Chapter 8

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"That was great! I never ate those kinds of dishes before and they tasted good"Karina said as they went back to their car, Winter only smiled at her
Winter couldn't take her eyes off of Karina's lips, the way they curve up with such grace and the way her smile shines was something she didn't want to forget about
"Should we have a date here again then?"Winter asked as Karina started driving
"Again? So you're asking me now"Karina teased and Winter blushed
"I-if you're f-fine with it"Winter stuttered and Karina could only laugh at her
"It's fine I'm just messing with you..... By the way.... You didn't tell me you had a sister"Karina started, as there was a lump in her throat
"Oh yeah.... Sorry about that"Winter replied
"She doesn't live with you?"Karina asked
"She used to, when she turned 20 she went away and said she had to do work"Winter answered
"Oh..."Karina was speechless once again, she didn't want to talk nor ask further as she might reveal the girl's and her identity
"I feel like my sister likes you"Winter bolted
"H-huh?"Karina asked and focused herself on the road
"She seemed..... Really friendly with you, she usually isn't like that when she first meets people"Winter said and Karina could feel herself sweating
"M-maybe I had a f-friendly aura?"Karina managed to say
"You know I've seen your magazines with your brother! You two look really awesome"Taeyeon exclaimed as she had merged herself with the two, specifically sitting next to her sister
"O-oh thanks..."Karina awkwardly replied and she felt Taeyeon's foot pressing harshly on hers
Karina forcedly closed her eyes and took the pain in as Winter would get suspicious all while Taeyeon looks to be happily just talking with her sister
"By the way Karina have you touched my sister?"Taeyeon suddenly asks which made the two freeze
Their order arrived but no one moved, Taeyeon was looking closely at Karina, Karina was just staring back and Winter had her mouth open from embarrassment
"U-uhmm..."Karina gulped at the question
"U-unnie.... D-don't ask about s-tuff like t-that"Winter stuttered and Taeyeon only shot a glare at Karina before smiling to her sister
"Have you had relationships before? You look too beautiful to not have had one"Taeyeon asks again
"I-I have"Karina lied and Taeyeon almost bursted into laughter as she heard the response
"Really? Boys?"Taeyeon asks again, holding in her laughter
Karina shakes her head and Taeyeon looked away to hide her face as she was laughing silently at the lies the girl had made well it wasn't really a lie with the girl's part but she wasn't dating them
"I knew there was something behind that beauty"Taeyeon teased and Karina only chuckled awkwardly
"Why are you even asking unnie?"Winter asked
"Oh nothing I just wanted to know more about Miss Rina"
"She even called you by a nickname which she only does to me or to her girlfriend"Winter said
"Girlfriend?"Karina asked
"Yeah she's had girlfriends before, One was Jessica unnie and the other was Tiffany unnie but I haven't seen them in a while"Winter replied and Karina huffed to release the laughter that was building up in her
"Jessica and Tiffany?..... They work at Yoo Corporation though? Tiffany Hwang and Jessica Jung, you're talking about them right?"Karina replied and Winter looked at her
"They do!? I didn't see them!"Winter exclaimed and Karina chuckled
"Also I remember I've said their names before haven't I? The New York branch"Karina replied and Winter finally remembered
"Dating my ass, she only excused that since those two are well known succubi's in our world"
"She really dated them?"Karina asked and she could see from the corner of her eye Winter nodding her head
"Yeah, She first dated Jessica unnie but they broke up for whatever reason that Taeyeon unnie hasn't told me and then she dated Tiffany unnie, I don't know if they're still dating"Winter replied
"Ofcourse she can't be dating Tiffany unnie anymore since Tiffany unnie has been appointed a prey and so does Jessica unnie and moreover Taeyeon unnie isn't even a succubus anymore"
"I didn't know..... But those two doesn't seem to know they dated the same person either, I've heard Tiffany unnie talking about someone with Jessica unnie which she said she found odd since the description sounded like she knew of that person as well but she said maybe it's a coincidence"Karina told and Winter grew her eyes
"Wait.... They were dating my sister at the same time!?"Winter asked and Karina only shrugged although she already the answer
"You're one sly succubus Taeyeon unnie, you were having fun with the top tier succubi's without them even realising...... Now I've got something up my sleeves on you too"
"Who knows? Ask your sister maybe she didn't"Karina said and Winter nodded, taking out her phone
Karina took a deep breath and held the laughter that was about to come as Winter's phone vibrated along with hers
"Message from Teacher Kim"Nævis blurted out and Karina already knew Taeyeon was pissed
"Nævis reply to Teacher Kim, I know now about it so you better prepare yourself when teasing me"Karina said, almost smiling whilst Winter was still busy texting her sister
"Message from Teacher Kim"Nævis responded again
"Read"Karina said
"Name the price"
Karina finally bursted out laughing which took Winter to a surprise, they had also reached Forever village
"Sorry..... I couldn't help myself"Karina said and wiped her tears from laughing
"It's fine..... You should smile often... You look beautiful when you do so"Winter said and went out
It didn't process in Karina's brain which made her confuse then it hit her, her face turned red from embarassment
"Reply to Teacher Kim, Your sister"Karina said and smiled as she watched Winter get to their house and mauled by her two bestfriends
"You little!"
