Chapter 8

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"Ash? Ash, what happened?" Minho's voice is terrified, but I ignore it. I'll lay here unconscious until I die. WICKED has us, Thomas is gone, and Newt is dead. There's nothing left. I'm drowning in an ocean of unconsciousness, barely able to stay awake and wishing my instincts didn't force me to.

I wanted to destroy them, but I had miscalculated. I thought that their abuse would fuel me, become anger that I could use to hurt them.

I hadn't counted on them breaking me so badly that I couldn't stand again. I knew they were going to punish me for burning the city, but this was so much worse than what I had imagined.

Newt hadn't looked crazy. Had they lied? What if he wasn't sick, and the only reason they killed him was to hurt me?

I start crying, and for once I don't hate the tears.

"Ash? Shuck. Uh... are you okay? What happened?" Minho gently shakes my shoulder, the desperation matching the panic in his voice. He's terrified.

I open my eyes a little, staring up at him. I'm in one of the beds back in the bunkroom, the ceiling swimming above me. What did that drug they gave me even do?

"He's gone," I say, softly, and the words break me.

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