Chapter 7

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"Oh? You're early, Taemin's in his office"
The tall man greeted them and Karina just smiled and nodded
"Thanks Minho oppa"Karina replied and walked to the elevator with Winter following behind her
"Minho?"Winter unconsciously asked out loud
"His name is Minho too"Karina replied and Winter nodded, embarassed as she was meant to only ask herself
The elevator stopped on the 7th floor, they made their way through the corridors of the office as workers look at them from afar
"She's with someone today...."
"It's not Taeyong or Min Ho maybe it's a secretary"
The workers were talking about them as they walked by, Karina couldn't care less of what they were saying as she was there for one thing only
"You're early"Taemin said as his doors open, revealing Karina and Winter
"We finished shoot early that's why"Karina replied and went in, closing the door behind them
"And you are?"Taemin asked as he leans to the side a bit to look at Winter
"She's my Personal Assistant"Karina said and pulled Winter closer to her
"She knows?"Taemin asked and Karina didn't answer
"Well then... I'm gonna have to ask you to leave Miss..... Assistant"Taemin said and smiled
"I'm sorry Sir but I was asked to be with Miss Yoo all the time, I can't leave her alone by herself"Winter replied and Taemin stood up from his seat
"She's not alone, she's with me"Taemin answered and crossed his arms before looking at Karina
"It's fine..... Just let her stay"Karina replied, remembering Taeyong and Min Ho's advice with her from before
"Then.... Be my guest"Taemin said and smoke started filling the room
Winter panicked a bit, thinking there might be a fire but she looked at Karina who remained calm standing
"That doesn't work on me neither it does to her"Karina said and sat down, Winter could only sit beside her as she didn't know what to do she doesn't even know what they were talking about
"I see..... Your territory huh?"Taemin asked and smirked before sitting down
The smoke started disappearing and now tension was the one filling the room, it was almost suffocating like if you try to speak no words or sound would come out
"Let's start the deal"Karina said and Taemin took out a piece of paper from under his desk
"That business is already done with me it just needs your signature"Taemin said and gave the paper to Karina
"So your Chamber Karina..... Have you decided?"Taemin asked which stopped Karina from signing the paper
"I have"Karina replied and signed the contract for the project
"Who's is it?"Taemin asked again, taking the paper from Karina and putting it on an envelope
"Min Ho Oppa's"Karina replied and Taemin looked at her
"You didn't pick mine?"Taemin asked and the conversation was unknown to Winter
"Chamber? What are they talking about?" Winter thought as she just watches the two
"I didn't, there's no use in picking yours afterall..... You're not retiring are you?"Karina asked and Taemin furrowed his eyebrows with her reply, Karina only smirked and leaned closer to him
"I've made the decision oppa, I've already told the counsil about it and they've agreed...... You never know, you might never retire..... Afterall..... He's one too isn't he? You can't do anything because if you do..... He'll stay there and you? You'll be living your best life! The only thing is you'll make him suffer, you wouldn't want that right? Oppa?" Karina asked in almost a whisper and stood, leaving Taemin speechless
"Let's go Miss Kim I would love to go home early today"Karina said and Winter followed her, Winter looked back at Taemin as they walked
She saw how the man slammed his hand on the table and pick up his phone in anger, She looked at Karina and cockiness was written all over it as if she was teasing someone
"Don't worry about what we talked about, it's serious business you wouldn't want to stick your nose into it..... Or you'll get in trouble"Karina said as they entered the elevator
"H-huh?"Winter replied and Karina looked at her
"You're curious as to what we were talking about weren't you? I can see your questioning gaze" Karina answered and Winter looked away, feeling embarrassed
"It's Personal business Miss Kim so I suggest you remove those questions of yours if you don't want to cause trouble"Karina said and Winter didn't answer, she felt the stare Karina was giving her it was as if she was just telling her a random thing.... Like it was nothing to discuss whilst threatening her
"Should I bring you straight to home? Or would you like to go on a date with me?"Karina asked as they exited the building, Winter stopped walking
"Date?"Winter asked and Karina chuckled
"We're now out of work Winter, I might've said something in there but when we're out of work don't think about those..... Because in these moments and Times..... I'm courting you, business is business but we're outside now, off duty and free to do our own things so what do you say?"Karina asked and smiled
Winter couldn't reply, she was feeling what she felt before.... Butterflies. The girl that was in that building with her was completely different to the girl she was talking to right now
"I'll take that as a Yes, I'm impatient"Karina said and pulled Winter along with her
"H-hey! I haven't a-answered"Winter resisted but it was no use as they were already standing infront of Karina's car
"I told you..... I'm impatient"Karina replied and opened the door for Winter, Winter sighed and went in
Karina went in as well and drove off, she looked at Winter who was fidgeting with her fingers
"You know you can still say no right? I'm not forcing you, I'm just impatient which is why I drove off"Karina said and Winter shook her head
"No..... I will go on a date with you"Winter replied and smiled at her, Karina froze for a second
She took her eyes back on the road again and nodded her head, her mind was all over the place because just now when she looked at Winter's smile..... She felt something.... Something she never felt before..... Something that was far greater than lust.... But she didn't know what it was and just made herself confused
Her mind went back to normal as she heard Winter's phone ring, Winter immediately picks it up
"Where are you? Aren't you going home? You didn't come into the building did you ditch us?"
