S2:Chapter 3

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"Let's talk"Winter said as she opens the door of Karina's office
"Winter? We're in the middle of discussing---"Min Ho spoke but Winter only brushed past him and went straight to Karina's table
"Winter!"Giselle yelled out as she opens the door with NingNing behind her, panting as if they ran a whole marathon
"Go on"Karina coldly replied and kept reading the papers she was holding
"I want you to look at me, Look at me when I talk to you"Winter said and put her hand right in the middle of the paper that Karina was holding
Karina settled the paper down and grasped her hands together, leaning forward as if telling Winter 'Go on, you have my attention now, so now speak'
"I want you to say it to me again, Right here right now"Winter demanded and Min Ho looked as confused as the two girls behind him
"Which one Miss Kim?"Karina asked formally which made Winter scoff and Min Ho widen his eyes
"What's going on?"Min Ho whispered to the two girls but they were as intrigued as he was
"Don't fuck with me Karina"Winter said and slammed her hands on the table
"No Miss Kim you're the one who shouldn't fuck with me, I own this company and you have no rights to yell or command me"Karina stood up and gritted her teeth
"If you've got something to talk about that is personal matters then wait because I'm in the middle of my business and you're here just bursting through my door to yell at me"Karina added
"Don't try and threaten me, You have no control over me because I'm the boss and I have all the power"Karina said and grabbed Winter's collar
"What the fuck!? Karina let go of her"Giselle yelled and was about to go towards the two but was immediately pulled back by Min Ho and NingNing
"Fine..... If you say what you said last night, right now... I won't bother you anymore"Winter said and stared at Karina
"What's with it? You heard me clear last night so don't act dumb, You think I was joking? Or do you---"
"No! Because I know you! Your eyes told me everything was a lie!"Winter yelled out, cutting Karina's words
"Maybe you don't actually know me because everything I said last night was all real"Karina harshly replied and letted the girl's collar go
"Then say it to my---"
"I don't fucking love you anymore! Is that good enough? Do you want me to get a fucking megaphone so you'd hear my words?"Karina said and the room became silent
Min Ho looked at Karina, Giselle and NingNing just stood shocked and Winter..... Was shedding tears
"No.... That's all I needed... The confirmation... Thank you Jimin, Goodbye"Winter said and walked out, Giselle and NingNing immediately followed behind while Min Ho stayed just staring at Karina
"Rina...."Min Ho started and Karina fell to her knees
"I can't live like this anymore oppa..... I don't want to put her at risk anymore specially when they've got all the control on me"Karina bursted into tears as she hugs her knees
"But why Karina? To this extent?"Min Ho asked
"Because if I disobey them... I'll lose her forever..."
"Karina we need to discuss things with you"
"About what?"Karina asked as she sat down infront of the council
"You're getting attached to your Prey Karina, You know it's forbidden"
Karina looked at them silently, knowing it was the truth so she decided to stay quiet
"Your brother.... I should say your Kidnapper made the same mistake before, the only reason we couldn't get rid of him was because his Prey had already died but that's not the case with is it Karina?"
"What do you mean?"Karina stood up, glaring at them
"We have the power Karina, you'll end up just like Min Ho because of those feelings with that girl... The only difference is we'll do the honours ourselves"
"Remove those feelings with her or we take her... Her life"
"Those fucking bastards! Why didn't you tell me sooner? You only told me that they wanted you to handle things there and didn't want you to get distracted"Min Ho asked
"Because they were watching me oppa...... That day I went to the beach with the girls... I saw my sister with one of the elites lurking around, They spotted me and quickly ran after our car"Karina explained between her sobs
"Karina! You tell me these things! I'm your brother! I know I was a dick and kidnapped you before but Karina I didn't want that! I didn't want this to happen to you which is why I'm protecting you from those sick bastards, which is why I kept guiding you, helping you with everything! If you don't tell me these you might as well just not trust me anymore"Min Ho said and Karina embraced him
"I-I'm sorry oppa.... I-I was s-scared..."Karina said and Min Ho sighed, patting her back
"Calm down for a minute alright? Let's talk later.... I'll go after the girls"
"Winter wait! What the hell are you doing?"Giselle asked and stopped Winter's hands
"Get your hands off me, those words from her were all I needed"Winter said and pushed Giselle's hand away
"What happened last night?"NingNing asked and Winter stopped
"She came to my dream last night, I thought she would say sorry and we'd make up but she..... Told me that we end it........ End everything between us"Winter explained and the two remained quiet
"I can't keep chasing after her if she's just gonna push me away, 5 long fucking years was enough waiting for me and I don't think I can wait for her anymore.... I can't wait for her to love once more because it's already done.... She said it herself she doesn't love me anymore, there's no point in making her love me again if we're both just gonna get hurt again or maybe just me.... Maybe just me again"Winter added and continued putting stuff in her box
"Girl's let's talk"Min Ho said and grabbed Winter's hands
Winter tried to remove his grip but he kept pulling and also pulled the other two girls along with them
"What is there to talk about oppa? You heard her didn't you?"Winter asked
"Winter she's being threatened!"Min Ho exclaimed as they reached the back room of their office
"She's being threatened by our council! She's scared to lose you! Forever!..... She's not afraid to leave you now because she knows one day in the future you'll maybe meet again but things will be different! She won't be under someone's control anymore..... Winter..... The reason why Karina says that she doesn't love you anymore is because once she say those 3 words to you.... It'll be over.... She'll lose you"Min Ho explained
"They're keeping an eye on her, on you two because they have the power against Karina.... Karina might be their best succubus right now but that doesn't mean they can just let her do what she wants...... They're making her suffer for what I did.... Because I also fell in love with my prey... And I don't want the same thing to happen to you as her..... I don't want Karina to suffer the pain of losing love.... Just like me"Min Ho added
"This won't change Karina's mind in telling you that she doesn't love you anymore but Winter... As you said you know her..... You knew her better than she did herself, I want you to stay with her.... Help her through this mess and maybe.... Just maybe Karina would finally realize it"Min Ho said and Winter looked at him
"Realize what?"Winter asked
"Realize that she can leave that world and live with you instead"Min Ho replied
"We have the freedom to choose, we can retire or we can continue..... It's already been 5 years almost 6 now that Karina had been assigned to you, it's long enough for her to make the decision...... Make her make that decision, I'm leaving her onto your hands.... I'm leaving both your fates up to you"Min Ho added and sighed before leaving

(A/N:Shorter chapter because..... CLIFFHANGEEEERRR what do you think would Winter's decision be? Would she leave Karina just like she said or would she help her escape the devil's hands?)

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