34: Harry

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"Okay, I'll see you soon love!" Hira kissed my cheek and gave me a final hug before she skipped off to meet Thomas.
"Text me when you arrive!" I called before I closed my door.

I went to the kitchen to do the dishes, humming to myself. Hira and I had just had lunch together and I was feeling pretty good.

I'd been pretty down in the dumps over Sang but I had to get over it. She seemed happy and I cared a lot about her. If she was happy, I was even if it was with someone else.

Also, Tara had contacted me...

Yeah, that wasn't ideal. I had improved a lot mentally but hearing from an ex you hate is not the best.

Apparently Megan and Emily had broken up. Emily was distraught as per usual and had been mass messaging Tara. I fucking hated Emily and wanted zero involvement but I felt super guilty.

But twenty minuets later, Tara was at my door.
"You need to get me out of this!" She demanded me.
"No I don't" I replied plainly.
"Harry come on!" She begged me.
"No! I'm not getting involved!"
"Please?? I'll fuck you..."

What the fuck?

"Wh-no!" She really was desperate...but I knew if I did give in I would have many regrets. But also, I haven't had sex in a while...no! I can't just help her and in return receive a sexual favour! It's not right.

"How would I even help?" I asked.
"Maybe ask Ria to get back with her?"
"She has a boyfriend" I replied dryly. Tara stared at me before bursting out laughing.
"Your face! You like her!" She cackled.
"Wh-no I don't" I lied.
"Uh yeah you do!"
"Oh fuck off!" I shut the door and walked off, ignoring her calls.

Sangria | Harry Edward StylesWhere stories live. Discover now