Fatal Bullet Part 2

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Rika, 10:10 PM JST

"Can't believe that dumbass won like that. But of course he did, huh?" Rika sits on top of the toilet cover as she turns the water in the tub on, allowing it to heat up before she switches the flow to the shower head. Spending the last two hours watching Kirito compete in GGO's premier tournament was thrilling, but she was a little disappointed Jaymes didn't compete. She remembers him talking about it, he was excited to do so, but maybe something came up. He does lead that game's version of a guild, maybe he has business there that was more important? Maybe real life trouble? Whatever the issue is, he hasn't talked to her since yesterday evening.

Then again, that Death Gun character… He targeted a few top GGO players. Maybe...no, if that happened… No, she can't think that way. Something within her tells her that Death Gun hasn't gotten to him, and with his defeat at Kirito and that sniper's hands, Jaymes should be safe.

She needs to hear his voice, just to calm her nerves. She picks up her phone and dials his number. She puts it on speaker as she tightens the towel around her body, praying to the heavens to answer her prayer. Jaymes must be safe. Joshua must be safe...


She sighs in relief. "Hey." Rika decides to let her fear go and doesn't worry her boyfriend about her troubling thoughts. It's been more than a day since they've talked and there's so much to talk about, including what just ended minutes ago. "Did you watch the Battle of Bullets? Kirito and this girl named Sinon won in a tie."

"Kirito? He was...ah, I should've known that was him. I heard about him from Sinon, but he's under a different name. Kiriko, right?"

Rika chuckles. "Yeah. Plus that avatar of his, hehe. So what's up? We haven't talked all day. You okay."

"I…" He goes silent for a moment, and that worries Rika again. Were her fears somewhat reasonable? Joshua can handle himself, but he wouldn't keep burdens to himself like Kirito. That's a pillar of their relationship. "I'm okay. I'm sorry I haven't talked to you today. Just had something on my mind."

"Oh yeah? Keiko joked that maybe you were 'doing things' but I know you wouldn't." Rika used that to try to break the ice, but it doesn't help her. She still feels some sense of trouble coming from the other end of this phone call. "But what's on your mind? I'm about to go back online on ALO to congratulate Kirito, maybe we can talk beforehand."

"Lisbeth…no, Rika… I got something to do, but when I'm done, I'll switch over to ALO. Alright?"

She swallows her immediate retort, to yell at him and make him confess what's wrong. If he says that, then she'll hold him to that. "Okay. I see you later then. I lov--"

"Save it," he interrupts, taking Rika aback.


"Save it for when I come back. It would suck if I died today after all that, wouldn't it?"

"Huh? Wait...what do you mean--" The call ends right there as Joshua hangs up. What the hell is going on with him? First, his prolonged silence, then his vagueness… Is her troubled heart really true? Could he be in trouble? Rika shakes in terror as she tries to figure out what the hell is going on, and why he won't tell her. And those final words...why do they sound so familiar…

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