Date and Reunion

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May 17, 2025, Joshua

Parking my motorcycle just outside a shopping street in the neighborhood of Harajuka, I remove the helmet from my head and place it on one of the handles. Rika hands me hers and steps off the bike. She straightens her short hair and smooths our her pink shirt and her brown and white skirt. After I lock up the motorcycle, I walk up to Rika as her eyes flash in excitement. "I love coming here. The vintage shops and the boutiques are nice, but the sweets are the true treat! I'm happy to show you this area of Tokyo."

"Thank you."

"Sometimes I forget you're from America. You don't look lost like a tourist."

"Well, I did get my education in Tokyo from my dad after we left SAO. Plus I know my way around as long as I have GPS. But yes, this is my first true trip into the area."

Rika smiles and loops her arms around mine. "Great. I'll show you one of my favorite spots in the city. First the crepe shop, then the donut shop, maybe the burger restaurant, do a little shopping, and bubble tea before we leave?"

I look at her, unaware that lunch has turned into a full day of plans. "Um, Rika, I thought we were just going for lunch? Not...sweets."

"Yes yes, but it is my birthday weekend and, if we're going to be technical, I am unofficially your girlfriend. You should be willing to spend time with me."

I am oddly uncomfortable with that statement. She's right,'s only been a day since we decided to take our friendship to this level, we're walking together like a couple? A little too fast, but Rika has never been one to not take action. "Okay, but the closeness? Not complaining, but we're not dating, so you don't have to do this. We can walk normally."

"True, but you had no problem with this when we were friends in Sword Art Online. Do you know how many stares we got? I bet people thought we were in love. And it isn't like we don't know each either down to...physical looks. We've slept in the same bed at times, we've swam together, so thought it was a different world and different rules, I'm okay being close to you like that in the real world. Honesty, it makes things less awkward. But if you're not okay with that, then I am fine with working back up to that closeness. After all, that was Jaymes and Lisbeth, not Joshua and Rika."

She has a point. We spent much of last year together, even in situations that are socially risque. Of course, we never went that far, but...I have enough visual information to fill in the gaps and so does she. She's also right, I was comfortable with her in SAO, and I do want this. "I guess it's fine. I guess we are unofficially a couple. But I must ask, this is definitely not because you're jealous of how close Asuna and Kazuto are?"

Rika makes a pouty face. "Like hell I am."

"Sure. I finally go on a date, a second one I might add, after you finally realize those two have locked the door and threw away the key. It's my fault, I did put my feelings on the back burner for the fight on the front lines."

"It's both our faults. I mean...I'll admit it, I did like you, but then Kirito showed up and I got jealous because of Asuna. You know what they say, you like what you can't have." Rika sees the crepe shop she wants to go to. We go inside and sit at the barely occupied bar.

As we go over the menu, I continue the conversation. "Really? I wouldn't have expected that."

"Well, I am sure if you look back, it was pretty obvious. But you were focused on the fake murder and then Laughing Coffin, so around that time I guess the moment just wasn't right. I should've taken the chance last year... Ugh, this is stupid."

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