Chapter 10 (Angel VS. Armstrong)

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Angel's POV

I walked to my side of the arena while Uncle stood at his. I was looking at Shela to see if she was alright. She caught me eyes and whimpered. A new rage surged through me. That's the first time I've ever heard her whimper since our parents died.

I looked at Armstrong emotionless. He just stared back the same way before asking me "Would you really hurt your Uncle because I hurt your pet cat?"

Finally I couldn't hold it back anymore. I growled and crouched down. I only fought how Shela taught me when I was uncontrollably pissed. Armstrong knew this and he yelled out "Everyone might want to back up, you are about to see Angel at her maddest state! If we come near you, trust me and run!"

Finally Hughes announced "Let the fight begin!!"

I ran forward at him. When I was 5 yards away from him I did and front handspring and kicked him in the gut instead of just landing. I pushed off of him and did a back flip, I landed on my feet and went for another attack. I went for a hand to hand approach and brought the fight in close. We circled each other for a minutes before Armstrong swung at me. I dodged and hit three pressure points on his arm making it go limp and he jumped away in frustration.

He dodged for the next few minutes before he got use of his arm back. He went for a kick and I jumped out of the way. He walked towards me and I lunged. He tried to hit me off but I held on to his shoulders a second before I headbutted him. Everyone gasped in surprise and I jumped off of him. He was holding his head in pain. I kicked him in the gut and he fell backwards. He got up quickly and punched me across he face. My head whipped to the side from the force of it, but I acted like It didn't bother me.

He got a knee to my abdomen and I was left gasping for breath while dodging him. Once I got my breath back, I waited for the right time. He pulled his arm way back for a powerful punch and this was my chance. I decked him. He actually lifted off the ground quite a bit. Once he picked himself up, he went to slam me to the ground so instead I tackled him. I was on top of him when I punched his chin.

He threw me off and I ran around him. I kicked his shoulder blade and I think I dislocated it because he fell to his knees. I started towards him but the came back to my senses. I started crying and I walked in front of Armstrong. I looked him in the eyes and said "That was for Shela, my protector, my best friend, my comforter, my provider for a while and the only blood related family I have left."

Quick authors note :Shela got hurt when they were little and lost a lot of blood. They had to do a transfusion using Angel's blood. Everyone in the family volunteered but Angel was the only one who had the right type of blood. Angel considered it as becoming true sisters, because they both have the same blood coursing through their veins.

I went over to Shela and bent down next to her. Her paw was patched up and in a hard cast. They said they made it to where she could walk without it hurting her more, they also said she shouldn't carry any unnecessary weight. They were going to keep her there for a few minutes while the checked her over before we could leave.

I walked over to Ed and instantly fell into his chest. I hugged him tightly and said "I know I will regret that tomorrow but I needed to say that."

"I know sometimes we just have to speak our mind. Angel, I know your upset about this so what can I do to make it better?"

Instead of answering him with words I pulled him down into a kiss. I was glad we were behind the medical equipment, because then no one could see us. I threaded my hands through his hair and curved into him. He held my waist and pulled me as close as he could. Once we pulled back gasping slight I asked "How about we go home and watch a movie or something? You know just hang out for a night?"

"I'd love to." He told me. We walked to where Shela was hand in hand and they said she was free to go. She followed Ed and I home. We ended up watching "Mama" and I was hiding in his lap. He laughed at me at first but then, as it got scarier he started to flinch as well. After that I wanted to watch another movie, just to get the previous one out of my mind. This time we watched a romantic show, but we were a little 'busy' and missed most of the movie. During the credits Ed got a little bored with just kissing and carried me to the bedroom.

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