Chapter 5

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"Why did it have to be Newt?" Minho grumbles after the guards deposit us in a large room with two dormitories branching off of it. "They took a few girls from Group B, but Newt was the only Glader."

"Thomas, too," I remind him.

He shrugs. "Thomas'll be fine."

The area we've been left in is falsely open. Falsely because it looks like we could open the unlocked door and leave, but I already know from personal experience that there are two guards there, armed with Launchers and ordered to keep us inside.

I don't really blame them – if I had a weapon in my hand they'd all be in danger – but it does bother me. I want to go see Newt, or even Thomas, but they refuse to tell me how they are.

Teresa isn't helping. She keeps reminding everyone that "WICKED is good," and saying that they'll probably explain everything to us soon. She shuts up, though, when I get close. I'm confident she hurt Thomas in the Scorch, so I'm hunting for excuses to go after her, even if it usually ends in her landing more punches than me before we get dragged apart. Apparently trying to attack her three times for her loyalty has already left an impression.

I don't seek out Sonya for the first half of the day, but I can't avoid the girl forever. She's Newt's sister, and I owe it to him to talk to her.

"Hey," I say, sitting beside her at one of the tables in the common area.

She gives me an unimpressed look, almost like she's disgusted by me. "What do you want?"

"Matches. What do you want?"

"You're not funny."

"Yeah, I learned from Minho. Listen, I got stung by a Griever and you're one of the people I remember. I thought I might want to be at least reasonably nice to you."

I've caught her attention now. "You remember me?"

"That's literally what I just said."

"I- I know. But... what do you remember?"

There's no way I'm telling this stranger that I remember her being the bait that WICKED used against Newt. That memory is one of the most painful for me, and she hasn't earned that.

I shrug. "You were in WICKED when I was. They were being manipulative and cruel."

"But how?" Her eyes are eager. They aren't green like Newt's, but I can see the resemblance in the shapes of their faces.

"I don't know what happened in your Maze, but in ours a boy nearly choked himself to death when he tried to talk about the Changing." I remember the pain racing up my limbs from when WICKED attacked me with my own mind, and I shiver a little.

Sonya nods, looking a bit abashed. "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry. I just don't have anything. I used to be a bit jealous of the girls who got stung... at least they had something, you know? Well... you probably think that's foolish."

I sigh. "Getting stung was awful, but I know someone who did it on purpose." Thomas is sure an idiot. I hope he's alright.

"I just feel like there's something important I've forgotten," she says, her voice small and fragile.

There is, my heart says. You've forgotten him. You've forgotten the brother who would become a murderer to protect you.

I don't say that out loud. Maybe tomorrow I'll tell her. Maybe when I get to know her I'll trust her with that. Maybe then.

But for right now, I allow myself to be selfish. Newt is mine, and I want a few more hours before I have to share him.

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