Chapter 15 (Izumi Vs. Ninja alchemist)

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Angel's POV

I ran towards the other side of the arena as fast as I could. I shouted "SHELA! BACK DOWN!"

She walked backwards but didn't move her eyes from Izumi, who had just been fighting her a minute ago. I finally got over there. I ran up to Shela and got in front of her. "What the hell where you thinking! You wake up and try to pick a fight with my opponent!?!?"

She put her head down and relaxed her body to the ground. She was saying sorry. I got down on my knees and said "I'm sorry for yelling but you should have came to me first okay?" She nodded so I continued, "Come on lets go back to my side." She stood up and turned to face the other side of the arena.

I turned to Izumi, "I'm really sorry about that, she dosen't usually react that way. I guess seeing us get ready to fight she wanted to protect me. Sorry again."

"You seem really close with her, also she listened to you. You two must have a very strong bond for you to boss each other around. She is very beautiful and strong too." She said.

"Yeah I've known her since I was Three and we help each other out.Well good luck!" I started walking back to my side when I felt Shela slide under me. She picked me up and ran me to my side instead. I got off her and petted her. "Shela you have to go and under no circumstances are you to enter this arena, got it?" She nodded and left.

I faced Izumi, but I was stopped when Ed and Sig ran into the arena. Ed yelled out "Change of plans it's going to be two on two!" He ran to me while Sig ran to Izumi. Ed picked me up and spun me around before putting me down. I was laughing but I still glanced at Izumi and Sig to find them looking at us strangely.

Izumi yelled across the clearing, "Angel, why did you protect Ed in the first place? You put yourself in danger by doing so."

I yelled back, "Because I will always protect the people I love. Now are you two ready to fight or what?"

They came charging at us. They are 100 yards away.I glanced at Ed, he was smiling. I yawned and asked "What are you smiling about?" 70 yards

"With you I finally stand a chance against Sensei." 50 yards

"You always stand a chance, against any opponent." 35 yards

"Yeah I guess." 20 yards

"Good luck." I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed him. Stopped dead at 10 yards

I tried to make it a quick kiss but in the end I was basically molded to him. I backed away embarrassed because both Izumi and Sig were staring in shock. I looked at Ed pointedly and he nodded his understanding. I ran at him and he threw me at Sig. I flipped so I kicked him like I did Havoc. He backed up but was fine other than that.

I started fighting Sig but I was getting no where, he wasn't hitting me either though. I looked over quickly to see Ed getting his ass beat by Izumi. I yelled out "YO ED! SWITCH ME!!"

He slipped past Izumi as I past Sig. We ran at each other but I jumped up on him. I did a handstand on his shoulders and did a flip off him towards Izumi. I put all my weight and strength into that punch. It would have been a huge blow.....if she didn't step out of the freaking way! It created a slight crater in the ground.

I was almost instantly on the defence. All I could do was block, I couldn't even check on Ed. I was so tied up that if I turned for one second I'm sure I would've been knocked out. It went on like that for a while until she swung for my stomach I backed up but threw a punch and hit her jaw. She stumbled back and in that time Sig yelled "IZUMI! How dare you hit her!"

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