15: Harry

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"Call her. Now" Liam nudged me.
"Wh-No not yet!" I scolded him.
"Hey! I wanna meet her!"
"We're just...friends" I reasoned. 
"Y' made a pact" He responded blankly. "C'mon, I wanna meet her! She's my friend too now"
"Okay, okay! Jesus!" I whipped my phone out and dialled Sangrias number and to my surprise she answered straight away.
"Heyyy!" She spoke sunnily.
"Hi! How are you?" I responded.
"I'm good, I-I just got off work! How about you?"
"I'm great, I'm with my friend right now. You wanna join us for lunch?"
"Sure, where are y-oh, I see you!" I looked up to see Sangria across the road from us giggling. The call ended and she dashed across the road to meet us.

"Hi!" She gave me a big hug before turning to Liam. "I'm Sangria, great to meet you"
"Lovely to meet you! I'm Liam" Liam smiled as they shared a hug. I pulled up a chair for her and she thanked me gratefully before we all sat down.
"Where d'you work?" I asked her.
"Pret round the corner" She responded.
"Harrys spoken lots about you" Liam chirped causing me to give him a death glare.
"Oh really? What exactlys been said?"

Before she could get a response, someone came to take our order. Whilst Liam and I ordered, Sangria went straight to the under 200 calorie section and asked me if I could order her the chicken salad. She looked really anxious but I knew I should ask if she was okay later, as maybe she wouldn't be comfortable in front of Liam.

Our food came and we tucked in and got to know Sangria more. I learnt that her Mother was part Indian and she came out when she was seventeen and even thought her uncle was unhappy, she never cared.
"I get the best of both worlds" She shrugged as she played with her straw.
"My two fruity friends" Liam sighed, causing Sangria to burst out laughing.
"Best of both worlds, am I right?" She nudged me, causing me to blush.

Internalised homophobia was the worst thing ever.

"Sure yeah" I stammered awkwardly. I think she could sense how uncomfortable I was and quickly changed the subject.
"So...what do you do?" She asked Liam.
"I'm a musician" He replied.
"Like Harry? Lemme guess, you have twenty million monthly listeners"' She joked. Liam and I's silence caused her to sus it out. "No fucking way..."
"Yeah uhh...anyway" Liam gabbled. "I have to go but it was lovely to meet you Sangria"
"You too Liam"

Little bitch.

We both hugged Liam goodbye before he headed off, leaving us two alone. Sangria had barely eaten a thing and was chatting away about something whilst using her fork to play with her food.

"D'you wanna get out of here?" She asked. My plate was empty whilst her bowl was full of lettuce.
"And go where?" I pondered.
"My house" She put a twenty pound note on the table before she grabbed my hand and pulled me up and across the street.
"Uhh..." I wasn't sure what to say but then she reminded me of our pact.

The fucking pact...

Sangria | Harry Edward StylesWhere stories live. Discover now