Chapter 16

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"Why?...... Why are you following us? Are you not going on your own way?"Karina asked clearly frustrated at her half-brother
"It's boring going alone just let me come with you guys! I won't bother you I promise"Taehyung said and Karina just sighed at him turning her back on him before walking
"Why does she seem mad? Did I do something?"Taehyung whispered and Giselle shook her head
"No it's a Lovers Quarrel..... Just a misunderstanding"NingNing whispered back and he nodded looking at Winter who has been staring or more precisely following Karina with her eyes
"Hey Karina can we talk?"Taehyung blurted out making Karina stop and look at him
"About what?"Karina asked
"Just.... Follow me let's talk, you girls go ahead"Taehyung replied and walked the other way
Karina sighed before nodding at the girls, she followed her brother until they reached a store. Winter was about to follow her but she was immediately stopped by Giselle and NingNing
"It's best if we just wait for them"Giselle adviced and Winter couldn't do anything but nod as she trails behind the two
They went to a waiting area and sat down, the two looked at Winter worriedly as she kept looking at the door.... Waiting for Karina
The door opened and Winter immediately stood up but she quickly stopped as an unfamiliar face came in, She sat back down with a gloomy expression while the figure entered and sat near them
"Hey..... Where are you? I thought you said in the waiting area?...... I'm here idiot, I wouldn't ask where you are if I weren't"
"Well hurry up I don't have all day...... I need time for relaxation too okay? Tsk.... Just hurry"
"Winter stop fiddling with the hair you're gonna tear the fabric"Giselle said and swatted Winter's hand
"Can you at least ask her---"
Winter couldn't finish her words as the door opened, revealing Karina and Taehyung. Karina looked at Winter but her gaze suddenly went to the girl Infront of the girls
"Geez Finally! Now come on"The girl exclaimed and stood up
The girl grabbed Karina's hand and was about to head out but Winter blocked the door, Having her arms completely cover the door
"What are you doing Miss? We need to go out"The girl said but Winter shook her head
"Who are you? Where are you taking Karina?"Winter asked and looked at Karina who looked to be surprised
"I should be asking...... Who are you? Why are you stopping us from leaving?"The girl asked raising an eyebrow at Winter
"I'm..... Her Girlfriend! So take your hand away from her"Winter replied and pulled Karina, holding her by the waist and putting a hand Infront of her as if making sure the girl doesn't get close
"Oh! So you're the girl!"The girl exclaimed and a smirk appeared on her face
"You're her girlfriend? I never heard from Karina that she had one, she only said that you were a friend..... A prey"The girl provoked and crossed her arms
"Okay that's enough you're pushing too much"Taehyung got in between and the girl bursted into laughter
"W-when did you.... C-come back?"Karina asked, still looking surprised
"Just earlier this week...... Don't worry I won't steal your girl Miss Winter"The girl replied and Winter looked at her suspiciously
"You might've not heard about me but I'm one of Karina's teachers and a colleague of your sister, Jung Haeyoon"The girl introduced
"I heard from Karina.... Well technically from Taehyung that you guys had a misunderstanding with 'that' so I came as quickly as I can"Haeyoon explained
"Take her out"She added and Taehyung immediately took out his taser and using it on Karina, making her unconscious
"What the hell!?"Giselle exclaimed and helped Winter carry Karina
"We can't have her conscious or else she'd kill me"Haeyoon explained and tapped the couch in the room, the girls hesitated for a bit before settling Karina down on it
"Karina was the First halfling in our world, She's considered as a Succubus but she was a replacement for an Incubus which made her somewhat in the middle of the two..... She was the target of Succubi's at the time as she was the only girl to have... That..... Anyways, Five Teachers were assigned to her. Me, Taeyeon, Tiffany, Jessica and Taemin"Haeyoon explained and Winter's ear perked up at the mention of the man she grew cautious of because of their first meeting
"We were tasked to teach her everything we knew, About our world and about our lives..... We were forced by the council to have intercourse with her as a 'Training Session' to give her more knowledge on what she had to do, Although I do admit we were all blinded by the fact that she was different from us which made us agree but we knew we couldn't do it as we were the top ranks in our world.... She also became more of a sister rather than a student to us so we made a loophole into the teaching system"Haeyoon added and Winter stared at her
"On every training session we were to not touch her nor arouse her, It would be a simple speech teaching where we would only voice out what she needed to do. The council never knew of it which is why they let us keep teaching her however.... Taeyeon was caught, she was caught not doing the sessions although she had done it once or twice she felt bad, guilty because she knew Karina's story and how she helped Min Ho to corrupt the child, Min Ho adviced her to only watch out for Karina in which she did but she was quickly founded out by the council.... They forced her to find a replacement or they would Harm Karina or worse.... Harm you, Winter"Haeyoon continued and Winter was stunned, she looked at Karina
"The council has the power, if they said they will do it then they will. She knew nothing of it Winter, if she did she only knew a few bits of it because we kept it all a secret to protect her and you. Taeyeon didn't want to hurt neither of you.... She'd blame herself if she found out that you two were fighting because of her.... Because of reasons, reasons to protect you from getting hurt"Haeyoon explained