"Taeyeon! No fighting!"Min Ho yelled out and Taeyeon immediately scowls and sits down
"I didn't know! Not even Taeyong or Min Ho oppa told me!"Karina yelled out
They were sitting at Min Ho's counter at the bar, it was already midnight and no one was in the bar because it was closed down by Min Ho as soon as Taeyeon arrived
"Why didn't you tell her!? I allowed the assignation! Because I thought Minjeong would atleast take her mind off of work and alcohol! For fucks sake"Taeyeon yelled out and grabbed Min Ho's collar
"Look.... I'm sorry I thought it wouldn't mean anything if I didn't tell her, moreover I thought it would've been a bad idea to tell her because she might take the easy way out and get punished by the counsil"Min Ho replied calmly, setting his hand on Taeyeon's and pulling away from her grip
"And you! Dating my sister? For what? So you can take her virginity? You can already do that in the dreamland why do it real!? You're not satisfied?"Taeyeon spat and Karina was just quietly looking at her
"You're gonna ruin my sister! Taint her! Karina you're my most trusted student!"Taeyeon added, Min Ho was about to speak up but Karina had already slammed her hand on the table
"How could you!? Asking me all these things when clearly you've done something too?"Karina gritted her teeth, Taeyeon's face changed
Her face went from anger to shock
"I never did anything!"Taeyeon yelled
"You fucking used my sister!"Karina yelled back
"Sister?"Min Ho asked, his gaze meeting Karina's who were fuming with rage
"That's right! She did what I thought she wouldn't fucking do!....... She hurted her and forced her to take her place!"Karina practically yelled, Taeyeon stepped back
"What? You think I wouldn't know? You think I'm that fucking stupid to not see my sister? She told me everything ofcourse she didn't know I was her sister because I went there! I went in this world to protect her! To protect my family and you just waltz in and hurts her just so you could have your freedom?"Karina spoke, every word that came out of her mouth was like poison
"I.... I d-didn't.... Know"Taeyeon replied
"Now you're in my place do you see that?"Karina said and walked closer, she was stopped by Taeyong
"At first you looked so mighty to me, I even treated you as my own sister... I looked up to you!"Karina said removing Taeyong's hand from her shoulders and grabbing onto Taeyeon
"I wanted to be like you! Where in everyone looks up to me..... But now I see..... I don't want to be like you... I'm not like you, I don't hurt people just for my own satisfaction"Karina said and stood up, looking down onto Taeyeon who was stunned in place
"Don't worry I won't hurt your sister, If what you want is for me to stay away from her then I will..... I'll make you happy just to prove to you that I'm not like you"Karina said and immediately went out, getting onto her car and driving away
"Taeyeon....."Min Ho started
"I'm.... Sorry.... I didn't know it was her sister--"Taeyeon spoke but she was immediately cut off
"Exactly Taeng, Karina didn't know Winter was your sister either..... She was proving her point that you two were alike, you made the same mistake but Taeng... She never once thought of hurting your sister in fact she wanted to change for her"Min Ho explained whilst Taeyeon kneeled and listened
"Change?"Taeyeon asked
"Taeyeon..... She wanted to be the best for Winter, She thought it was just lust but from her story and the way she's been acting.... She fell in love deeply, she kept asking me how she could make the girl smile and she even asked me how to properly date as she had no experience"Min Ho replied
"Earlier..... She asked me how to keep smiling..... Then she suddenly stood up and looked at me..... She said Should I stay by her side? She asked me to always smile..... Then I should always be with her so I can smile right?"Min Ho added
Taeyeon was quiet, she didn't know how to respond as tears came rolling down her cheeks
