Concert of Red, Black, and White

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October 18, 2024, Floor 74, Jaymes

I pace back and forth, hands in my pockets as I listen to Kirito recount his night with Asuna. First, a special S-rank dinner, then she convinces him to party with her. Then somehow I got roped into this because a certain swordsman felt guilty about him and Asuna having all the fun on the frontlines. I'm not even mad that I wasn't invited to dinner or initially in the party, but... "You really said that Asuna is the only player that doesn't get in your way? Hello?"

Sleepyhead shrugs his shoulders. "Well, of course you don't. But do we really even party together? We just...join up, so technically I'm right."

I cup my chin. "Hmm, fair point. Anyway, why ask me here? You two can handle yourselves."

"True, but...we're beta players, we've never fit into the guilds. I mean, you denied the ALF and DKB way back when, and I'm sure the KoB have made you offers. The opposite is for me. I'm used to being a solo player and you've always been fine, partnered or solo. But she has a point, the game is getting tough, and we are risking our lives. So just as she encouraged me into this, I have to do the same to you."

I place a hand on my heart. "Aww, you care so much about me? I'm touched."

Kirito scoffs as he leans on the Teleport Gate. "Don't make this weird, you weirdo. Anyway, where is she?" Kirito yawns just as a light appears from the gate. Out flies Asuna...literally, out flies Asuna.

"Ahh, watch out!" She lands on the unsuspecting Kirito, which leads to a great source of future teasing material. Kirito's face is topped by Asuna's breasts, and I watch hysterically as Kirito questions what breasts are. I know he has a sister, thanks to Silica, but by the way he...investigates the curious "squishy" object on his face...he hasn't touched any before. Too bad he hasn't met Strea, she'll educate him quickly on how boobs feel on one's face.

Asuna screams and smacks Kirito away to a post. As Kirito gets on his feet and looks at Asuna, I walk over and explain what he just did. "My friend, you just went to the promised land of horny teenage boys."

"Huh?" He raises his hand and performs the squeezing action with it, finally realizing what I mean. "Um, hey! Good morning, Asuna!"

"Smooth." Asuna blushes angrily, but displaces it quickly as another blue light from the gate announces a newcomer. Asuna runs behind us and hides behind Kirito as a white-robed KoB member appears.

"Why are you behaving like this, ma'am? I'm only following orders." Kuradeel, Asuna's overbearing bodyguard and a pain in my ass since I first met him in April, but ever since he became Asuna's guard a month ago, he's been really annoying. If he dislikes me for being a beta player, Kirito is in the same boat. "Please, let's go back to headquarters."

"I won't, especially not with you! And why were you lurking around my house in the morning, huh?" Oh boy.

"You have a bad habit of leaving any warning. So for the past month, my mission has been to keep an eye on you in Selmburg."

"W-What? Who ordered this? It wasn't the commander!"

"With all due respect, ma'am, my mission is to guard you, no matter where you are, including your home."

"No it doesn't, you idiot!"

Kuradeel sighs and walks off the gate's platform. "I wish you would be a little more understanding about this, ma'am. Now, then, let's return to headquarters. Kuradeel grabs Asuna's arm to lead her away, but I hold her other arm while Kirito grabs Kuradeel's wrist.

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