"Winter.... She's unstable, Karina is unstable..... The council knew this which is why we were picked to be her teachers"Haeyoon added
"U-unstable?"Winter asked and looked back at Haeyoon
"She's mentally unstable Winter, What happened to the deal with her and Min Ho traumatized her without her realising. She cries, gets mad and even throw tantrums for small reasons..... If you fight there's a big chance that she might suddenly leave and the next thing you know she's already in talk with the council..... She's treated the council as second parents which is why they adore her, pamper her and give her anything she wants but they're only doing so because she's different from other Succubi's and they want to take advantage of it as much as they can"Haeyoon replied
"You need to take care of her, she looks fierce, cold and strong but she's fragile on the inside and the only reason you don't see it is because she's hiding it.... She's hiding the pain"Haeyoon said and looked at Taehyung
"I need to get going now, I'm gonna meet up with Taeyeon.... Don't worry I won't tell her"Haeyoon bid and went out
On cue, Karina wakes up. Karina immediately sits up and glares at her brother who just shrugged at her
"What the hell was that for? Did she leave?"Karina asked and looked around
"Yup she's going somewhere"Taehyung replied
"Where did you even get her number?"Karina asked and fixed herself
"You don't know?..... She's my Succubus"Taehyung replied and Karina looked at him
"Yup you heard it right, she's my Succubus and I'm her prey"Taehyung added
"Let's talk about it some other time, fix your problems first.... I'll be going now too I need to feed my dog since it's getting late"Taehyung bid and left
Karina silently fixed her hair as Winter just sat Infront of her
"What did she tell you?"Karina asked
"She explained the Training"Winter replied and looked at her
"Rina.... I'm sorry.... I really am...... I shouldn't have acted so irrational---"
Winter got cut off as Karina quickly embraced her, Winter stopped for a moment before hugging Karina back. She felt her shoulder getting soaked and her eyes started to water as well
"I'm s-sorry too..... I should've explained everything to you... I-I didn't want to hide it but I just t-thought that maybe you'd hate me.... And Taeyeon unnie too"Karina sobbed and Winter's tears fell as she finally saw/felt Karina's breakdown
They stayed like that for 10 minutes and Giselle finally pulled them apart
"That's enough crying you two let's head home, I was gonna buy clothes but I couldn't since you two were fighting but I'll just buy it some other time and remind me to not go shopping with you two again"Giselle said and Karina chuckled before nodding her head
"She really is unstable.... One minute she was mad, the second she's crying and now she's smiling as if nothing happened.... Why have you been hiding all this pain? What are you keeping that you don't want us to find out...."
They headed out and went home, as soon as they reached the gate's of Karina's house they were greeted by Min Ho who was standing Infront of their door
"You guys okay? I heard from Haeyoon"Min Ho said as the girls came out of the car
"Of course you did.... We're fine it was just some stuff"Karina replied and went in first
"Haeyoon told you didn't she?..... I'm sorry for not telling you sooner, I couldn't find the chance to do so because Karina's always lurking around"Min Ho explained and Winter just nodded at him
"It's fine oppa at least we know now"Winter replied and bowed before going in as well
"Hey Min Ho oppa..... Tommorow.... Can we talk? About Karina"Giselle said and Min Ho looked at her
"What about Karina?"Min Ho asked
"Everything..... Everything about her"
"Old man go home!"Karina yelled out from the balcony and Min Ho turned to her and flipped her off, Karina laughed at the response and stucked her tongue out
"Fine.... We'll talk tommorow, look after her please I don't want her doing that again"Min Ho said and went to his car
"Do what again?"
"Well..... Can you get people to sound proof your room? It's gonna get Hella annoying in the morning"Giselle said and Winter slapped her arm
"I'll get someone tommorow, should I get your room soundproofed too?"Karina teased and NingNing looked at her
"W-what do you mean?"NingNing asked
"3 am seems to be the time, I hear howling coming from your room maybe it's an alarm?"Karina asked and a smirk plastered on her face as Giselle slowly open her eyes widely at her
"What do you do at 3 am that you need an alarm?"Winter asked and Giselle choked on air while NingNing quickly went to the bathroom
"Exercise?"Karina asked and Giselle started coughing more
"That's..... Too early do you even exercise Gi?"Winter asked and Giselle calmed herself before nodding furiously
"What exercise do you do?"Winter asked and Giselle gulped
Karina silently laughed at Giselle trying to come up with some sort of exercise that she does at 3 am
"Uhm..... Uhhh..... Push up! Right! Push ups, they said it was good to do Push ups early in the morning"Giselle lied and Karina was basically crying of laughter
"Really? Should I try that too? Is it good?"Winter asked and Karina couldn't stop laughing as Giselle scratched her head
"I bet it's good, I could here her moans all the way to our room must be working out quite hard"Karina said and wiped the tears that fell down her cheeks from laughing, Giselle glared at her
"Why don't both of you try it?"Giselle tried teasing her this time but she got a smirk in return
"That would be wonderful I'm definitely down"Karina replied and Giselle rolled her eyes as Winter cluelessly agreed with Karina

(A/N:Haeyoon is just a fill in character because I didn't know who to put so I just made someone's name up XD although I know there's an artist named that it does not portray them in this scene and book)

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