S2:Chapter 1

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(A/N: We're back!! (・∀・) More chapters!)
"Let's go come on!"Giselle said and pulled Winter along with her
"Why do you want me to come? It's your date"Winter said as she tries to loosen the grip on her arm
"I can't leave you at the house you know NingNing's gonna get mad at me"Giselle replied and shoved Winter into the car
"You're making me a third wheel to you and Ning's"Winter grunted and rolled her eyes as she puts on the seatbelt knowing that her friend will not give up
"Atleast you get food"Giselle said and chuckled as Winter slowly nodded her head in agreement
"I'll just go to sleep, wake me up when we get there... Why did you pick a place that's so far away from the house?"Winter argued but Giselle just flipped her hair at her
"Because I have class, Girl now go to sleep"Giselle said and started driving
Winter pushed the chair back a bit before closing her eyes, she felt herself shaking and her eyes flew open only to see nothing but pitch black
"Did you miss me?"
"Win! Wake up we're here"Giselle said and shook Winter
Winter opened her eyes and she grabbed onto Giselle's shoulder startling the girl
"She's back"Winter said and Giselle looked at her confused
"Who is?"Giselle asked
"Karina..... She's back"Winter replied and Giselle stopped to look at her
"Who's Karina?"Giselle asked again and Winter was now the one confused
"What? My girlfriend! Karina! The model in Yoo Corp! The one we worked with"Winter explained
"I'm messing with you ofcourse I remember! But are you sure she's here?"Giselle said and Winter instantly hit her head
"She appeared in my dream"Winter said and Giselle caressed the back of her head before pulling Winter into the restaurant
"Why hasn't she contacted us then?"NingNing asked as Winter told her
"I don't know..... Maybe she just arrived?"Winter said
"She might be home!"Winter exclaimed and the two immediately stood up along with her to run back to the car and drive off to the house again
"That was a waste of reservation but who cares right? We can date another time"Giselle said and NingNing nodded, Winter smiled at how supportive her friends are
Winter quickly opened the door but silence was engulfing the house, nothing seemed to be out of place. Winter went to Karina's bedroom but to her luck nothing or no one was there
"Min Ho Calling..."Æ-Winter suddenly spoke and Winter took her phone out and answered it as she went back to the two
"Hey! Why don't you girls come to the company? We've got a party right now held by Taeyong"
"Is she there?"Winter asked
"Who is?"
"Karina.... Is she there?"Winter asked again and looked at her friends, Desperation was written in her eyes
"Winter...... Karina is handling things in New York"
"Oh..... That's fine.... We'll come by since we just got home as well"Winter said and hung up the phone, disappointed
"I'm okay! Let's go to the company you can just have your date there atleast you don't have to worry about me since I'll be there too"Winter said, clearly covering her true feelings but nonetheless Giselle and NingNing agreed with her
"Hey! Welcome! Glad you could make it!"Taeyong greeted them and the girls smiled back
Winter immediately entered and Taeyong looked at the other two girls
"She okay?"Taeyong asked and the two looked at each other before shaking their heads
"She was hoping Karina would be here since.... She appeared in Winter's dream"NingNing said and Taeyong nodded his head
"Then why don't you help me set something up? Let's liven her mood up a little?"Taeyong asked
"With what?"the two asked and Min Ho appeared behind Taeyong
"How about helping me wrap the gift I have for her? It was her birthday on the first right? It's only the fifth now and I forgot to give it to her during new year since we had work"Min Ho said and the two girls agreed
"Oh? Winter you're here!"Taeyeon greeted her sister and hugged her, Winter weakly smiled at her making her worried
"Why what's wrong? Are you okay?"Taeyong asked and Winter only nodded
"Why are you here unnie?"Winter asked
"Oh! Min Ho asked me to come he said that---"Taeyeon was immediately cut off as the speakers suddenly turned on, everyone's eyes landed on the podium at the center of the company
Min Ho was standing there with a mic, he smiles at everyone before nodding his head at Taeyong who entered with a box, Giselle and NingNing were also holding boxes
"Hello! As you may all be aware this is the annual celebration of the company! This year is hosted by Taeyong just like the last five years but hey I want attention too so I'm gonna be an MC okay?"Min Ho joked and the employees laughed
"Anyways! Winter-shi? Can you come here for a sec?"Min Ho said and all eyes landed on Winter
Taeyeon had to push her sister towards Min Ho because she didn't want to move from her position, upon reaching the spot Min Ho quickly pulled Taeyeon away and whispered something and Taeyeon just made a peace sign with him
"These are Mine and Taeyong's birthday presents for you because we couldn't celebrate your birthday with you... Everybody sing!"Min Ho said and the employees started singing happy birthday as Winter chuckle and smile at them
"There's one more present, this one is from Me, Taeyong and Taeyeon"Min Ho added and Winter looked at him
"We have to go outside for it though"Taeyong said and Winter just nodded confusedly
"It's a car trust me"Giselle whispered and Winter's eyes grew
"How do you know?"Winter asked and Giselle just smiled at her
As they reached the outside of the building there was a big box right in the middle of their built in street, Yes it was shaped like a car and Winter already was surprised by it
