Chapter 2

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Winter doesn't know what came over her but she decided to excuse herself to her bestfriends to head to the bathroom, once inside she saw Karina fixing her make-up in the mirror
"Oh hey, needed to freshen up too?"Karina asked and looked at her in the mirror
She puckered her lips which made a loud popping sound, to someone else it would just be normal because she's just touching up but to her it had a different effect
"U-uhmm yeah"Winter nervously said and went to the sink, opening the faucet and wetting her hands
She didn't know what to do so she just flicked her hair back, making use of the water to slick it back. Her eyes kept wandering onto Karina who was now fixing the tie of her suit, she looked up and they met eyes in the mirror
"Oh..... I-I'm sorry i-if I was s-staring"Winter quickly apologized and darted her eyes away, Karina only chuckled
"Do I look attractive?"Karina asked and Winter almost choked on air
Who would say she's unattractive?? She's practically a living doll! She's gorgeous and HOT!
"W-why do you ask?.... O-ofcourse you do M-- Karina"Winter replied
She doesn't even know where her confidence came from by calling THE YOO JIMIN by her nickname so formally
"Really? Am I attractive to you Kim?"Karina once again asked, leaning towards the door
"Uhm...... Y-yes"Winter replied and her eyes widened at her answer
She quickly turned to Karina to bow but Karina's hand was already on her chin, lifting her head up to meet her eyes. Winter was shaking from the touch, she gulped as she heard a pop..... It was the door getting locked
"Then why do you keep avoiding my gaze Miss Kim?"Karina asked, raising a brow at the girl infront of her
"I-it's just...... Y-you're too b-beautiful M-Mi--- K-Karina"Winter lied, feeling small at the hand of the taller girl
Karina knew she was lying because she saw a hint of hesitation in the girl's eyes, she knew the girl was thinking about the dream
"Are you sure Miss Kim? It seems like there's more in your mind"Karina said, taking her hand off of the doorknob and leaning closer towards Winter
Winter stepped back but Karina kept approaching and then..... It was a dead end, her back was now against the sink. Her breathing became ragged as Karina's scent filled her sense of smell, it was just like in the dream.... Intoxicating.... It draws her in more to the taller girl
"Feeling brave huh?"Karina asked and smirked, Winter was now holding her waist and her head was pushed upwards almost touching Karina's neck
"Why don't we take this upstairs Miss Kim? You don't want to get caught doing something with the Model and Ceo of Yoo Corp in the bathroom would you?"Karina teased, making Winter snap out of her dazed thinking
Her face became so red, she was feeling hot and embarrassed. Karina just laughs at her before taking a step back, unlocking the door
"I'm just joking..... But if you did think about it..... I'm in the VIP"Karina said and winked at Winter before going out
Winter was out of breath, she was so close to Karina and the fact that she even held onto the Tall girl's waist was just too much for her and her dream the night before did not make it better
She went back to her two bestfriends near the bar and sat beside them, the two looked at her
"That was long you had a number 2?"NingNing joked and Giselle laughed
"Maybe a number 3, I saw Karina walking out of the bathroom right before Winter..... What did you two do in there?"Giselle teased and NingNing started making a fuss
"Nothing.... She was just touching up her make-up and I was just doing my business"Winter lied and the two frowned at her
"Come on Winter, that would've been a good opportunity and you just let it slide"Giselle said and drank her drink
Winter didn't answer, her mind was replaying Karina's last words. She didn't know if Karina was hinting at her that they can't be together or do anything because she's a VIP but Her eyes darted onto the stairs beside them and she gulped as she sees a room with VIP written on it
For whatever reason, Winter decided to do it. She stood up taking the two by surprise and asking her where she's going but she just said she was being called upstairs which was technically true but also not. The two just nodded at her thinking that maybe the staff needed assistance and let her be
Winter courageously walked up the stairs and to the VIP room, she was about to knock when a guard stopped her
"Excuse me Miss? This room is for Miss Yoo only"The guard said and Winter didn't know what to answer, she was about to leave when the door opened
"Don't worry I invited her to come in"Karina said and pulled Winter into the room, leaving the guard speechless but he couldn't do anything and just assumed it was work related
