Little Missy.

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Toddler Ally and Mommy Demi

"Allyson, come back here with my shirt!" Demi yelled as the little naked girl ran out her room, they had just taken a bath and now the girl was hyped to play. She expected Ally to be tired by now, they had been playing for the whole day and Demi needed a little break. She ran out her room after the child in sweats and a bra, not caring if anyone would walk in any minute and see her.

"Catch me, catch me, catch me!" Ally sing-sang while she struggled to wear her mother's shirt, running around the living room as she did so.

"Mommy is tired, baby. Please give me back my shirt," Demi sighed, observing the running child. Ally was running around the sofa in her shirt and as much as Demi found this cute she still needed her rest. "I should've called Mani, today."

Ally was still running around not minding how many times she nearly tripped on the rug, she stopped in front of her mother and pointed at the red lacy bra Demi was wearing.

"Big boobies, Momma Khe's 'oves Mommy's big juicy boobies, " Ally called out happily, happy that she gave her mother the same compliment her other mother gives everytime they think they're alone. She gave a little happy dance in her place, raising the overly sized shirt up to avoid herself from falling.

Demi's eyes went wide and her eyes nearly popped out at the comment, she wrapped her arms around the young girl and stared at her straight in the eye as she raised her up, "Who told you that?"

Ally who was just to hyped to notice the mother's stern voice, cheerily answered, "Momma Khe's keep saying that I'm lucky cause I can sleep on your boobies and she can't."

The mother nearly lost her grip on the child, she knew her wife would be a dumbass but she didn't expect her to be this dumb. She for sure would have a talk with Khelani later tonight, "You don't say that ever again, do you understand young one?"

"B-But it's true, you have big boobies," Ally reasoned out, reaching her arms to rest her hands on her mother's breasts. She was not understanding why her mother was being like this, being very grumpy.

"Okay that-" Demi took a look down at her breasts and gulped "- might be true but, you can't say that to anyone ever again okay? It's very impolite and not something a child should say."

"But why does DJ say her mommy has big boobies and she doesn't get sco'ded on," Ally crossed her arms, pouting at her mother.

"Oh believe me, Dinah gets scolded a lot by your Aunty Mani," Demi flicked her daughters forehead lightly and walked towards the kitchen, setting her daughter on top of the table. She took a knife and an apple, slicing it and giving a slice to Ally.

"She does?" Ally said to herself, loud enough for Demi to hear.

"Yep and just like you, I will have a good talk with your Momma later tonight," Demi said, taking a bite of the fruit she sliced.

"Ooh will you guys p'ay a game af'er your talk? The one you p'ay when Momma gets in trouble?" Demi scrunched up her face at the girl, wondering what she meant by games.

"What do you mean games? I will probably hit your Momma with a shoe for what she taught you," The mother scoffed.

"Y'know that game you guys p'ay inside your room, you and Momma kiss and you tie her to the bed then you close the door and 'ock it? I don't know what game you really play but I know it's fun cause Momma always yells your name and sometimes God's name too-" Ally stopped her rambling when she heard her mother choke on her apple, "Mommy are you okay?! Do you need water?!" She wasted no time and jumped off the table, grabbing her sippy cup full of water from the living room and ran back to the kitchen, handing it to her mother.

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