave him a shot of courage.

-Juvia, there's something I must tell you. - he said, looking up at the moon shining on them. - Ever since I joined Fairy Tail and met you, I developed some feelings for you. -Y/n glanced at her. - I love you.

-Juvia loves Y/n-sama too, more than she ever liked anyone, even Gray-sama. - she confessed, happy beyond belief. Y/n smiled and stopped walking. He slowly pulled Juia closer and leaned down. Juvia started closing her eyes as his face was getting closer to his.

-Call me Y/n from now on. - he said lowly, before he finally kissed her.

When their lips touched, they immediately pulled each other as close as possible. Their bodies worked on their own as they got carried away with their passionate kiss. They pulled away when their lungs burned for air. They were panting as they still held each other close.

-Let's go. - said Y/n, earning a nod from Juvia.

They walked hand in hand to her house. They looked at each other with eyes full of love, the world around them didn't mean a thing to them anymore. Once they reached her house, it was time to say goodbye for the night. Y/n kissed Juvia's lips once more, he didn't want to pull away, even though he knew he should. Juvia sighed as she didn't want him to go either.

-Please stay. - she said wrapping her arms around his waist. She looked u at his with her pleading eyes.

-I can't say no to you, love. - he smiled.

Juvia's heart fluttered in her chest when she heard Y/n call her his love. She smiled too as she let go of him and unlocked the door. They stepped inside and continued their night there.

Fem!Characters/Genderbend x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now