Chapter 4

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"Hey Win, CEO's looking for you"NingNing tapped her friend's shoulder
It's not even the end of their break yet but they were called in to work, Winter was sleeping because the night before was a chaotic night with NingNing and Giselle just constantly teasing her for having dreamt of "doing it" with Karina in her dream for 2 weeks straight but never got to actually "do it"
Winter opened her eyes and rubbed them before going into their Ceo's office, she was still half asleep but she didn't care because the Ceo might just talk about his "vacation" like he usually does to every worker
"Oh there you are! Here Miss Yoo this is Kim Minjeong"The Ceo greeted and Winter couldn't care less
"She looks..... Absent minded"Karina said, smirking at the still half asleep girl infront of her
"Kim? KIM MINJEONG!"The Ceo yelled out which caused Winter to jump back and finally open her eyes fully
As soon as she opened her eyes they landed on Karina who was smiling at her, thinking it was a dream she pushes her ceo aside. Karina chuckled at the scene while the ceo was shocked at the behaviour
"No way..... You're here again"Winter said and held Karina's face
Karina just smiled at her, shaking her head and pinching her sides
"Are you perhaps still not aware that this is real Miss Kim?"Karina asked and Winter's face changed, her amazed look turned to horror as she turns towards her boss who was fuming
"I'm So Sorry!!"Winter bowed and Karina could only laugh, calming the man down as he was ready to yell at the girl
"It's okay, they must've used their days to the fullest after not having a break"Karina said which calmed the man down, he was sorry as it was honestly his fault
"Anyways! Miss Kim!"Karina grabbed Winter's attention, fixing her upright to look at her
"Are you up for a challenge?"Karina asked
"C-challenge?"Winter stuttered, having still felt the embarrassment from earlier as she had pushed her boss and touched the girl's face
"Yes! Just like what I said so are you up for it?"Karina asked and Winter nodded, not looking at her boss as he might yell at her
"Great! I'll see you at..... 9pm?"Karina asked and Winter stared at her
"Oh right..... I should explain, let's have a talk later. You'll be appointed at my company along with your two friends for the whole year, let's discuss further at dinner because I have business right now.... Is that okay with you?"Karina asked and Winter nodded, not really understanding anything
Karina left after bowing to the man, Winter also went out to her friends and her boss behind her
"Uchinaga and Yizhou..... You'll come with Minjeong to work at Yoo Corp for the whole year"The man said and immediately left as the two remained stunned and Winter just looking at them
"Wait what!?"They all said in unison
The two forced Minjeong to sit down, huddling like they were some sort of basketball team discussing for their attack
"We're working at Yoo Corp? That's why Karina came out smiling at us!"Giselle whispered yell at them
"I didn't even understand a thing in there! All I heard was 9pm"Winter replied which made NingNing facepalm and Giselle to laugh
"Oh! Minjeong, Miss Yoo texted me that you'll talk later at Jung Diner"Their boss yelled out from another stall and Winter yelled out a 'Yes sir!' in response
"Date?"NingNing asked, wiggling her eyebrows and Giselle nudging her
"No she said we'd talk about this working thing more"Winter replied
"And here you said you only understood 9pm"Giselle teased and went back to her stall, NingNing only shook her head before going away as well
"What are they even supposed to do here? We have no open spots!"Karina said and frustatredly brush her hair as she looks at Taeyong who was just smiling
"Trust me It's a great a idea, those three could be your Personal Assistants. That aeri girl could be your so-called manager that fixes your time, that yizhou one could be the one who gets you the offers and talks to client and well the last one Minjeong could just be there, all to you"Taeyong explained and Karina smacked his head
"You're smart..... If only you're like that everyday"Karina replied making Taeyong furrow his eyebrows at her
"I am Smart! Everyday!"Taeyong defended but Karina only made faces at him
"You need drugs?"Min Ho suddenly showed up, shocking Karina who was about to sit down
"Care to knock? There's a doorbell too for Pete's sake!"Karina said, clutching onto her shirt
"Also you don't just barge in and say you need drugs? Our freaking company would think that I'm using meth or something"Karina added fixing herself
"My bad"Min Ho replied and snickered at his brother
"No but seriously you don't need drugs? This could help with your Mission or whatever in getting the girl"Min Ho asked, sitting next to his brother before showing the purple stuff he had
"I don't want to use drugs...... And that's like old school incubus or succubus thing, we don't do that anymore"Karina replied
"Old HA!"Taeyong teased his brother only to get smacked by him
"Would've worked though"Min Ho pursued but Karina just shook her head
"You sound like a drug dealer"Taeyong laughed and teased his brother more, Min Ho was about to punch him but Karina glared at them
"It was his fault!"They both said in unison, pointing at each other
"Shut up and get out of my office, get your drugs into somewhere because I'm not using that and You! Get back to work you dickhead, you're a model in this company too"Karina ordered and the two immediately nodded and ran out
"Nævis..... Cancel meeting number 12 at 9pm and replace it with..... Date"Karina said and the AI system showed her the board of her schedule and did as she asked
"Now..... what should I wear?"
"Change your clothes dummy! What are you? Going to a funeral?"Giselle exclaimed and Winter looked at her suit
"What? It's a meeting so I should be formal"Winter replied, earning a facepalm from her two bestfriends
"Change it dumdum you're meeting a Model, you should be fashionable in her eyes"NingNing said and Winter pondered for a while before going back to her room
"Fashionable?..... How do I look fashionable?"She asked herself and her doors suddenly bursted open
NingNing and Giselle forced her to sit down on the bed, they went to her closet and rummaged through it. Giselle pulled something out to which NingNing nodded as she took something along with it, they turned around to show the outfit and Winter's eyes only widened
"I'm not wearing that!"Winter yelled out and pushed their hands away
"Why? Come on you don't have that much good clothes to pair and it's literally a suit so just do it"Giselle said but Winter shook her head
"Win...."NingNing said and Winter looked at her
"Wear it or we'll tell Karina about your dreams"NingNing warned and Winter gasped, grabbing the clothes from their hands
"I can't believe you're my friends"Winter sighed and the two High fived before waving at her and going out
Winter looked at the clothes and sighed, she had no other choice but to wear it since she wouldn't be able to pick another pair as it's getting late and the two would probably annoy the hell out of her
Karina waited outside Jung Diner, although she reserved the whole place she waited outside due to "being polite" as Taeyong said. She looked at her watch and it was 8:58, she was ofcourse impatient so she went there at around 8:30
"Sorry..... Have you been waiting long?"Winter asked, Karina looked at her and smiled
"No not really..... Good fit"Karina complimented and opened the door for Winter
They went inside and the only people there were them and ofcourse the staff of the place, They sat on the side with Karina's lead
Winter looked around, it was quiet and the lights were a bit dim. Her eyes landed on Karina who was already sitting down, she shyly sat down infront of Karina who was looking at the decoration

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