Chapter 12 (2 Days alone)

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Angel's POV

Today is my first day as an alchemist. I thought when i first woke up. I woke up sometime in the late afternoon or early evening, whatever you want to call it. Ed and I had stayed up last night until well after the sun came up. A few people have tried to come get us, but we ignored them. They could have came into the apartment, after all only the bedroom has locks, but we were way too wrapped up in our own little world to care about anything else. I was still wrapped in Ed's arms so I decided it was about time to get up. I brushed my hands threw his hair and said "Baby, it's time to get up." After a few minutes i managed to wake him up.

"Hey look who's up." I said.

"Yeah well I don't want to be." He whinnied.

I laughed. "Yeah, well I don't really want to be either, but I woke up anyway."

"Well then instead of going to see Mustang why don't we stay here for the day?" He asked as he shifted closer to me.

"You have no idea how good that sounds." I sighed.

"Well why don't I order breakfast and then we can do whatever you want." He got up, put on some shorts and walked into the living room. I heard him talking on the phone so I decided to at least put on something. I made my way to the closet and looked for something comfortable, but yet I still wanted to dive Ed crazy. I decided to just wear my denim short shorts and a short tank that showed off my abs. I grabbed my undergarments and went over to the shower. I walked past Shela on the way there, and petted her for a few minutes. The truth was I forgot about her being here last night.

As soon as I turned it on, Ed was in the door way with his clothes. He said "Hope you don't mind if I join you."

"Not at all."

After the shower we threw our hair up in towels and watched a movie while eating breakfast. Thankfully Ed had ordered some food for Shela too. I'm glad someone remembered her. After breakfast Ed insisted on doing my hair, "Angel come on I wanna try something."

"Try what?" I asked curious.

"You'll see just let me do it." He whinnied.

"Fine but only as long as I get to do yours first."

"Fine you can do mine first." He said impatiently.I was done in minutes so I let him do my hair. After about a half hour he was done. He had split my hair into three parts and braided each part and then braided the three parts together. It was beautiful. I just stared for a while, so he asked "Do you like it? My mom used to braid Winry's hair like this."

"I love it. It's so beautiful." I said. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"It doesn't even compare to you." He said before kissing me. Like always, one thing led to another. It was already almost dark so we just stayed in bed.

-The next morning-

Ed woke me up at 10. Today I decided to actually cook. I made French toast and eggs. While I was cooking, Ed went to the video store for a movie. When he got back we ate, I forgot just how much him and Shela ate so I had to make more, I didn't really care though.

I now sat on the counter watching Ed do dishes. He said "This is why I don't cook, I hate doing dishes! It always gets too hot" He took off his shirt and threw it at me.

I laughed and put the shirt next to me. "Well yeah but doesn't my insanely awesomely delicious cooking make up for it?"

He stayed silent.

"It does, doesn't it?"


"Of course it does, right?"

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