"I'm.... S-sorry oppa"Taeyeon cried, Min Ho patted her back and helped her up
"You shouldn't be saying sorry to me, I'm not the one you accused and Taeyeon..... That's not the only you should be saying sorry for to her isn't it?"Min Ho asked and Taeyeon nodded
She tried contacting Karina but it was out of coverage, she looked at Min Ho and he too tried but the girl did not answer. The two looked at Taeyong and he takes out his phone, dialing Karina's number and it was answered
"Karina!"Taeyeon yelled out and Taeyong put the phone on speaker
"Hello? Is this Miss Karina's relatives?"A man asked taking all three of them aback
"I'm sorry but Miss Karina has been sent to our hospital, her body was found lifeless on the ground right outside a hotel"The man added
Min Ho immediately grabbed his car keys and they all rushed to his car
"Excuse me sir what hospital is this? And what is her room number?"Taeyong asked
"It's Asan Medical Center, she's in room 396"The man replied
"How's her status?"Min Ho asked and started driving
"Her heart is beating but she's not breathing, we've tried to do what we can but we can't get her to wake up"the man replied
"That means....."Min Ho looked at Taeyeon
"Winter...."Taeyeon grabbed her phone and dialed Winter's phone but after five rings the phone was not answered
She instantly dialed Giselle's phone number and as soon as it rang the phone was picked up
"Hello? Taeyeon unnie?"
"Hey! Uhmm.... Gigi is Winter asleep?"Taeyeon asked
"No unnie she's taking a bath right now and---"
"Unnie? Why were you calling my phone? Anything you need? Do we need to talk about.... You know"
"She's.... Not"Taeyeon whispered and turned the call off Min Ho fastened his driving and as soon as they reached the hospital they went into her room
Karina was laying on the bed with a scar on her neck, oxygen was being pumped into her body by the tank and the meter was showing her heart beating
"What happened?.... There's a mark on her neck"Taeyong said and the two looked at where he was pointing at
Taeyeon dialed Winter's number again and it was immediately answered
"Hello? Unnie? Why did you turn off the call earlier when you're gonna call me again?"
"Nothing! Don't worry about that I've got a question"Taeyeon said and looked at Karina
"Yeah? About what?"
"Did Karina call you?"Taeyeon asked, she heard a sigh and followed was silence and then she heard Winter's voice again
"She did unnie..... I don't know but she suddenly wanted to stop courting me.... She said she was wrong"
"Did she--- what? Wait what? Courting you?"Taeyeon asked
"Yeah unnie..... She wanted to court me first but I guess.... Not anymore"
"Enough about that! Talk about that some other time and just ask her!"Min Ho said and Taeyeon just glared at him
"Eh? Unnie who was that? You're with a man?"
"Don't worry about that.... Anyways! Winter can you check something for me?"Taeyeon asked
"Check what?"
"Check your neck"Taeyeon said and she heard a few rustling noises before hearing a faint squeal
"U-unnie..... T-there's..."
"A blade mark?"Taeyeon asked
"Unnie..... How did you know?"
"She's been marked"Taeyeon said and looked at Min Ho
"Marked? Unnie what are you talking about? And who was that man earlier?"
"Let's talk about it here okay Winter? Come to Asan Medical Center"Taeyeon said
"Why? Did something happen to you unnie? Why are you there?"
"Why do you have so many questions just get over here!"Min Ho yelled out
"Don't yell at my sister!"Taeyeon yelled back
"Chill out! Oh my god! Just tell her to come because I swear to god if you guys start fighting right now with Karina in this state I'm telling on both of you!"Taeyong said and the two finally calmed down
"Karina?... Medical hospital"
Taeyeon suddenly hears fast footsteps being made from the phone and she was about to ask but she hears three girls panicking on the other line and a sound of an engine

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