"You actually came up"Karina said and looked at Winter who was blushing profusely
"N-No! I..... I w-was just c-curious a-as to w-what this room was"Winter defended
"There's VIP written in Bold letters right outside the door and assuming you know how to read..... You intended to go here, considering my words earlier"Karina answered which shutted Winter up, she was so stupid for her excuse
"A-are you?..."Winter was shy, she doesn't know what to say or ask
Karina pulls her, making her sit on the couch and beside her
"Am I attracted to you is that what you were about to ask?"Karina asked and Winter's eyes quivered, she couldn't answer
"Silly"Karina chuckled which pained Winter a bit
Her face showed her emotion but before she could speak again Karina was already leaning towards her, her face only mere inches away and her eyes locked onto Winter's lips
"Why'd you think I invited you in?"Karina said and that's when Winter realized it
She was about to say something but she felt Karina's breath against her face, her minty breath felt hot and Winter became stunned once again. Karina pushed further inching her face closer and closer and finally it was just an inch away, Winter's smell was so sweet to her like cherry
"Would you stop me if I did something?"Karina asked, her voice turning deep and husky which drove Winter insane
She couldn't answer, all she wanted was to feel the girl's lips on her. Karina was getting impatient waiting for an answer, she planted her lips onto Winter's which the latter girl responded
"Hnng.... Hmmm..."Winter whimpered and Karina felt the excitement she was yearning for
She slowly pushed Winter down to lay on the couch, going on top of her. She bit Winter's lower lip making the girl moan, she inserted her tongue fighting for dominance but the answer was already clear
"You taste so sweet...."Karina said as she pulled away, Winter blushing from her comment
"I don't think I'd ever get enough...."Karina added and attacked winter's lips again, this time with more force
Karina's kisses trailed down to Winter's jaw, down to her neck. She left wet kisses on Winter's neck, Winter had her eyes closed from the pleasure but then she remembered
"W-wait..."Winter stopped Karina
Karina lifted her head up she was about to go down further but Winter's hands were stopping her
"I-I'm n-not ready......"Winter said and Karina sat up
"I'm sorry..... I didn't mean to push you"Karina replied, suddenly feeling guilty
She shouldn't be feeling guilty at all, it was her job. It was her sole purpose with Winter, to get her in bed afterall she was a Succubus
"I..... Should go"Winter said and quickly left the room
Karina could only stare at the door which Winter left, she was thinking why she just let the girl be even though she knew that her job was to get the girl under her, under her spell
"I-I'm n-not ready....."
"She's a virgin for christ sake!"Karina gaped her mouth, grabbing her phone and dialing Taeyong
"Hey what's up? You got her?"The lad answered, a hint of teasing in his voice but he heard Karina's deep breaths and he knew...... She was mad
"You never told me she was a virgin!"Karina exclaimed, no one would hear her since her room is voice proof and the sole reason was ofcourse sex
"What?..... WAIT WHAT? VIRGIN?"Taeyong asked seemingly also shocked at the news
"She was! She told me she wasn't ready and that was already a proof! No girl would just go I'm not ready to an open sex"Karina replied
Taeyong almost laughed at her statement but he kept it in as he was also confused as to why their gods put Karina with a Virgin for her first prey
"But isn't that a good thing? Since you are too?"Taeyong asked and it just made Karina's blood boil more
"No Dickhead! I don't know how to work with virgins! Do you see a single soul in our world that's virgin that trained me? Duh! You don't! Motherfucker"Karina cussed him out and Taeyong couldn't help but laugh
"I have seen a virgin, in fact I'm friends with one"He replied and Karina sighed
"You're fucking stupid..... I didn't teach myself so fuck off with my virginity asshole"Karina replied and Taeyong just laughed at his victory
"YEAH!! FUCK YOU I JUST WON But yeah anyways I didn't know she was a virgin, no one has ever been assigned on one other than like....... I don't know...... 500 years ago?"Taeyong replied and it just made Karina's situation worse
"What the hell am I supposed to do? I don't know what to do with virgins"Karina scratched her head
"I don't know either, you're a virgin just like her so I guess it'll be fine? But I'm sure you'll figure something afterall you are?"Taeyong hinted
"I'm Yoo Jimin, Karina that never gives up"Karina replied and with that they ended the call
"Girl..... Tell me who tried to harass you because clearly someone did"Giselle said and Winter fixed her shirt
