17- Forever

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Wait Rafe what about Sarah?" I yelled and he put me on the boat.

"I cant take her, m-my priority is you okay? I just need you to be safe," he said starting the boat. I looked at Sarah as she laid unconscious in his boat.

"Sarah!" I screamed trying to wake her up.

"Rafe please, stop, this isn't you please," I cried begging Rafe to stop as I walked over to him and tried to yank his hands of the wheel. He whipped around and shoved me into the seat next to him.

"Shut up!" He yelled. He took a rope and tied my left hand to the seat.

"Rafe, please," I cried as he kept driving. I heard thunder in the sky as the boat sped up.

"Rafe where the fuck are you taking me!?" I screamed kicking around. He stood up  and stomped over to me leaning over me as I sunk down into the seat. My heart raced as he wrapped his hand around my neck. I gasped for air as his cold hand held firm.

"Rafe," I choked slapping his hand with my right hand. He grabbed my hand and held it down.

"Stop! Shut the fuck up okay! I'll fucking kill you if you keep acting like this!" He yelled. I choked as the world started getting blurry.

"Rafe, I can't breath," I said gasping. He slowly removed his hand. As I took deep breaths I felt his hands cup my cheeks. If I wanted to live I had to play his game.

"I love you Lexi, I love you so so much, that's why i'm doing this, to save you," he said wiping my tears away with his thumb. I shook my head slowly. He kissed my forehead over and over again and trailed kisses down my neck.

"I love you," he repeated. He looked into my eyes and sat back down angrily.

The sky was dark and I felt raindrops hit my skin. As we went further I saw lightning strike in the distance.

"Rafe we need to get off, we're going to get electrocuted," I said trying to be calm. Rafe took a breath and shook his head.

"Rafe are you listening to me!?" I screamed. I sobbed as my tears mixed with the rain. He grabbed a water bottle and turned throwing it at me. It winced as it hit my eyebrow. I felt blood stream down my cheek.
I sobbed as thunder rang through the sky. I looked over at the piers and land on the left side of the boat. If I jumped and swam Rafe would probably jump in and get me before I made it to land. I looked at the blood stains on my shirt. I looked up as I hear a faint yell in the distance. I looked over as I heard it again. I stood up and looked around.

"What the fuck are you doing, sit down," Rafe yelled. I looked up as JJ and Pope stood on a sand bar about a half a mile ahead of us. I smiled as they waved.

"Lexi jump!" They yelled as they got closer.

"Don't you fucking think about it," Rafe said glaring at me. I breathed heavily as I looked back and forth. As we approached the sand bar I saw the gun that JJ had.

"Jump!" Pope yelled. I pulled my wrist as hard as I could through the rope. I screamed in pain as I felt my wrist dislocate. I stood up on the seat and jumped. I felt my shirt yank back. I watched in pain as we passed JJ and Pope.

"Rafe, please let me go," I cried as he whipped me around. I looked up in his eyes. Thunder and lightning rang through the sky. Rain dropped down his cheek as he looked into my eyes. I placed my hands on his cheeks and gave him a faint smile. I prayed that he would soften up and let me go.

"Let me go," I whispered. All the sudden a shot rang out and I felt Rafe drop back. I looked as he screamed and grabbed his shoulder. Blood started showing through his shirt. This was my chance. I turned around and felt Rafe try and grab my ankles. I kicked his hand and jumped. I winced as my body hit the cold water. I bobbed up to the surface and looked as Rafe's boat sped away. I looked over at the sand bar and started swimming as fast as I could. I heard the lightning and thunder get louder around me. The water was waving up and down and I choked as water kept splashing into my mouth. I tried my hardest to keep swimming but I felt like a heavy weight. As the world started getting blurry and moving my body got harder I heard talking in the distance. As I felt my body drop under the water I gave up. My body was so exhausted and my mind kept telling me to get up but I couldn't. Memories of Sarah flashed through my mind. I thought of all the Pogues and especially JJ, I pictured his stupid face and blonde hair spinning me around on John B's pier. As I waited for my body to shut down I felt a hand wrap around my waist. My conscious woke up as I got pulled to the surface. I coughed as water spurt out of my mouth once I was above water. I slowly opened my eyes and recognized JJ's face as the world became more clear.

"Lex," He said tucking my hair behind my ear. I kicked my legs as we tried to stay at the surface.

"Guys get out of the water like right fucking now! The lightning is getting closer!" Pope yelled from the distance.

"Come on, try and swim okay?" JJ said as we started swimming. My kicks were weak and I was tired. But I kept trying, for JJ. I kept choking on water and looked up as the sand bar slowly got closer. I heard JJ panting and choking on water too. As I looked up I saw Pope swimming over to help. He helped drag us as we swam. Finally we reached the sand bar. Pope crawled onto it and layer down catching his breath. I slowly climbed onto it and choked up more water. I winced each time something touched my wrist. JJ curled up into a ball behind me as he shivered when the wind blew. Pope stumbled and slowly stood up.

"I'm going to go get a fucking kayak or something," he said as he started swimming to the closest pier.

I listened to the thunder in the distance.

"Thank you," I said.

"For what?" JJ asked out of breath.

"Saving me," I said slowly standing up. I reached out my hand. I quickly changed hands as I realized it was the hurt one.

"You hurt your wrist?" JJ asked standing up.

"Yeah," I said as he gathered himself.

"Shit, Sarah's still at the boat ram-,"

"John B's got her, and Kie's tracking down Rafe," JJ said cutting me off. I sighed in relief.

"Jesus Lex, your face," JJ said wiping the blood off my cheek with his thumb.

"Rafe threw a water bottle at me," I said shrugging.

"I swear i'm going to fucking kill him," JJ said grabbing his head and walked away angrily.

"You shot him? Isn't that enough?" I asked. He shook his head angrily.

"Lex, don't ducking defend him, he hurt you," JJ said.

"Okay so?" I said tilting my head.

"So i'm going to fucking kill him," He said looking out in the distance.

"Why does it bother you so fucking much JJ?" I yelled stepping closer to him.

"Because," He said.

"Because why?" I asked angrily.

"Because, I-I fucking love you Lex," He yelled turning around. He took a step as he turned which put his face what felt like a centimeter away from me. I heard his breathing and looked in his eyes as rain dropped down his cheeks. I smiled as I felt his hands grab my cheeks and his lips met mine. I set my arms around his neck and grinned as he slowly pulled back just enough for our lips to linger over each other. I quietly laughed as he wiped more blood from my cheek.

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