"No Gi! I went with Karina! I'm her personal assistant so I had to go with her.... I'll come home a little bit later"
"Oh?.... Had? So you've left where you first went..... Then where are you going now? Date?"
"W-what?..... I-it's uhh..... It's.... Yes"
"Why did you struggle to just say yes? I wouldn't get mad you know? Enjoy your date lover girls.... Oh! You better tell us what happened on your date okay? Byee"
"Who was that?"Karina asked and Winter put her phone down
"It was Aeri.... She asked where I was and told her I went with you"Winter replied
"Should I take you home?.... She's worried isn't she?"Karina asked her face frowning slightly
"N-no! It's o-okay! She told me it was fine and.... I already told her I'd go home later"Winter said and looked at Karina who's frown turned into a smile
"Isn't this....... A little fancy?"Winter asked as they reached a restaurant
The place looked grand and only a few people were in it and all of them were either wearing tuxedo's or dresses, the waiters looked like they were royal servants and the whole venue was looked as if it was made of gold as it shone
"You don't want anything fancy?"Karina asked
"It's not that but..... I kinda don't feel like I belong in there"Winter hesitated for a bit before looking at Karina
"I do too, I only picked this one because it was closest"Karina chuckled
"Do you know a place? Somewhere you're comfortable at"Karina asked and Winter thought, a place came to mind but she was afraid it was far too low for Karina's standards
"I do but it might be uncomfortable with you....."Winter replied but Karina shook her head
"I'll be fine as long as you're comfortable..... Now.... Take me there"Karina said and smiled at Winter
"It's only a few blocks away from here do you want to walk? Or should we drive there?"Winter asked and Karina grabbed her keys
"Let's drive there, I feel like Taeyong would spot me since Jaehyun's building is near here too"Karina said and Winter laughed as she followed Karina back to the car
"Oh? Jeong!"A lady called out as Winter and Karina headed to the place Winter was talking about
"Unnie! You're here? Don't you have work?"Winter asked and ran towards the girl, Karina followed behind her
"I did but I wanted to visit here, remember we would always eat here during your High school days?"
"Yeah! I still remember which is why I'm here too! I missed it here"Winter replied and her gaze landed on Karina who was just standing behind her
"Oh! Right! Unnie this is Ka---"
"Woah! You're Yoo Jimin right? You're that famous model!"
"Oh..... Yeah"Karina awkwardly replied
"Wait.... What are you doing with a top model?"
"I'm her PA, I work at Yoo Corporation now"Winter replied
"You got fired from your old job?"
"No..... Uhmmm"Winter replied
"I suggested they work for me since I saw how hard working they were when they set up my Party"Karina butted in and Winter only nodded
"Oh.... But why did you bring her here? Shouldn't you guys eat at like a fancy restaurant?"
"Classy people are in there and also I don't like attention, there's most likely a chance that a business partner would recognize me there"Karina replied
"Why don't you guys dine with me then?"
"Uhmm.... Actually unnie..."Winter was hesitating, her sister looked at her with a questioning look and was about to ask what the matter was but Karina already had an answer
"Actually we're on a date right now"Karina boldly said which caused Winter's sister to open her mouth and just stare at her sister
"I'm sorry if we can't dine with you in this evening Miss...."Karina waited and Winter's sister looked at her
"I'm sorry we can't dine with you Miss Taeyeon, could I perhaps borrow your sister for tonight? I don't really get a chance to go on dates"Karina asked and Taeyeon looked back on her sister
"I-it's f-fine..... We can e-eat some other time"Taeyeon replied and Karina smiled
"I'll tell you later?"Winter asked and leaned towards her sister a bit
"Duh? Ofcourse you will! You just made me freeze with that revelation! You didn't even tell me you were working with her and now I found out you're dating her too?"Taeyeon whispered and pinched Winter's side making the girl wince
"I'll explain it later unnie, come to our house later okay?"Winter said and Taeyeon nodded before going inside the place
"Should we go in too?"Karina asked and Winter smiled and nodded before going inside
They sat on a table and luck was literally playing with them as Taeyeon was sitting right beside them, they didn't have a choice since the place only had a few tables and chairs. Although Taeyeon didn't seem like she was interested..... Atleast that was what Winter thought as she looks at her sister who was just typing on her phone
"You're dating my sister!? You didn't tell me! I only knew about the assignation from Min Ho!"
+"I didn't know you were siblings! You never told stories about your family so how would I know!?"+
"I was fine with the assignation since I thought Winter could take her mind off of work for a while and just live her life but dating her? Since when did you even started dating?"
+"Just today"+
"What!?"Taeyeon yelled out loud making everyone look at her, Winter worriedly looked at her sister
"S-sorry! W-work"Taeyeon apologized and looked at Karina who was scratching her nape whilst biting her lip
"Rina... I swear to god if you're only dating my sister because of your assignment I'm not ever calling you as my best student ever again"

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