Fem!Dean Winchester x Male!Reader

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Deane and her brother Sam came back to the bunker, after the recent mission was over. They decided to take a simple vampire case on, just to take their minds off of the recent events. They walked down the stairs just to meet a familiar face of a certain angel hybrid.

-Y/n. - smiled Sam, giving him a hug.

-Hey. - he answered before Diane jumped in his arms. Y/n held her tight and spun them around. -Missed you babe.

-Missed you too. - she said pecking his lips for a good moment, before Sam cleared his throat.

-Get a room. - he said.

-We have plenty of them. - smirked Deane, earning an eyeroll from her brother as he went to his room.

Deane watched her brother go. When he disappeared from her sight, she moved her attention to her boyfriend. Y/n smirked when she looked him in the eyes. He touched her forehead with his and squeezed her tighter in his arms.

-Is he gone? - asked Y/n.

-Yeah. - Deane nodded.

-Did you get hurt?

-I'm fine. - reasured Deane. - You can examine every inch of my body, if you want to make sure. - she added seductively.

-Such a tempting offer. - Y/n purred in response.

Their lips connected in a slow kiss, which soon turned into something more heated. They couldn't keep their kisses innocent for long. Their bodies acted on their own, knowing perfectly well what they needed. Y/n leaned Deane on the table as she started unbuttoning his shirt. He let out a gasp when she kissed all over his neck and chest. He snuck his hands under her shirt. Deane took it off, letting Y/n gave a good view on her boobs. He easily got rid of her bra and started playing with her nipples. They were ready to get to the main action when they heard footsteps. Deane grabbed her shirt to cover up when Sam walked in.

-I told you to get the room. - he said.- Not fuck here, on the damn table.

-If you'd walk in here few seconds later you'd witness something worse. - answered Deane.

-No, I don't want to talk about it. -Sam said loudly, walking to the kitchen.

-We traumatized my brother. - said Deane, then she laughed.

Y/n and Deane chuckled at the situation that just happened. The atmosphere got a bit ruined, but they still wanted to have their fun, so they went to Deane's room to continue. They jumped on the bed and threw the rest of their clothes in random directions. Y/n slipped a condom on his cock and lined up with her entrance. He started thrusting in slowly as Deane bit her bottom lip with a smile and leaned her head back. She had no idea how it worked on Y/n. Or did she? The smirk she gave him afterwards made him question that. Which only fired him up more. His thrusts became faster and rougher, just the way Deane liked it. She gripped the hair on the back of Y/n's head and pulled him closer for a passionate kiss. Her other hand was scratching down Y/n's back and sides. Y/n could easily heal the scratches, but he never did it. He wore them like marks that he was taken by the hottest woman in the world. Deane's moans were getting louder, she was getting closer to her release.

-Baby, more. - she gasped. - I'm cuming!

-Me too. - grunted Y/n.

He gave few sharp thusts before Dean's body squeezed Y/n's cock, making it hard to hold back. Deane moaned his name as her body shook in the intense pleasure. Y/n's orgasm came at the same time. He kissed her once again. When their orgasms ended and they rolled down from their highs, Y/n pulled out and collapsed next to her.

-That was one of the best rounds we had. - she panted, leaning on his shoulder.

-I agree. - Y/n nodded. His hand went to her hair and started to play with her hair, as always after sex. He smiled seeing that Deane's eyes started closing, she needed a nap. Y/n decided to catch some zs as well, since he won't be leaving the bed any time soon.

Fem!Characters/Genderbend x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now