31. "Cheers to family!"

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Sunday, December 15th, 2019 - London, United Kingdom

Lewis Hamilton POV

Skylar: But can't you make it today?

I was listening to Skylar, she was on the phone with El. 

They hadn't been able to be together lately, so she still hadn't told her she was pregnant. Sky was touching her belly as she talked to El. There was already a little bump and every time I saw it I couldn't help but smile. Skylar had been wearing baggier outfits so that no one suspected, but we wanted to tell everyone on Christmas Eve, so, obviously, El had to know before that. 

Well, El and Natalie, Skylar's sister, but she was having dinner at our house that night, she'd been too busy, the babies were almost here. I smiled at the fact that the family was about to grow bigger.

Skylar: You can? Great! I can't wait for you to see this. - She looked down at her bump. - The house, of course. 

I laughed and El must've noticed because Skylar gave me a killer look.

Me: I'm sorryyyyy - I whispered.

Skylar: Lewis is watching a series. Anyway, can you be here in 1 hour? I'll text you the address.


Skylar: Oof, I'm nervous. 

Me: You don't have to be... You know she's going to be happy... Well, I hope. - I laughed.

Skylar: She will... I bought something to give her, look. - She showed me a cute box she'd prepared. - Anyway, I'm gonna put something on... To cover this. - she smiled.

An hour later...

Eleanor: Oh, my God, this is gorgeous. Lewis, you've outdone yourself. - El said as she looked around the house.

Me: You have no idea how I've outdone myself... - Skylar hit me in the arm and I laughed.

Eleanor: What?

Me: Nothing... 

Skylar: I've got something for you...

Eleanor: Ooh, presents already?

Skylar: Something like that. - she laughed and went to grab the box. - Here. - Sky handed it to El and sat down on the couch next to me. 

El opened it and her chin dropped. 

Eleanor: No, you're kidding! - She started crying, which in turn made Skylar cry

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Eleanor: No, you're kidding! - She started crying, which in turn made Skylar cry. - Is this for real? Am I gonna be an aunt? Well, I'm your best friend, but I want him or her to call me aunt...

They hugged.

Skylar: You're gonna be the best... 

Eleanor hugged me too.

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