29. "I'm pregnant."

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Skylar Brown POV

Saturday, October 26th, 2019 - Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez, Mexico City, Mexico

It had been a couple of weeks since we'd found out I was pregnant. We were still keeping it a secret, but it had been becoming more and more difficult. Not that I was showing, it was early, but I was always feeling nauseous. 

Lewis: Hey, baby, how are you? - Lewis got back to the Mercedes hospitality, he had just been in quali, he'd gotten P3. - I couldn't even concentrate today.

Me: No, no, you're winning this race tomorrow. For me and our little munchkin. - I whispered. - By the way, I was thinking, maybe we should tell our parents.

Lewis: You think?

Right then Valtteri approached us. 

Valtteri: We can do something from there tomorrow. - He was starting P6 after hitting the barriers.

Lewis: Yeah, of course. But how are you? That was a very big hit!

They talked a bit more about Valtteri's accident and adjustments they'd make and the way for them to have a good start and I went on my phone. 


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Valtteri left and Lewis turned to me. 

Lewis: You wanna tell them?

I nodded.

Me: Yes... I can't wait. 

Sunday, October 27th, 2019 - Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez, Mexico City, Mexico

The race went amazing for Lewis, he won, but I wasn't there to see it. I spent a lot of race time in the bathroom, the nausea was awful that day. I told Angela I had the flu and I don't think she suspected anything. 

Lewis: Hey, baby, how are you feeling?

Me: Not great, I don't have my nausea pills, and today it's really bad...

Lewis: You don't? - I shook my head 'no'. - Shit, we'll get some on the way to the hotel. I'll tell Angela it's because of the flu, although I don't think she'll fall for it much longer...

Me: We can tell her after we tell our parents if it's ok with you.

Lewis: Of course, don't worry about it.

We got in the car to go to the hotel and I leaned my head on the window. As soon as I took the pill I started feeling better.

Angela was leaving for New Zealand, so we were staying by ourselves until the next weekend, for the United States Grand Prix. 

Lewis: She gave me a weird look... - Lewis laughed.

Me: Does she know we're looking for a house? - Lew nodded. - Well, she might know something is up... - I laughed the nerves off. 

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