"She didn't harass me...."Winter replied and her two bestfriends eye her
"She?....... Oh my god..... The only room upstairs is the VIP room don't tell me....."NingNing asked and as they looked at the room Karina walks out of the door
"Oh my god..... I'm so proud"Giselle faked cry and NingNing shook Winter, cheering her on
"Nothing happened okay?"Winter replied and the two looked at her suspiciously but their suspicion faded as Winter remained silent
"What? So you went up there and did nothing? Then how come you looked like a mess"NingNing asked and Winter nodded her head
"Something...... Something almost happened..... But I stopped her"Winter replied and Giselle opened her mouth
"What? Why?"Giselle asked
"Because! I told you..... I'm not yet ready"Winter replied and took a sip of her drink
"Then why did you go up in the first place?"Karina suddenly popped up and shocked them all 3
"I...... I don't know"Winter replied blushing and avoiding Karina's eyes
"Really? Because I thought you said I was attractive to you"Karina teased and NingNing choked on her drink whilst Giselle nudged Winter
"But you invited me"Winter replied taking Karina aback by the boldness and Giselle just cheering her on
"That was because you looked like you wanted to continue what we started in the bathroom"Karina replied, sitting down next to her as Giselle and NingNing stop to look at her
"You started what in the bathroom!?"They asked in unison
"Woah woah woah Miss Yoo aren't you a little too bold?"Giselle asked but Karina just shook her head
"No, I already told her that I was attracted to her"She simply replied and drank
Winter kept silent, her face getting more and more red from the embarrassment
"Eh? You're attracted to her?"NingNing asked
"Yeah, you didn't notice? I don't talk nor touch people I don't like"Karina was answering so calmly if it was Winter she would've just stammered and jumbled up her words
"So you like us?"Giselle asked and Karina nodded
"Uh huh but not as much as to her"Karina said and brushed Winter's hair off of her face
Winter nervously chuckled at Karina's touch, it was like earlier..... It had an effect on her
"You're actually so bold I don't know if I should be happy or angry"Giselle said and sighed
"Are you sure you're not just drunk?"NingNing asked but Karina shook her head
"When I first approached you I haven't even had my drink yet"Karina replied and NingNing still couldn't process it
"C-can you...... T-take your h-hand off?"Winter asked and Karina looked at her, she removed her hand on Winter's ear. She forgot that she was still holding onto Winter's hair when she brushed it off earlier
"Oh.... Sorry I didn't notice"Karina apologized and just smiled, Winter avoided looking at her as she was already blushing so hard at what was happening, this never happened to her and it was all new experience
"Hey! Jimin come on let's go!"Taeyong called out, Karina just nodded at him
"Thank you everyone for attending this party, I hope you all can attend again on our next one"Karina bid and the guests started leaving, the trio was about to leave too but Taeyong stopped them on the door
"So which one's Kim?"He asked and the two idiots point at Winter who had her eyes on Karina that was standing on the podium
"Ahh.... I didn't even have to ask"He said and smirked as Winter avoided Karina's gaze when she looked at her
"Well it's a pleasure having you guys here also thank you for fixing the venue"Taeyong said, slightly bending the word as if hinting at Winter but to no surprise she was too innocent to understand what he meant
"Stop harassing guests Taeyong, get your ass in here and let's talk"Karina warned and Taeyong just made faces at her before entering
"Thank you for coming!"Karina bid the three and pulled Taeyong by the ear as they went out

(A/N: Anyone saw the hint? LOL I made it so that Winter smelled like a Cherry..... Cause you know? She's a Virgin and the cherry..... It can be popped XD I know it's lame but I wanted to insert it)

Edit: For those who has not seen my Message board, I will be putting this book on-hold for a while (shouldn't be that long). I'm sorry for doing so but I needed to do it to improve my health because we're in a pandemic with a virus that can kill, I will come back to write again once my health is a little more better because well..... I'm human, I get sick and when that happens I get scared since I could possibly harm my family with it. Again I am Deeply sorry for those who are anticipating this book but I promise I will come back to write on this again and by that time I hope you, who reads my books would be there to read again...... Thank you for the understanding

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