Chapter 12

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(A/N: a bit of a long chapter also !Warning¡ As this chapter involves blood, kidnapping and threatening so if you don't like any of these I suggest you skip this or skip past parts of it anyways Enjoy reading!)
"Win?"NingNing calls as she looks around the room, it was already dark outside and Giselle just woke up too
"Yah Where's Winter?"NingNing asks and turns to Giselle
"I don't know why are you asking me? I just woke up too"Giselle answered and NingNing glared at her, standing up to look for Winter
Giselle quickly pulls NingNing and traps her in an embrace, burying her head onto the younger girl's neck
"Don't worry about her I'm sure she's with Karina"Giselle says and lifts her head up to the red faced girl, she chuckles as NingNing shyly nodded at her
"Well that's a sight you don't see quite see often"Karina comes down the stairs making Giselle panic and pushing NingNing off
"I-it's not like that... I f-fell"NingNing excused as Karina makes her way to the kitchen
"I was talking about the dark blue sky outside but sure I'll take your reason"Karina teased as she grabs a bowl of strawberries out the fridge
"W-where's Winter?"Giselle asked, diverting the attention
"She's asleep upstairs"Karina replied and sat down beside them
"Upstairs? Where?"NingNing asks a hint of teasing in her voice
"In my room"Karina replied and ate a strawberry
"You're not even denying it?"Giselle asks, in disbelief at the honest answer
"Why would I?"Karina asks back
"Because duh? Embarassment?"Giselle replied
"That's nothing to be embarassed about, I should be embarrassed of my girl?"Karina asks making Giselle stop and look at NingNing
"That wasn't directly to you but you know it's better if you tell people you're close to about your relationship rather than hiding it"Karina points out and Giselle sighs
"You could tell?"NingNing asked and Giselle facepalmed
"Yeah, that scene earlier was one thing"Karina answered
"One thing?"NingNing asks again
"Your house, that night I slept there remember? Yeah..... I heard you at like 3 am"Karina replied and NingNing looked at Giselle who was shocked and embarrassed too
"H-how?"Giselle asked
"I woke up because I heard some sound and then when I opened my eyes all I heard was moans"Karina answered putting down her bowl of strawberries
"Evening sleepyhead"Karina turns her head towards Winter who was rubbing her eyes, seemingly just woken up.... Half woken up
"Why are you wearing such big---"Giselle was about to ask but she stopped as she looks at Winter
"Here, still sleepy?"Karina asks as Winter embraces her with eyes closed, sitting on her lap and her head laying on Karina's shoulder
"What the...."NingNing whispered to herself as she watches the two
"What the hell!?"Giselle exclaimed, waking Winter up to look at her
10 seconds...... 30 seconds..... 2 minutes......
"Oh my god!"Winter jolts up, eyes widening as Karina bursted into laughter
"What the fuck did I just witness?"Giselle asked looking at Winter
"I-I don't k-know!"Winter replied, panicking
"Honestly I got shocked too but just played along"Karina said and wiped her tears as she calms herself down
"That was the cutest but most disgusting and disturbing thing I have ever seen"NingNing said and Winter fixed herself, embarrassed at her half-asleep action
"I thought it was a dream..."
"Beats me I saw a koala earlier with a beetroot, I think that was a bit more disturbing"Karina replied making Giselle cough on air and NingNing divert her eyes onto Winter
"Koala? Beetroot? Where?"Winter asked and Karina just shrugged
NingNing and Giselle quickly shutted up at Karina's words making the girl smirk and scrunch her nose
"W-why?...... Why a-am I wearing your clothes?"Winter asked
"It's the easiest thing I could put on you since it was getting cold"Karina answered and the two looked at them
"Wait a minute...."NingNing muttered and her eyes grew
"WHAT? YOU DID NOT JUST...."NingNing stood up looking shocked
"Uh? I thought you knew already?you know from the she's sleeping in my room thing?"Karina replied and Giselle's mouth gaped
"I thought you only brought her there to sleep!"Giselle exclaimed and Karina just pursued her lips
"W-why? Didn't you guys keep telling me I--"Winter was speaking but Karina had already cut her off
"That's boring"Karina replied and the two only looked at them in shock while Winter was covering her face
"Wha--.... What the---.... Heh?..... YOU TOOK HER V CARD?"NingNing asked boldly making Winter stand up in shock and embarrassment and Karina just nodded nonchalant
"What!? Just like that!? You've only started dating! What if you just use her for that?"Giselle asked, going beyond boundaries
She's made jokes, Yes but it was only to mess around and she wanted to protect Winter and not get used in any sort of way afterall she's their bestfriend. She didn't realize Karina would actually do it and most importantly right at the start of dating
