Birthday Date

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May 18th, 2025, Joshua

"How about now?" I walk out of my bathroom and stunt to give Kotone sight of my outfit...excuse me, my sixth outfit. I don't know why she had me change my shirt and tie (this time, red and black respectively) so many times, but I'm at the point that I actually am starting to not give a damn. Kotone might know what a good-looking item in a game is, but I don't if she knows anything about men. Then again...remembering what she said privately to me last night, she might.

The blonde arcs her head back and forth while staring me down, then glances at her phone. She takes a picture before dropping the device back on the bed. "You know, I think this is perfect. Red and black... It's"

"Hmm, I guess so. Does Nijika agrees?"

Kotone glances at the phone, nodding momentarily. "Yeah, she does. Guess you're good." Sighing, I walk over to the bed and sit beside her. As I scratch my neck, Kotone has her eyes still set on me. When I move my eyes to her, her face turns slightly pink. "Hey, Joshua..."


"You know... We've been partners for a long time, right?"

"Yeah, we have, ever since we went on our first treasure hunt. Still partners in the real world and ALO, I believe so."

" it impossible to ask for one of these...dates? I mean, as friends, of course!"

I smile and pat her on the shoulder. I know very well she probably doesn't mean that last part, but only said it out of safety for our relationship. He has no problem with it either, but it can't be anything this extravagant, at least not alone. "Sure, we can always go out together, but you know, nothing like this unless... How about when Nijika comes into town and has time, we can go to the restaurant I'm taking Rika."

Kotone smiles and looks at her phone. "You got thirty minutes to get to Rika's place. Knowing her punctuality, she's probably waiting on you."

I chuckle as I get up. "I'm surprised she hasn't bothered me yet. Maybe she isn't ready yet."



"Keiko, Asuna, I'm freaking out!" Rika covers her face as the two girls on her computer screen watch their friend in pure distress. It's twenty minutes until Joshua's supposed arrival time, and now she gets pre-date jitters. "I have made a mistake!"

"What?" Asuna says, "No you haven't! You clearly like Joshua."

"No, not that. It's...about what I said yesterday. I...might have jumped the gun in our relationship."


"You mean skipping all the awkwardness and straight to seriousness?" Keiko shakes her head in shame. "Bad Rika. Even Asuna and Kazuto didn't do that."

"She kinda has a point. Even though we were married in SAO, technically we were dating there as we are here."

"I don't wanna hear that," Rika stands up and looks at a full-body mirror. She wears a red strapless dress, with a red bow tied at the waist and red heels to match. If her pride got the better of her, she considers herself to be drop-dead gorgeous. Joshua might lose all blood out his nose upon sight. Yet, she still feels down. Yesterday's conversation about them jumping into a serious relationship now crosses her mind. How stupid was she to suggest a thing? Sure, Joshua has been quiet about it, but she's sure a part of him is freaking out. Sighing, she turns back to the desk, looking at the mirror and her friends. "I think I need to focus on the positive. It's my birthday, we girls had fun earlier. I'm going on a third date with a great guy. I look beautiful. I'm going out with a great guy, who likes me despite how stupid I sounded yesterday. I can make this work. I have to."

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