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Camila woke up to a hungry start, she sat up in her bed and checked the time. She woke up an hour before her usual routine started and went down to her kitchen, humming a tune to herself as she gathered the ingredients to make her own cuisine. Her Camwich, a sandwhich that consisted of a turkey slice and a few banana slices then topped with ketchup. It was a weird mix but it tasted right so she didn't mind, her friends thought the same as well so that was a bonus.

Having played music beforehand, Camila swayed to the song as she applied the ketchup on one side of the bread and had the idea to draw a weird symbol she had seen in one of those movies that summoned demons instead of her usual smiley face. Slapping the symbol on, she flipped the bread over her concoction and placed it on the table and moving forward to make tea.

A puffing sound and smoke following after behind the girl caught Camila's attention, she turned around and dropped the bag of tea she was holding when she saw a blonde girl with red eyes sitting on the other side of the table. Her arms crossed, eyebrow raised, lips in a line and eyes focused on her. Camila having been in shock, gently and silently took out two more slices of bread from the package and made another sandwich, this time it had no symbol on it, and put it on a plate. Sliding it towards the stranger and making two cups of tea instead of one, she placed the other cup in front of the girl as well.

The girl looked at her before taking the sandwich off her plate and taking a bite out of it. Camila watched as she savored the taste and swallowed, taking another bite before quickly finishing it. The girl drank the tea and smiled at her before disappearing in a puff of demon smoke.

Camila blinked and coughed as the strong vanilla scented smoke travelled through her lungs, she looked around and spotted no one but the other set of plates and cup in front of her. As bizarre as it seemed for her to have summoned a demon, her job couldn't wait. She ate her food and got ready.

The whole time getting ready and driving to work, all Camila had in her head was that incident this morning. She had caught herself drowning in her thoughts a few times as she walked through her workplace and into her own cubicle. Camila worked as an accountant at BDO, she was on top of the scale and was one of the top employees of the year. She was pretty swell at her job and she enjoyed it but Camila wanted to move on from being on the desk in her cubicle with her other co-workers to having her own desk and office somewhere at the top floor of the building. She wanted a promotion.

"Camila," Her boss, Simon Cowell calls as soon as she entered her cubicle. She turned around and saw him standing near the employees room.

"Yes sir?" Camila asks, walking up to him.

"I want to talk to you in my office," Simon says and walks his way to the elevator.

Camila, being herself, grew anxious and followed him. Staying silent as she walked to his office, there she saw Simon already in his desk and sorting through papers. "Sir?"

"Oh come here," Simon gestured as he opened a drawer, pulling something out.

Camila waited for his next words, sitting in front of her boss. She fidgeted with her fingers and bounced her leg nervously. Was she getting fired? Did she violate dress codes? Has she been framed for stealing money?

"I'm happy to announce that you are being promoted."

"I-What?" Camila blinked, looking at her boss with wide eyes.

"You, Camila Cabello, are being promoted as the new manager, Sheila had resigned a week ago in advance and has chosen you to be the new manager," Simon states, he stretched his arm out and dropped the keys in Camila's hands.

"Oh my gosh, thank you! Thank you so much," Camila squealed happily and jogged to the door.

"You are welcome, you start tomorrow," Simon called out before the girl could even run out the room completely, he shook his head as Camila yelled a 'noted' before shutting the door.


The following weeks after, Camila had gotten luckier and luckier. She had won two lotteries, earning half a million and a new BMW to replace her old one. She also recieved a coupon for a free trip to the Himalayas after trying her luck at an online raffle. To say Camila was living the dream would be an understatement.

Today she was having herself a free day, making her usual Camwich when a familiar puff appeared behind her once again, she turned around to see the familiar blonde, sitting eagerly in her seat. Her eyes on the sandwich in her hand, she licked her lips and smiled up at Camila.

"You want another sandwich?" Camila chuckled, turning back to make another one when the girl nodded.

Camila hadn't seen the girl since the promotion day and couldn't help but ask why woman appeared out of nowhere, she finishes the tea and sandwhich. She served it to the woman and sat across her, the woman nodded at her and started to munch on her food.

"So did you happen have something to do with my promotion?" Camila asked, staring at the woman.

The woman looked at her whilst munching on her sandwhich with wide questioning eyes as if to tell her to repeat what she did, and Camila did. "Did you have something to do with my promotion?"

The woman nodded and continued to eat, "Why?"

"It's not everyday demons get to have homemade sandwiches."

Short story for now cause school is being a fucking bitch to me lol

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