The Special Someone

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June 24, 2024, Lisbeth

As the whetstone comes to a stop, Lisbeth inspects the sharpness of the blade she's working with. It's glints brightly in the evening sunlight. "Hmm, there you go! All done." She turns around and sees Jaymes standing and talking to the sitting Asuna, her true customer.

Happy to have her rapier finished sharpening, Asuna lowers herself off a crate to her feet and pays Lisbeth. "You're the best, Lis. Thanks."

"Sure! Anytime. Hey, aren't you supposed to be out hunting with the guild today? That's what I was told by someone smart." She eyes Jaymes, who shrugs his shoulders.

Between them, Lightning Flash sighs. "Yeah, I had to take the day off cause I sort of have this little meeting with someone."

"Oh." Lisbeth catches something on the side of Asuna's head. A purple earring? She chuckles mischievously and leans into Asuna. "I bet you have a 'little meeting.'"

"No, it's not like that," Asuna says as a bell chimes signaling the top of the hour. Asuna starts to freak out. "Uh, I have to get going!"

As Asuna walks towards the door, Lisbeth places a hand over her heart. "I bet he must be pretty special, whoever he is."

"Huh? Did you say something?"

"Mm. Get going! It's rude to keep your date waiting!"

"It's not like that!"

The girls hear the Crimson Warrior chuckle. "Sure, Asuna. Sure."

"I...uh, whatever! See you both!" As the flustered Asuna departs, Lisbeth waves and walks over to a board hanging on the side of a wall. Sighing, she bows her head.

"I wonder if I'll find someone special...or maybe I have." She turns around, seeing Jaymes mess around with his menu. Seems he's checking messages. "Hey."


"Do you want to go to town for dinner? Or maybe I could try my hand at cooking?"

Jaymes finally looks up, laughing. "Your choice. But I do think you are getting better at cooking. I do enjoy the little lunches you pack me sometimes."

Lisbeth smiles as she takes Asuna's seat, blushing a bit at the praise. "Well, I had an excellent teacher. Thank you."

"I learned from Koharu and Asuna, it's only right I pass down the knowledge."

Lisbeth says nothing as she leans her head on Jaymes' shoulder. He doesn't make any notion of it, which begins to upset Lisbeth. Ever since her birthday (a fantastic night that was) he has been solely focused on the front line and on the murder guild. She hasn't talked to him much about the latter topic, more so because she's afraid for him rather than the sensitive subject that it is. She fears that if he continues to pursue it, he'll end up dead; if she tries to talk him out of it, it'll ruin their friendship. She wants Koharu's murder paid for as well, but he shouldn't do it alone.

A new message pops up. Jaymes immediately opens it. "Hmm... Great."

"What is it?"

"Argo wants to meet. She has information about Laughing Coffin. Probably not where they are, but enough for me to know what they are as a guild."

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