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Over the next couple months, Poison slowly finished up the song that Richie'd shown them on their first Day in the studio to jam. Officially called Until You Suffer Some (Fire and Ice), they usually shortened the title to just Fire and Ice when they were discussing it. But just like he'd decided at the End of that very first jam session with them, he'd shown them the other song he'd been working on for a while. Simply entitled Stand, its lyrics spoke of standing up for one's beliefs, whether those beliefs were right or wrong in the eyes of others. A couple parts were decidedly Christian in their wording, which was fine with the blonde half of the band he'd joined, but his shared mate rolled his eyes and simply dealt with it.

        Whenever they weren't in the studio with said blondes, though, there were some big Changes being made in their growing household. Even though they hadn't quite outgrown the house Bobby'd bought shortly after Nikki's Death, he felt that it didn't quite meet the family's needs anymore. Once his and the younger bassist's new kit arrived, they wouldn't have anymore room to grow into, should any Future kits be conceived. Another thing that was on his mind was when the existing kits'd decide they wanted their own rooms, rather than to share with their twin anymore.

        That'd led to him putting in a call to the Realtor he'd worked with when looking for this house, who was also a Zorro and already knew what he was. She hadn't realized that he'd been pregnant when they'd worked together before, but that and finding out that he was pregnant again didn't faze her in the slightest. All she'd done was congratulate him on his pregnancy and offer her condolences for the loss of one of his mates once again, then get down to business. Like any half-decent Realtor, she wanted a list of features the entire family felt were must-haves in their new home so she could start looking for listings that fit that description. And a list of must-have features, the older bassist most certainly gave her before they Ended that particular phone call so he could head into the studio again.

        Driving an hour to get to said studio was outta the question anymore, so the first thing on the list was that it be closer to Los Angeles than his current home. Next on the list was at least six bedrooms, and a matching number of bathrooms'd be debatable, depending on what she found. After that, even his mates were insistent that there be a back yard big enough for the kitsta play in without them having to worry about anyone getting hurt the second they turned their backs.

        By the Time the Sabbat of Ostara–which was the origins of the Christian holiday, Easter–rolled around in late-March, the Realtor'd finally found something she thought'd be perfect for them. This house even looked similiar to their current house, 'cuz while it wasn't covered in River rock, it was fronted with quite a bit of Natural Stone.

        Pulling up in front of said house just outside Los Angeles on the verge of Calabasas, the trio of musicians were fairly impressed right off the bat. It was definitely far bigger than the current house, including five garage bays instead of the two sported by their current house. The driveway–which could no doubt hold another five cars, easily–was separated from the front door by what amounted to a gated courtyard, for lack of a better way to phrase it. Said courtyard was a perfect placeta relax for a Water Witch like Bobby, considering that it was more than big enough for a patio set and even featured a Fountain. But it was the glass-and-wrought-Iron front door that effectively took their breath away as they walked up to meet their Realtor.

        "Oh, wow," the older bassist breathed, his eyes widening in Awe.

        "I know, right?" said Realtor–whose name was Becky–asked with a grin.

        "I think you've stolen his home-buying heart already, and we haven't even seen the foyer yet," Duff chuckled, gently rubbing his upper back in a Silent reminder to breathe.

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