Chapter 1 (A new friend)

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Edwards POV

Al woke me up when it was time to get off the train, it was about 11 am. We had to go to Resembol to get my arm fixed after a little "accident". Al carried my suit case and his like always as we got off the train. I started to walk to Winry's house like always, but I stopped when Al said "Brother look, is that girl lost?"

"I don't know but come on. I don't want to get hit by a wrench just because we're late!" I said.

He ignored me and went over to the girl, I followed because what else could I do? I got a good look at her and I had to say she was gorgeous. Her long brown hair flowed down past her waist braided, she had blond highlights too. Al interrupted my thoughts again, "Excuse me miss, are you lost?"

"Unfortunately, yeah. I'm not even sure where I just got off at." She said. She turned to Al as she said this and I saw her eyes. Her eyes were a deep blue, like the ocean. They held a certain sadness to them, one I'd seen too often; she had lost someone important. There still seemed to be more to it though.

"Well, we are in Resembol. Where were you heading to?" Al asked.

"Just going where ever. I didn't really have a place in mind. I usually just travel around. Um, do you guys know where a good mechanic lives around here?" She asked slightly nervous.

I spoke up, "Yeah we were actually just heading there, do you want to come with us?"

Her eyes lit up and god, they were so beautiful. "Sure I'd love to. My name is Angel by the way."

"Edward.. But you can call me Ed. This is my brother Alphonse, he goes by Al though." I said as we started walking.

"Wait, like Edward Elric? Like the Fullmetal Alchemist?" she said as she stopped moving.

"The same, but why do you ask?"

"Because I want to be a state Alchemist too. I just didn't want to go to central by myself and I didn't know how to go about becoming one." She explained, starting to walk again on the other side of Al away from me.

"Oh well after My mechanic is done fixing up my arm and leg you can come with us. We have to report to headquarters anyway." Why am I being so nice all of the sudden, Wasn't that Al's job?

"That would be amazing!" she shouted but then she added, "Wait, I wouldn't want to intrude or anything. Your already helping me out enough as it is."

" No we insist isn't that right brother?" Al asked me. "Yeah of course." I said in a duh tone.

"So why do you need to see a mechanic?" Al asked the same question I was thinking. I could see the way her steps faltered and she tensed up. I guess Al did too, because he added, "If you don't want to tell us you don't have to."

"No it's okay. It's just that I'm not all that used to it yet. Also, no one has ever asked before because I keep it well hidden. There isn't a reason not to show you because it's not like you're not familiar with it. " She said as she lifted up her right pant leg. It was auto mail.

"Why hide it?" I asked.

"Because it's a piece of crap!! The mechanic that did this was seriously messed up! The parts are all wrong and too heavy, even the screws are all wrong for auto mail!!!" She ranted, yes ranted, with great animation. She was flailing her arms around and pretending to choke someone half the time, she looked so cute doing it too.

"It sounds like you'll get along great with Winry. She's the mechanic we are going to. She can fix anything but she loves working on auto mail." Al says, almost like he is trying to calm her down.

"Sounds good to me. Besides anything willbe better than what I have now." She said, almost defused. She still didn't let it go completely though. She walked forward a little bit and turned around walking backwards to see us when she talked.

"So, what did you do to mess up your auto mail?" She asked bluntly.

"Just a small fight." Al stopped dead in his tracks. "What is it Al?"

"Brother! You-You didn't bite her head off!! You always do when people talk to you like that! Even your superior officers!" I just shrugged and we all started walking again. Angel was still walking backwards so I had to ask "How are going to know if your going to run into something or someone?"

"Well I can tell with people, but with objects, I'm hoping you guys can warn me in time or something like that."

"Okay well, why are you traveling on your own?"

"Well I usually have my favorite pet with me but she went off hunting two nights ago and never came back." I could see the unshed tears in her eyes. Nice change of subject Ed! Now what?

"I'm sorry I asked." I said feeling really bad that I brought it up.

"It's okay, I just haven't slept in the past few days. That's probably why I'm so emotional." She said. Damn how long is she going to walk backwards? I thought to myself.

"Why haven't you slept?" I said noticing for the first time the purple under her eyes from lack of sleep.

"Well, you see... I just can't..... AR I can't sleep alone. I always had Shela (She-La) to sleep with since I was, Three I think."

"Ohhh I get that. Well I think we should be almost there. I hope we arent too late, especially since I can get hurt now." Al said, I could hear the sympathy in his voice.

"Yeah." I said "So, you might want to-" I saw a wrench flying at the back of her head and I didn't think about anything I just tackled her so she didn't get hit. When I did she cried out. As soon as we hit the ground she switched so she was on top on me, and got off quickly backing away from me, tears pouring down her face.

"Why did you do that?" She said in a broken voice.

"I'm sorry but I saw the wrench flying and I just didn't want you to get hurt." I told her honestly.

Winry stormed up to us probably to bite our heads off, but she stopped when she saw Angel. She rushed over to her and pulled her into a hug. While Angel cried silently, Winry glared at me. She walked Angel into the house and sat down on the couch with her. "My name is Winry, can you tell me yours?"

"Angel," She choked out.

"I'm going to get us something to drink and then we can go to my room. You obviously need someone to talk to, and I wanna be here for you. Okay?" Angel just nodded. That's Winry for you though, people take to her almost instantly.

After going to the fridge Winry and Angel went into her room. That was the last time I saw them until 2 pm.

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