Chapter 17

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(A/N: I'm writing this at 2:41 am of September 28 XD I'm still sober but I don't know if this is gonna come out well so if you don't understand something in this part Welp...... XD)
"Work..... I don't wanna go to work"NingNing sang and Winter immediately started laughing as she sang along NingNing (a/n: they're singing work from home but NingNing's line is revised XD)
"Let my body do the work"Winter sang and her eyes landed on Karina who was peacefully driving
"Don't look at me when you sing those"Karina suddenly blurted, startling Winter who was frowning at the poker face her girlfriend made with the lyrics
"We don't gotta go to work"NingNing sang and started shaking Karina's seat as if hinting at her
"We can work from home..... Ohh"Giselle sang along and started doing a little dance
"Hey! Stop shaking my seat we're gonna crash"Karina warned but NingNing still kept shaking her seat
"Let's put it into motion, I'm a give you a promotion"Karina finally gave up and Giselle cheered
"I'll make it feel like a vacay, Turn the bed into an ocean"Winter sang and NingNing pursued her lips and started laughing with Giselle
"Wait..... You set me up!"Winter exclaimed and tried to hit the two at the back
"Speaking of ocean...."Karina started and Winter looked at her
"Wanna go to a beach? I bet you're not gonna stop annoying me if we went to work"Karina added and NingNing slapped Winter's arm
"You were anticipating her words weren't you?"NingNing teased and Winter shook her head and slapped NingNing's arm back
"We don't have beach clothes tho, we'd look like we own the beach with these outfits"Giselle replied and Karina pulled over
"Who said I don't own a beach?"Karina asked and their eyes grew
"You own a beach?!?"They all asked in unison
"I do, it was a gift"Karina replied and looked at her side mirror
"Gift? Who would gift a beach?"NingNing asked
"The council"Karina said and they all stopped
"Your council gave it to you?"Winter asked
"Duck"Karina said and they became confused
"Duck? Where's the duck?"Giselle asked and Karina sighed
"Duck down"Karina whispered and looked behind as the 3 finally understood
"What the hell are they doing here?"Karina mumbled but they could all hear it
"Who's here?"Winter asked
"Shit.... Fuck"Karina cursed and immediately drove, she stepped on the gas and looked at the side view mirror
"What's going on?"Giselle panicked
"Nothing"Karina replied and Winter pinched her sides
"What do you mean nothing?"Winter asked
"No like legit it was nothing, no one was there I just wanted to see what you guys would do"Karina replied nonchalant which earned a smack to the head from Giselle
"The fuck? Are you being serious?"Giselle asked
"Hey that hurt! I'm still your boss and I'm the oldest! And yes I'm being serious there was no one there"Karina said and kept her eyes on the road
"You almost gave me a heart attack"NingNing said and breathed heavily
"Anyways...... Beach? I know I still have clothes there and considering we look all the same size it'll fit you"Karina said
"Yeah let's head to the beach just don't pull pranks again, that scared the hell out of me"Giselle replied and Karina chuckled before nodding her head
"Are you sure this isn't a resort?"NingNing asked as they head out of the car
"It kinda is? It's a resort for me and my idiotic brothers"Karina replied and signalled for them to follow her
"Min Ho Calling"
"Answer"Karina said as she took her phone out
"Where the hell are you Karina? You're already 30 minutes late, your assistants are with you aren't they? They're late too!"
"Oh yeah..... We aren't going to work"Karina replied
"What!? You guys just took your day off!"
"Yeah but I want to extend our day off"Karina replied nonchalant
"Should we just head back?"Giselle whispered and Karina shook her head
"Rina You know you can't do that, we have projects here that needs you in handling them"
"Just this time oppa..... I'll talk to you about it later but please.... Just one more day"Karina whispered into the call and she heard a sigh
"Fine Just one day alright?"