"You think I'm only in this for sex?"Karina asked, obviously offended but Giselle only looked at her
"Wow..... Okay"
And with that Karina just left, going up into her room whilst the three bestfriends stayed at the couch. Winter pondering whether she'd follow Karina in or explain to her friends
"I..... I didn't mean to..."Giselle muttered and stared at the ground
"What do i do?..... Should I tell them?..... What if Karina gets mad?..... Damn it"
"Y-you're joking r-right?..."Giselle asked but Winter shook her head
"Hey Rin--- Oh hey girls where's Jimin?"Min Ho bursted in smiling and carrying plastic bags
The girls only stared at him making him confused, He settled the plastic bags down in the kitchen and went up to Karina's room. He knocked a bunch of times but Karina didn't answer, he grabbed the spare keys and opened her door. He sighed as she had her eyes closed, once again not breathing meaning she'd gone to their world
He comes down the stairs but stops as he heard yelling. He perked up his ears and listened in, slightly peeking
"That means she really is in it for sex!"Giselle yelled out
"No!"Winter yelled back almost tearing up at this point
"She was"Min Ho butted in, finally coming down the stairs
"You knew? Oh ofcourse you do you're her so called brother"Giselle rolled her eyes
"She doesn't see me as a brother..... I'm more of a pawn to her because she knows she's got power over me"Min Ho replied sitting down at the chair infront of the girls
"Oh yeah the company"Giselle sat down, her arms crossed
"Anyway..... You've just confirmed me, she's only in this for sex"Giselle added
"Well yes ofcourse it's a succubi's job to be pleasured and give pleasure"Min Ho answered
"Don't speak badly about her, she didn't choose that life.... I chose it for her"Min Ho added
"What?"Giselle asked
Flashback 5 years ago
"Hey Min Ho I heard you're getting reassigned"Taeyeon said, panting as if she had ran a marathon
"What? No that's not possible, I've got my prey"Min Ho said and gave a glass of water to the girl
"That's the thing Min Ho! I heard from the counsil that your prey got into an accident and..... She lost her life"Taeyeon explained, Min Ho's world stopped
His breathing became ragged, his tears in the verge of flowing. He quickly grabbed his coat and ran, he reached the counsil's room looking up to them with teary eyes
"Just in time, Min Ho you're getting reassigned"
"N-no tell m-me y-ou're l-lying...."Min Ho stuttered, his voice cracking
"No Min Ho, your prey had already lost her life to a car accident and if we don't reassign you..... You'll perish"
"Then let me! L-et me perish! Along with her!"Min Ho yelled out
"We can't Min Ho, it's against the rules to let our people die"
"Then let me atleast see her..."Min Ho asked but the members of the counsil shook their heads
"We forbid those Min Ho not unless you're becoming full human again"
"Make me human, right now"Min Ho said with determination
"Only you can make yourself human again Min Ho"
Min Ho quickly ran out of the room as the counsil gave him a book, he opened it and found a ruby necklace. The instructions said to put it on yourself and then to the replacement which he quickly did, He ran back to his lying body and hid the book is his robe before going out into the streets
His eyes caught a glimpse of a guy and he runs for him but unlucky for him the man had friends with him which would be hard, he kept looking around and finding a man to replace him
"Hands up man or this'll go through you"
A man had pointed a knife on his back, pulling him into an alley way. Min Ho thought he could use this man but he quickly realized he won't bring any good
"Give me your m--"
The man shuts his mouth as Min Ho turned to face him, grabbing his hand and forcing it to go through his own stomach. Blood spew out of the man's mouth, holding onto Min Ho as Min Ho pulled the knife out
"Don't fuck with me I've got business to do"Min Ho said and wiped the man's blood off the knife and hiding it in his pockets as he goes out into the streets again
"Oh..... Sorry Mister"A girl bumped into him, the girl quickly bowed and looked at him
"N-no it's okay"Min Ho replied and the girl smiled before going her way, Min Ho followed the girl with his eyes as he remembered the girls smile
"Her smile....... Looks similar to yours Suzy..."He muttered to himself as his feet began moving, following the girl
The girl stopped in her footsteps as she hears another person's following hers, her breathing became ragged and she started running all while Min Ho chases after her, she was quickly cornered as the alley she had gone through reached a dead end
"Fuck..... Why? Why the hell did I follow her?...... I..... Need to see you..... I'm sorry little girl..."Min Ho thought to himself, pulling out his knife as the girl turns to face him
(Next part is the scene in the Prologue)

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