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Hey there, my names loverboy the host.
This will be a collection of things that happened both good and bad.
My experience.
It's not "quirky". It's not even enjoyable sometimes but I wouldn't trade it, ive grown used to this jumbled up family.

We call it the homesick system because it's mostly and inside joke/thing (?) about past and trauma.

No I will not explain said trauma - only will it be briefly referenced. I am not comfortable explaining to strangers on the internet my life story.

I also will not show you my medical records for anything mentioned. I rather be called a cringey faker than show total strangers my medical records. I'm not a fucking idiot.

Now some information on us (main bois) + emojis

- name: Loverboy (my middle name I'm not sharing personal information)
Emoji: none bc I front the most, I will confront but everyone else uses emojis
Pronouns: he/they/Xe
Role: host + core (I also resolve arguments between alters)
Info: I vibe and front the most, people call me the "original" and fuck that. I hate when people say their not "real" and they're "all in my head" like that's really insulting. If I'm not fronting I'm dissociating and I have no idea what happens when I'm mentally not there like again, I'm not everyone else I am me.

-name: Schlatt
Emoji: 💙
Pronouns: He/Him
Role: fictive + protector (+ caretaker but he will never admit that lol)
Info: wears a blue sweater which matches Wilburs yellow one, their best friends. He's mostly active and will co host with me or watch/be close to me to reassure me. He gets protective. Watches videos with wilbur

- name: Wilbur
Emoji: 🔥
Pronouns: he/him
Role: fictive + caretaker (sometimes like the big brother figure/role)
Info: bio family to sbi, somehow always wins at uno (minx claims he cheats and that causes arguments that I gotta resolve) - sings and wears a yellow hoodie that matches schlatt, white stripe in hair

- name: Tommy
Pronouns: he/him
Role: fictive + trauma holder (little? Teens? Sometimes 13 sometimes 12-16)
Info: quiet in regards to outside interaction, so I guess he's an insider. A few are like this bc when I was first open we got backlash and death threats and all that jazz and as a result we lost some alters or some have certain anxiety/ptsd. Idk if this is the cause of bc hes based off exile Tommy.

- name: Tubbo
Pronouns: He/him
Role: fictive + just brightens people mood
Info: likes bees, I find ladybugs superior. Confronts and sometimes fills the mindspace with loud constant shift dance music when your around him, has and will call any interaction "deffo flirting" and calls everyone "bosios man"

- name: Ranboo
Pronouns: He/They
Role: fictive + trauma holder
Info: he's upset bc we haven't had spaghetti in a while. Doesn't mind confronting but prefers not to in order to spend more time with the other members of bench trio

- name: Drista
Emoji: 🟢
Pronouns: She/her
Role: fictive + gatekeeper (honestly one of the most responsible of us)
Info: calm and collective, I trust her with my life. She hangs out with Tommy and if not then with Sam or goes off to find dream or the others

- name: Techno
Emoji: 🐽
Pronouns: He/Him
Role: fictive + protective (+ also like a big brother who comforts you? Idfk how to explain this relationship)
Info: Greek mythology expert, hangs out with bad a lot. Think their besties but he will never admit that. I have heard the story of every Greek hero a million times but it's never boring

- name Bad (BBH)
Emoji: ❤️
Pronouns: He/Him
Role: fictive + caretaker (+ trauma holder for the first time we tried to "come out" as a system)
Info: likes making flower crowns with techno, extremely shy due to first incident + gets anxiety from it and usually stands near me and waves before walking off. Bakes the best muffins

- name: Sapnap
Emoji: 🧨
Pronouns: He/him
Role: fictive + protector but also just pure chaos
Info: bads kid, unclear whether bio or adoption. Pretty sure fiancé's with quackity and Karl but unsure. Pure chaos, fun to be around - acts like a kid more than the actual kids, tries too hard to be the "cool uncle"

- name: Quackity
Emoji: 🦆
Pronouns: he/him
Role: fictive + the fun one? (Also cheers people up and is just pure sugar rush)
Info: has been killed a bit due to chaos, I can only speak basic Spanish so I can't type or translate anything for you guys. Sometimes comes off annoying but is a super fun guy (pretty sure he's also Mexican dream but who knows)

- name: Charlie
Emoji: 🪀
Pronouns: He/Him
Role: fictive + ? (Found him a few days ago)
Info: found him a few days ago, introduced him to techno and bad. Cofronted for the first time on Friday (keeps referring to us as "fellow humans")

- name: Minx
Emoji: 💜
Pronouns: She/Her
Role: fictive + protector + caretaker (I know shocker)
Info: Mummy issues who? Sweet, can't understand her most of the time due to her accent and fast paced talking - fights with wilbur a lot in a brother/sister way

- name: Sam
Emoji: ⚙️
Pronouns: He/Him
Role: fictive + gatekeeper + caretaker
Info: second responsible one in the system, tries his best, tired dad vibes. Usually sitting down holding a lemon and talking to it?

- name: Foolish
Emoji: 🦈
Pronouns: He/Him
Role: Protector?
Info: also shy, hangs with sam. Disappears off somewhere - kinda mysterious kinda easy to read like a book

* If your wondering why so many fictives? Let's just say something happened that caused a lot of hyper focus and deep dissociation for a long period of time that I couldn't tell if I was alive or not nor could I process time

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