Just a friend to you II

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Three days, it's been three days since Ally, Tori and Lauren had interacted. Dinah and Normani were worried for both three girls, none of them were taking the situation lightly.

Lauren was taking it very badly, she felt defeated and heartbroken. Blaming herself for being a coward and not giving Ally what she wanted, she felt guilty for making the girl feel hidden and unwanted. She just wanted the girl back but had no courage to even look at the girl, she didn't want to see the empty look on the shorter girl's face. On top of all that, Tori had been getting close with the girl. They'd hung out a lot these days by what Lauren saw on Tori's Instagram page. The most recent was of Ally sleeping in Tori's hoodie and in her bed, looking happy and peaceful. She felt like she already lost the girl, the chance to have Ally. She'd kept herself busy everyday to have an excuse as to not meet up with her friends.

Tori had been okay with everything since she and Ally had talked things out but it didn't stop her from trying to get her chance with the girl. She felt guilty for calling Lauren out and pressuring Ally by adding herself into a love triangle. She couldn't bare of Lauren having the girl she dreamed of having for herself and watch the girl getting hurt in the process when she knew she could treat the girl better than Lauren can, if Ally would even give her a chance. She's been trying to cheer the girl up after having locked herself up in her room and avoiding everyone, she saw it as a chance to woo Ally and show her what real love was.

Ally had taken everything the worst, she felt pressured. She felt as if she chose the wrong person she'd lose everyone, both girls were her best friend in the first place. She loved Lauren with all her heart and would drop everything to start new with her, she didn't care if she'd be hidden forever just as long as she was in her arms. But the thought of losing Tori as a friend scared her. Next to Normani, Tori had always had her back since kindergarten. She cherished the girl dearly and knew that she would give the girl the light of day if Lauren wasn't in the picture. Ally hated that she had to choose between the two people she loved, she hated she had to fall in the situation. She just wanted to be in her lover's arms and still be friends with the other.

Normani sighed as she watched the whole gang slowly drifting apart, neither one of the three wanted to talk or even see each other. The only one reaching out to them was Ally and that girl was having herself a lot of pressure.

"We need to have a talk to the other two," Dinah says from next to the girl on the couch, she watched as Ally baked in the kitchen. Tori was focused on her phone and Lauren was nowhere im sight, she hadn't seen the girl im three days.

"I know," Normani sighed, they were at Ally's house because the girl wanted to bake for them since she was alone. Her parents were out for the week.

"But how?" Dinah sighed.

"Maybe lock them up in one room," Tori pitched in, both girls looked at her in shock. "You guys have no inner voice."

"Have you and Ally talked?" Dinah asked.

"Yes, she only sees me as a friend and as a friend only. I think she's scared I'll leave her if she chose Lauren over me," Tori sighed, putting her phone down.

"Would you?" Normani raised a brow.

"No," Tori leaned on her chair, "I'd still be her friend but it'll take me time and a bit of space away from her to get over what I feel for her. If she's happy with that asshole then I guess I'll have to be happy for her."

"That's nice," Normani smiled, "I'm glad you're being a bigger person. I know how much you love her, you've had a crush on her since you were kids. . .but are you sure you wouldn't wanna fight for her?"

"What do you mean?" Dinah asked, frantic. What was her girlfriend up to?

"I mean, it'd be unfair for Tori to just give up the love of her childhood for someone who wouldn't even want to be a brave person and just come out to her family and stop hiding Ally," Normani shrugged, "I can definitely see Ally smiling brightly with Tori, especially in public."

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