"It's yours!"Min Ho said and grabbed the keys from his pocket
"You gotta remove the paper by yourself though, by the way we just wrapped it"Taeyong said and pointed at Giselle and NingNing who were giggling at Winter
"That's why you knew!.... But oppa I can't take this, this is too much"Winter politely said but Min Ho just gives her the key
"It's the least we could do.... Now try that baby out, it's a new model"Min Ho said and Winter couldn't decline anymore
She tore the paper off of the car and it was the newest brand of the Yoo Corp Company Car. Winter smiled at the others and they waved their hands at her, she waved her hands at them and turned to the car but she immediately stumbles back
"Hey wanna go for a ride?"Karina asked as she opened the door of the driver's seat, Winter stood still
"You don't want to? I can go back to america if you---"Karina got cut off as Winter instantly pull her into a kiss
Taeyeon was slapping Min Ho's back who was now getting bitten by Taeyong, Giselle and NingNing were cheering while holding each other. Karina smiled as she responds to Winter's kiss, she pulled away to look at the now teary eyed girl
"I m-missed you..."Winter sobbed and Karina embraced her
"I missed you too...... Happy Birthday? It's late I know but we couldn't book a flight on January first because they said it's a holiday and no one would fly the plane"Karina said and chuckled
"No.... Thank you.... This is the best gift"Winter replied and buried her head in Karina's neck even more as the girl holds onto her waist
"Shoo! Go inside you peasants, Let us have this moment"Karina said and shoo'd the others away
Taeyeon immediately glared at her and was about to power walk towards them but she got pulled back by Min Ho along with Taeyong who was squirming
"Come on now we've got a party inside, let them be"Min Ho said and pulled the other two girls inside as well
"When did he get so strong?"Karina jokingly asked as Winter stepped back
"I'm here now, stop crying baby"Karina said and wiped Winter's tears away
"How did you not know I was here when I went to your dream earlier?"Karina asked
"I.... T-thought you were at the house so we went there.... You weren't there and I thought maybe it was just me"Winter replied and cutely wiped her eyes
"But you came here?"Karina asked again
"Giselle and NingNing were supposed to have a date but We went home after I told them I saw you.... I was embarrassed that I just ruined their date so I told them we could just have fun here"Winter replied
"You didn't seem like you were having fun"Karina said and Winter looked up at her
"I saw you guys enter, I was with Taeyeon unnie because Taeyong and Min Ho oppa told me to hide"Karina replied and she suddenly realised what Taeyeon was trying to tell her earlier, why she got pulled by Min Ho and why she suddenly made a peace sign with him after he whispered something
"Taeyeon unnie almost told me.... But Min Ho oppa was already making an announcement"Winter said and Karina facepalmed
"I knew I shouldn't have hid with her"Karina replied
"Atleast she didn't slip it out, good thinking on Oppa"Karina said and nodded her head, Winter chuckled at how Karina was now praising Min Ho when before she would curse at him and flip him off
"Why don't we head inside as well? Let's enjoy with everyone then after the party we can go home and enjoy the night"Karina said and winked at Winter who blushed at her sudden invitation
"I'm kidding! Come on!"
"Winter? Hey!"Giselle yelled out and Winter's eyes flutter open
"What are you doing? We're late! Min Ho oppa told us to go to the company at 7:30 and it's 7 already Win"Giselle said as she fixes her tie, Winter just stared at her
"Was it a dream?"Winter asked and Giselle looked at her
"You dreamt about her?"Giselle asked and Went inside Winter's room which was ofcourse Karina's room as well
"I did... It felt real... What day is it?"Winter asked and Giselle took out her phone
"It's January 5"Giselle replied and Winter just nodded
"Does that mean she's here now? Didn't Min Ho oppa say you can't communicate with her even in dream land?"Giselle asked
"Maybe it was just me.... If she were here..... She would've gone home already"Winter replied and entered the bathroom
"30 minutes late"Min Ho said as the girls entered the company
"Sorry I woke up late today oppa"Winter apologized and Min Ho just sighed and nodded
"It's fine, I need your opinions on the new magazine featuring our top models"Min Ho said and gave them each a magazine
"That includes the picture for New York Fashion Week"Min Ho precisely said and left, Winter immediately opened it and the first page already got her smiling
"Whipped"Giselle whispered and Winter just glared at her
"Oh? Hi girls!"Taeyong greeted as he entered the company
"Hey what do you guys say on coming with us tonight?"Taeyong asked
"To where?"NingNing asked
"S/S Runway walk for Gucci, I don't have a manager today because he took a day off"Taeyong said
"Who are you going with?"Winter asked
"I'm going with Min Ho oppa ofcourse! I think your sister's gonna be watching as well"Taeyong said
"So? What do you girls say?"Taeyong asked again and wiggled his eyebrows, Giselle and NingNing looked at Winter
"Yeah sure we'll go with you, your treat"Winter said and Taeyong pouted at her
"I like the fact that you girls are closer to me now but I also hate that fact"Taeyong said and the girls just laughed at him

(A/N:To anyone who is gonna ask..... Yes the first part was all a dream sorry to get your hopes up ಥ‿ಥ)

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