"Yup just one day"Karina replied and the call ended
"Well! Let's go!"Karina exclaimed and pulled them into a house near the watch tower
"Woah! This looks so cool"Giselle exclaimed as they entered the somewhat futuristic house
"Go get changed, we're gonna go swim"Karina said and immediately left
"What was that? She seemed rushed?"NingNing asked and Winter shrugged at her
"I don't know..... I'll ask her later"Winter replied
"What the hell!?"Karina yelled out as the three approached her
"Why are you wearing those?!"Karina asked
"What? You said we could wear your clothes so we did"Winter replied and Karina shook her head
"These are my..... Costumes"Karina said and the three looked at each other before widening their eyes
"You know what? That's fine it's only us here anyways"Karina added and pulled them into the water
"Why haven't you been wearing these?"Winter whispered as their two best friends were chasing each other
"I didn't need to"Karina replied and winked at Winter before diving down
Winter was about to follow her but she felt a hand grabbing her thighs, she yelped in surprise making NingNing and Giselle look at her worriedly
"You okay Win? Where's Karina?"Giselle asked and Winter bit her lip as she felt the hand going further up
"Y-yeah I'm okay..... R-rina just grabbed.... S-something"Winter replied and gulped as the hand that was holding her thigh was now in her undergarment
Giselle nodded and Looked at NingNing and running towards her again, Karina's head popped up from the water and smirked at Winter who was shaking
"You really don't want to get caught?"Karina asked and Winter slapped her arm
"I'll make sure they don't see us"Karina said and before Winter could ask she was already pulled into a kiss
She responded to the kiss and opened her eyes as she felt like she was floating, They were now submerged in the water with Karina holding her by the waist
Winter was running out of breath and immediately tapped Karina's shoulder and they raised their heads up again, panting
"Be quiet alright?"Karina asked and faced Winter towards the two, Winter wasn't sure what she meant
Winter's eyes grew as she felt Karina's hand moving her undergarment aside, she was about to turn to look at Karina but Karina held her closely
"Don't look back at me, they'll get suspicious"Karina whispered into her ear before licking it, Winter gulped and slowly nodded
She felt Karina entering her and she instantly bit her lip to not let a moan escape. Karina quickly moved, their movements wasn't quite seen as it looks like the water was only going with the waves but Winter was anxious that her two best friends might suddenly look their way
"R-rina..... I-i'm near"Winter lowly moaned and Karina nodded, fastening her pace and she instantly felt a hot liquid covering (a/n: Pollution at it's finest XD)
"You came too fast"Karina said and pouted
"Y-you were too rough"Winter replied shyly and fixed herself
"Do you guys want to eat lunch?"Karina yelled out and the two girls who were at the shore immediately looked at her and nodded making her chuckle
"Playing by the beach surely was tiring"Giselle said and drank water
"Of course it was for you, you two were running"Winter replied
"Hey you guys"Karina started and they all looked at her
"Yeah?"Winter asked
"Can you do something for me?"Karina asked and Winter furrowed her eyebrows
"Sure what is it?"NingNing asked
"Take a deep breath for me"Karina said which confused them
"Eh? What for?"Giselle asked
"Just do it then you'll know"Karina replied and the three looked at each other before nodding their heads
"On 3 alright?"Karina asked and they nodded
"1...... 2...... 3!"Karina counted and the three took a deep breath
"Okay? So what was that for?"Winter asked but Karina didn't answer, Winter was about to ask again but her vision became blurry
"I'm sorry...."
"What the?"Giselle opened her eyes and looked around, they were back at Karina's house
"Why are we here? Weren't we at the beach?"Giselle asked herself and looked at her side, she quickly woke up her two best friends
"Where's Karina?"Winter immediately asked as she sat down
"She's not here"Min Ho replied and they all looked at him
"What? What do you mean?"Winter asked
"She left just a few hours ago, She told me to atleast take you guys back here"Min Ho replied
"Where did she go?"NingNing asked
"Dreamland..... She's in talk with the council and.... She's made a decision"Min Ho answered and Winter stood up
"Why did she talk with the council? And what decision?"Winter asked
"She's.... Going to America, she's gonna be there for awhile and while she's there she can't have any contact with you either that be on phone or in Dreamland"Min Ho explained
"She's being guarded by the council because they found out that She's...... Getting attached to you which is why they gave her a decision...... She leaves for America and lose contact with you for a few years or..... Lose you and everything that she has"

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