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She stares out at the grassy field, waiting. Something is going to happen today, she knows it. Something good.

A blond man strides towards her from the distant trees, and she starts running. He runs, too, trying to reach her five seconds sooner.

"Newt," she says, flinging herself into his arms.

"I've missed you, Ash," he answers. He buries his face in her neck, and they cling to each other.

"I miss you too, Newt." When she presses her lips to his, it's almost like the world is born anew. Everything is as it should be. It won't last – it never does – but she holds on, clinging to the moments she has.

Then he stumbles away from her, dropping to his knees. Blood starts to pour from a wound on his chest and a trickle falls from the corner of his mouth as well.

"No," she whimpers. She hates watching it end.

"Please." Their eyes meet, and he collapses, dead.

"Mom? I hat a bad dream."

I stir and open my eyes. The child is staring at me with his beautiful, huge eyes full of tears. He has a stuffed rabbit made from scraps of clothing tightly clutched to his chest.

"Come here, Bean," I say, holding out my arms. He immediately crawls into the bed, snuggling against me.

I roll over so he's between us. Minho wakes up, blinking his eyes sleepily.

"What's up, Beanie?" he says, his voice low from sleep. The nickname for the child reminds me of Zeke, and my heart pangs. It's been years since the boy gave him that name, but I'll never forget the way Zeke looked at Greenbean.

"Bad dream. Dada sing?"

Minho smiles lazily. "Okay."

Greenbean knows better than to ask me to sing. I never do. I've not cared to learn songs beyond Newt's, and I can't sing those. Minho glances at me, and I can see the concern on his face.

"Another dream, Ash?"

I nod a little. His eyes are sympathetic.

"I'm sorry." He closes the space between us and kisses me gently. "It's going to be okay. I promise."

I brush my lips against his again. "I know. Thank you, Min."

"Sing, dada," Greenbean whines.

Minho chuckles. "Okay, okay. I'll sing for you, Bean."

He pulls both of us close against him, and I cling to his warmth. I can almost forget it in times like this, that sliver of solid ice in my heart. But ultimately it will never disappear, only fade.

We survived, but at a steep cost.

If I still had not met you
What would I have been doing now?
Without even knowing the meaning of love
Where would I have strayed off
Even though I cannot put these rising feelings
Well into words
When I'm with you we understand each other
Till now and forevermore

Greenbean snuggles into us as he falls asleep, Minho's rough, warm voice calming him down.

I give you all my love
I give you my endless gratitude
I'll swear on the stars flowing down your eyes
I'll always be by your side
I am right here beside you
I am right here beside you

Minho's hand strokes my side as he finishes his song, and I know he's thinking about the child that will be here in under half a year.

"We should name him Taemin," he says, "because he'll probably be a terror like you." 

I chuckle. "How do you know it will be a boy?"

"My beautiful sarcasm gives me powers of prophecy. He'll be fast, too."

I close my eyes, trying to fall asleep again. "Course he will, Runner-boy."

"Ash?" he asks. I hum in response. "I love you."

"I love you, too." I mean it.

Sometimes when the world burns, hope lives on in the ashes.

A/N: This is the [very, very sad to Shawols] song I quoted. Since it's Minho singing and not Newt, this one isn't a Bastille song (and actually, it's in Japanese. So.)

Anyway, it's so weird to have finally posted this. Bonus chapter comes out tomorrow, it's from Minho's POV. Y'all can be angry at me now. :P 

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