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For the next month while he was off the road for a break, Duff spent pretty much all his Time with his pregnant mate. It hadn't take him long to reassure him that he liked the house he'd picked–which he was slowly, but surely moving moving into with him. The poor guy'd seemed so anxious about whether he really did or not, almost to the point that it reminded him of himself when he was on the verge of a panic attack. He hated when one of those damn things'd start, which was the biggest reason he couldn't say he'd ever walked the straight and narrow, and be telling the Truth. Seeing his mate so worked-up over something so silly–especially with precious cargo on board–made him wanna do everything in his Power to Change that.

        While he'd the physical help since he knew he'd need it, Bobby insisted on getting the nursery shopping done so he could start setting up the nursery. He assured the younger bassist that, if he Changed his mind about where a piece of furniture was settled, he'd call Bret or Rikki to help him move it once he headed back out on tour. That was a good enough response for him, and he was more than agreeable to helping him with putting furniture together once it was delivered.

        Having known for a couple months that he was having a girl, he decided that he wanted to go with something fairly Light and Airy in theme. Beyond that, the older bassist didn't exactly have a particular design in mind for his baby girl's nursery–he just wanted to go to a baby store and see what Called to him. Maybe he'd End up finding something he otherwise wouldn't have that he really liked and thought was perfect, as compared to if he'd already settled on a particular design. Duff thought that was a great idea and was all for going with him, praying that no fans of either of their bands recognized and accosted them.

        "Welcome to BuyBuyBaby!"

        Walking into the nearest baby store they'd been able to find, Bobby couldn't help his Anxiety as he twined his Glamoured tail with that of his mate, who'd also Glamoured his tail.

        "Anything I can help ya with today, gentlemen?" the woman who'd greeted them asked.

        "Ah, ya know–found out my girlfriend and I've a baby on the way recently," Duff was quick to answer. "Next thing ya know, we split up, so now I've to design a nursery at my place like she does."

        "Wanna have it all set up long before ya need it, huh?" she chuckled.

        "Yeah, pretty much," the younger bassist answered. "And my friend, here tendsta be more of an artist than me, so I begged him to help me out."

        "Yeah, I do tend to have a pretty good eye for design," Bobby chuckled, resisting the urge to rub his belly.

        "Well, if ya need any help, don't hesitate to let us know," the woman told them.

        "I think we're just gonna browse for now, see if anything jumps out at us," he responded with a smile. "We might not actually get anything, but rather come up with our own design based on something we see."

        Duff was quick to grab a cart, just in case they did find something that Called to both of them before they headed off to the baby section since this store also catered to toddlers and young children. This might not be his kit in the biological sense, but he already loved the baby girl as if she was, and he wouldn't Change that for the World. Besides, if it meant he was able to better be there for his mate when he needed him most, he'd love any kit he ever had as if it were his own.

        In the crib bedding section, the older bassist started browsing almost immediately, his tail still twined with his mate's. While he preferred purple when he thought of anything to do with his unborn daughter, he fully Intended to keep his mind open to anything. After all, he might find something that was in pink or some other Color that he thought was perfect instead of something purple.

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