3. "You really know how to ruin a moment."

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Skylar Brown POV

After we ate we decided to go for a walk around the city. Barcelona was gorgeous under the May night sky.

-You know, Sky... I think Lewis had his eyes on you. - Eleanor started.

I almost jumped back:

-What? Are you kidding me? - I laughed. - You guys talked a lot more than me and him... 

-Huhum... And why is that? Because I have a big mouth! - she grinned. - Listen, I just want to tell you that you're probably going to see him again... So... Are you interested? - she looked hopeful.

-Why are you saying this all of a sudden? - I asked. 

-Nothing, just thinking. 

We walked past some teenagers who were watching something on their phone. We couldn't see the screen but we heard what was being said.

"Lewis Hamilton is already in Barcelona for the Spanish Grand Prix! He was seen arriving at the airport this afternoon and later posted he is feeling focused and hopeful for the race on Sunday."

-Skylar, see? Lewis's name is everywhere! - she laughed. - it must be a sign. 

-Oh, God, you have a match maker tendency, don't you? - I walked a few steps ahead of her.

-What can I say? It must be in my blood. - She shrugged and I smiled and rolled my eyes.


It was 9:45pm and we decided to go to the club that Lewis Davidson suggested. We got to the address and it was completely packed. There was a huge line outside, so we decided to go talk to the doorman and try to get in.

-Hi, goodnight. - I started. He looked at me as if I was being a huge inconvenience. - I think my friend and I are in Michael's guest list...? - I hopefully asked.

He laughed. 

-Sure, sure. Do you have any idea of how many people have been telling me that so far? - he rolled his eyes at us.

-Yo, my friend is serious, so please, check. - El lost her patience.

He sighed and looked through the list as if he was making us a big favor.


-Eleanor Waltz and Skylar Brown. - I said confidently.

His eyes widened and he looked up.

-Are you guests of Lewis... Davidson? - He gave us a little smirk. I didn't know what was so fascinating about Lewis to a doorman, but I nodded. 

-Oh, go right ahead. - he abruptly moved to the side and we got in the club.

It was gorgeous and filled with luxury. I looked around and everyone seemed rich or accompanied by anyone who was rich. 

"What the hell does that guy do for a living to afford coming to a place like this?" 

Eleanor must've read my mind, she looked around the room and then back to me as she mouthed "what the fuck". I burst out laughing and I looked around again. Until I saw him.

 Until I saw him

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