10- Sure

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I rubbed my eyes as I woke up and sat up slowly. I heard indistinct shouting from the living room. I quickly got up and walked out there.

"WE'RE GOING TO BE FUCKING RICH BABY!" JJ yelled. I stood and stared in confusion. Sarah ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"What's going on," I asked.

"We know where the treasure is," John B said.

I stood in shock and smiled.

"Tomorrow night, we're going to the Crane residence and finding that fucking gold," Pope said.

"Doesn't someone live there?" Kiara asked.

"Just some old lady, she's harmless," JJ said. I sighed and reluctantly agreed. Everyone went about there days and I caught up with JJ.

"Hey," I said smiling.

"Hi," he replied bluntly. I tilted my head in confusion.

"So are we going to talk about last night or?" I asked.

"Well you were drunk and I was drunk and if you ask me nothing happened. Got it?" JJ said picking up a water bottle and walking away. I stood there alone in shock. I wasn't drunk and he knew that, he was the one who gave me the water at the party. He's the one who told me to stay away from Rafe yet according to him nothing happened between JJ and I so why does it matter. I sighed and walked out to my car. I pulled back the sunroof and turned up the music. I drove all the way to Kelce's house. We sat in his kitchen as I ranted all about everything going on.

"So Rafe and JJ got in a fight because they both think they own you?" Kelce asked making dinner.

"Exactly, like how stupid does that sound, then JJ had this whole sentimental caring talk with me and pretended like it never happened," I said sighing.

"How do you always get into these situations," Kelce replied. I rubbed my temples.

"I mean i've never seen Rafe this way, he's like, psychotic or some shit," I said.

"Maybe you should go talk to him," Kelce said looking at me. He knew I didn't want to.

"You know you need too," Kelce said tilting his head. I slowly got up and sighed. I hugged him and said bye.

Driving over to the Cameron's house my heart was beating. When I knocked on the door Wheezie answered.

"Hey Wheez, where's Rafe?" I asked.

"He was all angry last night and gave me a whole speech about how he's a man and is proactive or some shit then stormed off to his apartment," she answered. Her dark hair framing her face. I nodded slowly and thanked her. I drove to his apartment and walked up the steps. 15 was his apartment number. He was on the second story and had a great view of the ocean. I knocked on the door. After a few minutes he finally answered. As he opened the door he stumbled to the side. A cigarette in his hand. I looked at the mirror and line of white powder coating it behind him. I then looked back at him.

"To make sure I don't think of you," he said laughing lightly. I pushed him in the door and shut it behind him. I stared at the trashed room my jaw slightly parted.

"Rafe," I said looking around at his trashed place. His couch was ripped and cups and plates shattered all around. I looked around in shock.

"I got mad," Rafe said bluntly. I looked up at him. His hand twitching and his forehead sweaty. Tears slowly formed in my eyes but I pushed them back. I pursed my lips. Rafe's expression changed to a deep frown and tears filled his eyes. I slowly walked over to him and waited for his approval as I wrapped my arms around him. I nuzzled my head into his shoulder as he sobbed. He kissed my forehead repeatedly. He had such a feeling of hatred but I knew he loved me.

"Somethings wrong with me," he said. I pulled back and looked him in his eyes. tears streaked his cheeks. I couldn't help but tear up. I slowly nodded and wiped his tears.

"I'm a mess Lexi," He said.

"Me too," I replied as tears streaked my cheek. Wiping them away. I kissed his forehead. I looked at the clock 9:26 PM. We slowly made our way over to his bed. I layed him down as his eyelids drooped. I pulled a blanket over him.

"I love you Lexi," he said quietly as he drifted off. I kneeled next to him on the floor. I pursed my lips as tears rolled down my cheek. I tilted my head back and took a breath.

"I know, I know. I love you Rafe, but I can't keep doing this," I whispered kissing his cheek. I got up and walked out of the door and out of his apartment. I sat in my car and cried for a solid 30 minutes. Eventually I found my way back to the chateau. I walked through the door. Pope lay passed out on the couch. John B and Sarah slept on a bed in the back. When did that happen? Kiara must have went home. JJ was sitting on the back patio drinking a beer. I slowly walked out there and sat next to him. We sat in silence listening to the waves crash. I slowly set my head on his shoulder.

"You ever think about moving back into your house,"JJ asked. I sighed.

"I've thought about it, a lot, but I'm to tired to deal with them. I cant keep letting them win. I'm getting the rest of my stuff tomorrow," I said.

"Can I go with?" JJ asked looking over at me. I nodded slowly as my eyes got tired.

"I wasn't drunk," I said watching the tide move in and out.

"I know," he replied.

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