Shooting her shot

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There she goes, walking confidently through the crowd in all her glory. She politely excused herself from the boys who tried to talk to her, denying the drinks offered to her and immediately spotting her own little group in the kitchen. She passed by without noticing my presence that stood by the arche way and went to engulf in the conversation with the other girls, I couldn't help but look at her in her very fitting outfit.

She had on a dirty-white tube top under her denim jacket and white high-waisted pants with her hair put up in a neat ponytail and some strands of her hair hanging from the sides of her face, her light make up giving me the closest view of her bare beauty. Allyson Brooke Hernandez really was a dazzling sweetheart, so innocent and pure. She was the dream girl anyone wants straight out of the movie, absolutely perfect in every way.

I've always wondered how she was still single with how much men and women were lining up for her, trying to ask her out on dates and getting her number. One thing I liked about her was that she was hard to get, not like any other girl's I've met that would immediately throw herself onto people who showed interest in them. She knew her value and worth, had her standards up in the sky and her attitude in place.

"Dude," I snapped out of my trance as I felt a light nudge on my shoulder, turning my head back to my group I saw Dinah with a grin on her face.

"Stop eyeing her and just shoot your shot," She says and I roll my eyes, everyone knew Ally was a diamond in the rough. I could never get a chance with her, not in a million years.

"We talked about this already," I shake my head. "We don't even know if she swings that way."

"Chicken," Dinah scoffs earning a laugh from Tori and Kehlani, once again my eyes rolled.

"C'mon Laur, she obviously has the hots for you. Give it a try," Kehlani pushed, "You never know, she might actually be waiting for you to make a move."

"Yeah, she's been eyeing you since day one. Stealing glances at you while you turn your back on her and even smile and blush whenever you look at her," Tori added, "I swear, dude. That chick likes you, just bring those balls with you and talk to her, get her number or something."

I let out a breath and look back to where the previous girl was. Yes, I knew about her little glances at me. Yes, I knew about her possible little crush on me but that doesn't change the fact that I don't have a chance with her. I'm just a softball ace player at our school that still keeps getting bullied for being the coach's favorite and for being one of the top students of the year, not to mention half of our school is very homophobic. Ally's the campus princess, I'm basically a pauper compared to her. I'm even suprised I got invited to these parties without the need to be dragged by my friends as a plus one.

"Hello, Earth to Lauren," I gave Dinah another pointed look before sighing. "Just ask her out, man."

"Fine," I roll my eyes for the third time and hand her my cup, sliding my hands into my jacket's pocket and mentally preparing myself for what I was about to do.

"Go get 'er, tiger," Kehlani gives me a pat on the chess.

"And don't worry, Demi and the others might help you," Tori butts in jokongly referring to Kehlani's cheerleader girlfriend, Demi Lovato, another campus sweetheart.

"Yeah right," I scoff and walk my way towards my target, making sure I had my fulk focus on her as to not lose her view. The kitchen was a bit packed and the party was still getting started, though most of the teens here were way past tipsy already.

As I got closer to the girl, I saw her put her drink down on the counter and pull out her phone. Showing her friends something on it, however my attention was on the guy behind her, quickly and sneakily sprinkling white powder into her cup and acting as if nothing happened. In instinct, I ran to it just before she could pick it up again and down the drink. I grabbed the cup from her hand, suprising her at the same time.

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