Crossing Fields With Rain

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October 20th, 2025, Floor 75

Lisbeth and Silica nervously shake in their seats to my left and right as the crowd roars in anticipation. Behind us, Philia, Strea, and Rain join the excited ruckus within the stadium of probably the largest gathering of players in one place since the first day of Sword Art Online. The advertised event? Living Legend, Heathcliff versus Dual-wielding Demon, Kirito.

Yesterday, Kirito and Asuna were summoned to the KoB headquarters on Floor 55 and the former was challenged to duel for Asuna's freedom. If Kirito loses, he breaks his solidarity and joins the Knights of the Blood Oath. Any match between two powerful players can draw a crowd, but with Kirito's popularity exploding since his secret skill was revealed (which Lisbeth knew about and kept secret) and the heroic Heathcliff is definitely an event to attend.

Of course, I had to help my friend. Being the only person he knows with a sword and shield, Kirito and I practiced almost all day and night for the fight. Many dummy shields were broken yesterday by the dual wielder, but progress was made. Yet, I did not tell Kirito one thing, hoping he'll figure it out himself. We're both sword and shield users, but Heathcliff has a weakness I necessarily don't have.

All that practice made me tired, so I lean back and await the battle on what I originally was offered by Strea, her legs. But seeing her legs on each side of me, I quickly figure out I'm not there and also know I'm not going to complain. It's not wrong if they offer it.

"Do you think Kirito will win?" Silica asks nervously. "You were with him, so..."

"There's a chance he might win," I respond while cupping my cheek. "But the commander has a unique skill too, similar to my strongest shield skill, Trojan Walls, but his skill raises not just defense to the max. Divine Blade, I believe it's called. Makes him almost invincible and unbeatable."

Rain gasps. "Is that even possible? Well, I guess two swords is possible, why not near-invincibility. I wish I had two swords..."

"But what makes him different from you?" Philia questions. "I've seen you use Trojan Walls, you barely took damage on the 71st Floor last time I saw you."

"His offense is also off the charts. I'm probably one of few who could withstand that part and match Heathcliff in a fight. Kirito has the offense, but Heathcliff's defense is the game changer. I've never seen his HP below green. Not even my best sword skill could break through it."

The girls look at me wide-eyed, especially Lisbeth. "You have a secret skill no one knows off?"

"Tell us?"


"No," I tell them. "It's a secret for a reason, plus I haven't used it in combat since...since I killed Annihilator. He's the only one who has seen it, it was his fatal mistake."

Lisbeth frowns. "Was this before I went outside? You drowned him after stabbing him with his knife. Something happened between that?"

"He tried fighting back, that's all I'll say."

"I don't like it when you get all secretive, Jaymes." Strea turns my head and...well, you know. "How can you love me and not share your secrets?"


"Love you?"

"S-Strea and Jaymes?"

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