Swimsuit Day in the Real World

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May 24th, 2025, Joshua

"What I will never understand is we're here," Kazuto says as the two of us walk alone in the mall. We head back towards the store the girls are shopping in after a success exercise and lack of purchases. The girls told us they'd let us know when they're ready, so what else are two boys to do?

Actually, I lied about the lack of the purchase and the exercise. We ate at the food court like the gluttons we are.

"They want our opinion on how they look."

"I get that, but why? We're boys. We'll say 'you look good' even when we know it's a lie."

I shrug. "I mean, does it matter? How many times have you seen Asuna underneath her clothes?"

He scratched the back of his head. "A few times, I guess. But I say the same about you and Lisbeth."

I smirk. "Way more times than I'd like to admit last year, but it was always nightgowns. Add Philia to that list too. But unlike someone who saw a girl in a bra and panties and denied--" Kazuto glares at me, forcing me to stop with that great tale. "Anyway, so what? They want our opinion, we get to see girls. Oh, then there's Suguha," I sigh and place my hand in my jean pockets. "She's too pretty to be related to you at all."

"I'll try not to take offense to that and any other things you might say or do later on." Kazuto says with a smile. "After all, she's my younger sister, and I must protect her from men like you. Especially after what happened the other day."

I frown. "It is not my fault she fell that way and I was there! It was not my intention when I took that quest with her. If anything, she needs to reduce those things!" Kazuto continues to chuckle as we enter the store. Thankfully, the store is for both sexes, so we don't feel scrutinized despite the greater amount of women within. We are spotted by Asuna as we head towards the female fitting rooms. As we join her, we see the other girls in line to pay.

"Hey boys. We're done here."

Kazuto sighs. "Great. But we didn't make an opinion."

"Well...we bought multiple outfits, and decided it would be best to let you see them elsewhere. And Joshua, since you have your own house...do you mind?"

This would be the first time most of the gang has been to my place. Only Philia has been inside more than once. It's not that I don't mind that my friends want to come over, I'm just...surprised. Kazuto is the leader of the gang and Suguha also lives there, why not his place? "Sure, but Suguha and Kazuto live together. That's less of a drive than my place when we're done. Only person who benefits is you, since we're in the same neighborhood."

"Yes, but...we're curious just how nice your home is. Kotone has hyped it up."

"And it is," she says as she and Lisbeth join us. She then grabs Rika, using her to further her argument. "Besides, it's not fair that only I, your great friend, have seen it. Your girlfriend should know where you live...for reasons, hehe."

"Move!" Rika pushes Kotone off her and folds her arms. She eyes me, however, with a frown. "She's right, though. I would like to see what it's like so someone can shut up."

Kazuto pats my shoulder in pity. "You've got no choice, buddy."

I sigh and give up. I have no further argument since I am the only driver, so I would have to take everyone else except the Kirigayas home anyway. "Fine."

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