12- We Did It

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I sat on JJ's bed cleaning his face. Red tinted rags around us. He hissed as I rubbed a cloth over a gash on his cheek. I poured rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball.

"Hold onto my hand," I said knowing it was going to hurt.

"Lex you don't have to do this, i'm fi-," he said as I grabbed his hand and rubbed the cotton ball on his cheek. He hissed as I pulled the cotton ball off. His chest moving as he took stuttered breaths. He looked up at me. Still holding my hand we held eye contact. The tension was clear through the air.

"Guys, we're going to get going," Pope said walking in the room. JJ's hand quickly slid out of mine as we came back to reality. Pope looked at us and had a slight smirk.

"Damn your dad got you good," Pope said studying JJ's face. JJ subtly nodded.

"Okay well let's go," Pope said walking away. I gave an awkward smile to JJ and walked out of the room. We all piled into the van and started driving.

"Hey how did you deal with those guys, you know who threatened us?" Sarah asked.

"Um Peterkin helped actually," John B replied from the drivers seat. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"As in Sheriff Peterkin?" I asked. He nodded. I looked out of the window at the moon. JJ's shoulder pressed against mine as we sat in the back of the van. We pulled up an old house. The leaves over growing in the landscaping. We searched the outside and under the house. We came across an old well.

"I have a really weird feeling that it's in there," Kiara said as we all exchanged looks.

"I'll go down," John B said. We all agreed as we lowered him down. JJ and I went upstairs to try and find some matches or lights.

"So you said she's a blind old lady right?" I whispered as we slowly opened the door. JJ nodded.

"What's she going to do? Hit us with her walking stick?" JJ said. I playfully smacked his arm and giggled. We went over to the kitchen and searched through drawers. I heard a slight creak from above me.

"JJ," I whispered.

"What?" JJ asked looking through a cabinet.

"Did you hear that? That creak?" I asked.

"It's an old house Lex," JJ said pulling out matches and smiling. His shadow illuminated by the moon. We stared at each other for a minute. Our eyes locked. It felt impossible to take them off of him. He was so, intriguing. A shadow appeared in the doorframe. A short figure walked into the doorframe.

"Get out of my house!" The old woman screamed. With that the sound of her gun clicking ran through the house.

"JJ!" I yelled grabbing JJ as we ducked behind the kitchen island. He struck a match and held it between us. The light illuminating our faces, only a few inches apart. Another bullet shot through a window above the sink. I flinched as it shattered.

"I'm going to kill you little bitches," The lady said. My eyes widened as my breaths got choppy. JJ put his hand on my cheek and stroked my cheek. I calmed down and smiled. He nodded reassuringly and gave a faint smile.

"You little pricks?!" The lady yelled as the gun fired. I flinched as the bullet hit a cabinet in front of me. It took me a second to notice JJ's arm wrapped around me and his hand on mine.

"Come on," he whispered pulling me. We ran through a doorframe. The gun fired repeatedly as I heard blasts from the wall behind me. We hid behind a wall as a faint yelling rang out from below us. John B. JJ and I locked eyes and sprinted toward the front door. Gunshots following us as we ran out of the house. We slid under and to where our friends were.

Pope and Kie struggled pulling John B up as he yelled. We grabbed onto the rope and helped him up.  He crawled out. Gunshots rang out from the front yard.

"What the hell did y'all do?" Kie screamed.

"We've got to go," JJ said as Iohn B crawled out of the well covered in dirt.

"You smell like shit," Sarah said helping him out. We set off running towards the van. Pope climbed in the driver seat. The woman running at us shooting her gun. A bullet landing in the side of the van.

"Go!" We yelled at Pope as he slammed his foot on the pedal. John B caught his breath leaning next to Sarah. He pulled a shiny lump out of his pocket.

"We got it," he whispered. Our faces lit up as excitement took over. We all screamed and cheered staring at the gleaming gold block. Sarah kissed John B repeatedly as we cheered and hugged.

Once we got back to the Chateau we all got wasted and celebrated. We all sat on the end of the pier with our feet in the water.

"Hey I just wanted to tell y'all sorry for ever giving you guys a hard time. We probably couldn't of done this without y'all," Kiara said looking at Sarah and I. We smiled and giggled.

"Yeah you guys are easily my best friends," Pope said putting his arms around JJ and I.

"My dad would be insanely proud of me," John B said looking up at us. Sarah rested her head on his shoulder and smiled.

"I love y'all," JJ said laughing.

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