Sweet shy sweater girl

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Dinally bitch!

Dinah has only ever seen Ally through the halls of their highschool and only ever refers to her as the sweet shy sweater girl.


It was finally graduation day and Dinah couldn't be more proud of herself for not completely giving up the whole school year, she had thought of just dropping out of highschool and just be a beach bum back in Hawaii since her family was already rich. But with the persuasion of her friends Lauren and Normani, she ended up finishing highschool and even decided to continue college.

Now the three girls were now talking amongst themselves in Lauren's parent's car where Clara, Lauren's mother, drove them to school for the ceremony.

"I can't wait for this day to get over with so we can all fly back to Hawaii," Normani says excitedly, it had been a tradition for the three girls to spend summer at Dinah's home island almost every year.

Lauren chuckled, "If I didn't know better, I'd say you're just excited to see Val."

Dinah gave the darker girl a teasing look after what Lauren said and Normani slightly shuddered causing her to laugh.

"Okay, I don't hate Val and all but he just really isn't my type. He's fine being my friend and that's final," Normani laughed, "Hopefully he doesn't try anything this year like he did last year."

"Oh come on, give him a chance he's a nice guy," Clara chuckled from the driver's seat.

"I know but you know I don't swing straight," Normani shrugged and the woman shook her head with another chuckle.

"You've been quiet, Deej. What's up?" Lauren asked seeing the content smile on the girl's face.

"Remember sweet shy sweater girl?" Dinah says.

Normani grinned, "Yeah, you always talk about her. Have you even tried talking to her?"

"Nope," Dinah chuckles.

"And why is that?" Lauren says.

"Because, Lauren, everytime I walk her way she walks away. Everytime I even glance at her she blushes and looks away, and when I try to talk to her she gets flustered and just runs away. Now how am I supposed to talk to her?" Dinah laughs, "The girl is adorable and all but she lacks a bit of social interacting skills or that could just be my effect on her."

"Alright bighead," Normani chuckles, "Also isn't her name Allyson or something? Why call her sweater girl?"

"Because she wears those cutely handmade sweaters everyday," Dinah shrugs, "She looks very cute in it so I just called her that and yes her name is Allyson."

"Well it's the last day of highschool and we're all moving to college, you could have atleast tried to ask her out on a date," Lauren shakes her head.

Dinah sighs and leans her head on Normani's shoulder, "I don't know why she's so shy around me. I mean, I don't look mean, do I?"

Normani and Lauren looked at each other before turning back at Dinah. "D, I mean this in the most friendly way ever. You always look like you have someone after you, like you're ready to fight whoever walks to you most of the time. You have that resting bitch face that no one likes and that's why she's scared of you."

Dinah raises her brow at them and Lauren points at her, "Yeah that face, you have that face everyday."

Normani stifled a laugh as Dinah's mouth hung open at her bluntness. She pouted and stayed silent, giving the girl the silent treatment. Lauren and Normani gave her amused faces before leaving her alone and getting out the car as soon as they arrived school compound. Clara had informed them to go in first and that she'd wait till the other family arrives.

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