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Angel's POV

A few years have past since the fight. Ed and I got married, soon after I was released from the Hospital. He had this huge ceremony and everything, but only our closest friends were there. We traveled for a little while after, seeing the world and it's wonders. We soon returned home though to a huge welcome.

Mustang and I are on great terms. Ed and I invite him and Riza over for dinner every Sunday. Riza is currently pregnant with his child, shocker right? Nope, not at all. They are engaged but they both refuse to have the wedding until after the baby is born. I think it's really weird but, whatever.

Al finally got a girl friend! Yeah, that's right Alphonse Elric got a girlfriend! The best part? It's Winry. I swear they are so cute it's unreal. They've been dating for a few months now and things are going great.

Right now, we are currently just finishing up dinner on Sunday. Today I had invited everyone over, Mustang, Riza, Al, Winry, Havoc, Hughes, Denny, Ross, Armstrong, I mean everyone. Ed kept asking why I had invited everyone but I wouldn't tell him yet, I wanted it be a surprise.

Everyone had just finished eating dinner when I stood up at the head of the table. I smiled, nervous slightly. Everyone looked at me expectantly. I said, "So I know you guys are all wondering why I invited you all here, heck even Ed doesn't know yet." I got confused looks from everyone but I kept going. "I really don't know how to say this...." I trailed off nervously.

Ed stood up and held my hand, he said, "Just say it."

I looked up at him and then everyone else. I nodded and I said, "I have wonderful news that I would like to share with you all. I..... I'm pregnant."

Everyone sat in shock for a second, before I felt Ed's hand leave mine. I looked back at him to find he was passed out. I laughed loudly and said, "I wasn't expecting that!"

Everyone congratulated me and eventually Ed woke up, I don't think I've ever seen him so happy. The rest of the night we spent celebrating with our friends and family.

The End

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