4- Get Out of My House

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My eyes fluttered open as thunder clapped through the sky. I took a deep breath and looked over at an empty spot where JJ had slept. I rubbed my eyes. The rain was still pouring. The power was still out because it was almost pitch black. I slowly sat up and eventually got up and walked out to the living room. Sarah sat there holding a cup of water. John B to the side of her and pope on the other side. She looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back and walked up as we hugged. I shut my eyes as I felt safe knowing she was okay. She sat back down and I looked out the windows.

"The storm is hovering over the outer banks right now, but it's not that bad," John B said.

"Yeah all the roads are shut down and the power is out everywhere," Pope said. I nodded.

"Where's JJ and Kiara?" I asked looking around.

"Well Kie tried to slap Sarah so she's currently talking with JJ," John B said.

"Slap Sarah!?" I asked.

"It's a long story," Sarah said sighing.

"So we're stuck here,"  I said.

"Pretty much," Pope said.

"It's supposed to clear up soon," John B added.

"Good, Topper and Kelce probably think we're dead," I said scoffing.

"Wait you guys hang out with those losers?" John B asked.

"Those 'losers' are my best friends, and Topper is my boyfriend," Sarah said to John B.

"Yeah well you saw what happened at that bonfire," Pope said to Sarah. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"Sarah, what happened at the bonfire, you said everything went fine," I asked.

"It's not a big deal, Topper and John B got in a fight and well I guess we can say that John B lost and then JJ pulled out a fucking gun cause he's psychotic," Sarah said pulling the blanket around her tighter.

"Okay first of all Topper did not win that fight, and JJ is not psychotic, he was, he was just trying to help, and that whole day was a mess because of the tre-," John B said before Pope snapped at him.

"Dude you cant tell them," Pope said.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing you guys wouldn't understand," John B said.

"Cause we're Kooks?" Sarah asked. John B opened his mouth and shut it pursing his lips. I sighed.

"God cant we just drop the whole pogues versus kooks shit, okay, please?!" I yelled. Everyone stared at me.

"We think we can find treasure that my dad died looking for," John B said.

"Dude?!" Pope yelled.

"What treasure?" I asked.

"The gold, on the Royal Merchant?" John B said.

"Oh my god, my dad talks about that sometimes," Sarah said.

"Yeah but we just need to actually get the treasure," John B added.

"Well where is it?" I asked sitting down.

"Seriously?" A voice from behind me asked. I flipped around to see Kiara standing there.

"You're telling them where the treasure is?" She asked angrily.

"Kie," Pope said.

"Get out!" Kiara yelled at Sarah and I. I stood up and stared at her.

"Fine," I said walking towards the door. JJ walked out and towards the door. I started pulling off his hoodie.

"Here," I said taking it off.

"No just keep it," He said. Sarah marched up behind me. She was cursing out Kiara but I wasn't listening.

"Guys it's not safe out there!" Pope yelled. I ignored everyone and walked out the door. I walked out in the rain and wind. My hair blowing. Sarah walking next to me. After a while of walking we reached figure 8. A familiar car pulled up in front of us. Topper and Kelce got out.

"Oh my god," Topper said running towards Sarah and pulling her into a hug.

"I thought you were dead," Kelce said hugging me.

"Take me home," I said. He nodded and we got in the car.

"Sarah your parents have been looking everywhere for you," Topper said.

"Have you talked to my parents," I asked. Kelce looked back at me.

"I, um, talked to your mom," he said.

"And?" I asked.

"She said 'if she's alive ok if she's dead oh well'," he said looking down. My heart dropped and I slowly nodded. Sarah looked over at me. I pursed my lips and stared out the window. Trees swayed side to side.

"What even happened," Topper asked.

"Well we were stuck out in the water for a while but, some kids came and found us and took us back to their house, saved us," I said.

"Who?" Kelce asked. I looked at Sarah.

"John B and his friends," Sarah answered. Topper slammed on the brakes.

"What?!" He yelled. I flinched at his tone.

"Top, it's fine let's go," Kelce said. Topper slowly nodded and kept driving. We eventually got to my house.

"I'll see y'all," I said waving as I ran up to my door. I walked through the front door. My mom sat in the living room watching "Keeping Up With the Kardashians"

"Mom?" I asked walking towards the living room.

"Oh, you're back," she said looking over at me. Her lip heightened as a disgusted look grew across her face. She was clearly very drunk.

"Those are a boys clothes," she said standing up.

"You didn't even look for me," I said angrily.

"Why are you wearing boys clothes," she asked stepping closer.

"I almost died mom," I said yelling as I started crying.

"I almost wish you did," she yelled. I flinched and stepped back.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean that," she said rubbing her forehead.

"Where's dad?" I asked.

"Working," she said. I nodded as my vision was blurry with tears.

"I'm leaving," I said.

"Why," she asked.

"This always fucking happens. It's like one day you love me and then all the sudden you get drunk and I am the worst person in the world, so i'm fucking leaving," I said choking on tears.

"Oh save the pity party for whatever guy you'll sleep with next," she said taking a sip of wine. I stared into her cold emotionless eyes.

"I hate you," I said licking my lips.

"I bet he was a pogue," she said laughing.

"My daughters a whore for pogues," she said giggling.

"You know I married your father cause he was a rich kook, so you would be nothing without me," she said stumbling to the side. I pressed my hand to my mouth.

"I hate you," I screamed.

"Then leave, and please for the sake of my happiness don't come back, ever," she said. I nodded and ran upstairs. I grabbed a suitcase and threw a bunch of clothes and toiletries in it. I ran down the stairs and towards the front door.

"Don't come back!" My mom said sitting down on the couch. I cried and sprinted over to Sarah's house in the rain. My tears mixing with the rain. I knocked on her door. A tall figure answered. Rafe.

"Lexi?" He asked. I pursed my lips as I sobbed into his chest. I coughed on my tears. He wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair with his thumb.

"What happened?" he asked looking down at me.

"My mom kicked me out, well kind of," I said pulling myself together.

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