The Blacksmith and the Treasure Hunter

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August 1st, Joshua

"Asuna?" I open my front door, letting the long-haired brunette inside my house. It's close to 9 pm, and while we were a few minutes away from each other, she doesn't really show up unexpectedly like this. "Not that I'm not against you being here, but...why?"

"I need to talk to you, but without Kazuto or Rika around."

"Oh." Closing the door, we walk into my kitchen. Asuna take a seat while I head to the refrigerator, taking out a root beer for me and a strawberry soda for Asuna. I slide the strawberry to Asuna and take my seat on the other side of the counter table. "Alright. What is it? Something with you and K-dude, as impossible as that sounds."

Asuna shakes her head. "No, just the other relationship."

"Me and Lisbeth?" This is quite the surprise. Earlier, she said everything was okay. I'm not surprised she said something to Asuna, but I decided to keep our issues between us. "That's news to me."

Asuna holds her hands out. "Oh no, I mean I don't know if there's anything between you two, but... I've noticed an outside factor today. It's ironic to hear me say that, given the attention of other girls Kazuto attracts, but like him, you are loyal to Lisbeth to a fault. However, I know you aren't as dense."

I take a sip of my drink and sigh. "Since I know Strea is not a problem between us, you must speak of Kotone."

Asuna nods. "Yes. I can't speak for Lisbeth, but I definitely noticed some animosity coming from Philia. Since you're the common denominator, I guess it's easy to figure it out. But I see you're well aware of this."

"Yeah. Kotone has liked me probably since the first moment she saw me. I didn't know until the morning before we fought Heathcliff. I get that I can't tell her to change how she feels, and I can't tell her to be friendly with Rika, but for so long she kept her distance from Rika and played along with the fact I'm with her that I haven't thought she might dislike Rika very much."

"Well, this was the first time they were together without you, so she didn't have to fully hide her feelings. But you're right, you can't do anything about it... Did Philia ever have a shot?"

"Yeah. She had many, but you know, there was Koharu and then there was Rika. Considering how many times we were alone back in SAO and before school started in the spring, I guess there was no right time, and when it came...she told Lis to stop waiting. I don't think she hates Lisbeth, I think she regrets letting her win." I sigh, rubbing my forehead. "This is too much to think about, but it's better than being blindsided tomorrow. Thanks, Asuna. I might owe you one."

Asuna cheerfully smiles. "You can treat me to that restaurant again...or maybe that quest I've been asking you to go on with me."

"Why don't you ask Kazuto?"

"Because we always go on quests together, but you and I don't. So..."

"...I'll think about it."


The next morning

"The feelings I kept deep inside are now screaming at the top of their lungs. trying to voice our now infinite vow." I sit outside in my car outside of Lisbeth's house, singing the latest single released by Rain, "Innocence". After the hit release of "Crossing Fields" in February, her career as an idol has gone on a hot start. Her first album, if I recall her telling me, should be out this fall. I can't help but be proud of my friend's accomplishments since leaving SAO, she has succeeded in her dream. Her talent is comparable to another idol, a younger girl named Seven in ALO.

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