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Bobby was the first of the mated couple to wake the next Morn, a beyond-content smile curving his lips as he reveled in feeling his younger mate against him. He hadn't gotten to feel such a thing since before his late mate's passing, 'cuz there was a major difference between nekkid cuddles and post-sex cuddles. And not only that, but there was even a difference that came after sex and those that came after true lovemaking, at that.

        The only thing that made him finally squirm so he could push himself upright was the fact that he'd to piss pretty badly. He wouldn't say that he'd to piss as badly as when he was still pregnant or anything like that, but badly enough that there was no going back to sleep for him. Still, he tried not to wake the blonde who'd made such sweet Love to him and was still sleeping peacefully in his bed. Just 'cuz he'd woken up and now had to get up didn't mean his younger mate needed to just yet, if he could help it. It'd still prolly be a lil bit before either of the twins woke for the Morn, if they kept to their typical schedule like they usually did.

        However, Duff was every bit as aware of the older bassist's movements as Nikki'd been before his Death–when he was actually sober, that is. Despite trying not to wake him, he'd been quick to start and let out a snort as his eyes flew open, almost immediately locking on him. Said blonde was quick to reach out and try to pull him back against his chest again, an adorable pout Gracing his face when he turned to look down at him with a soft chuckle.

        "Lemme up, or you're gonna be my new potty," he playfully threatened.

        "Mmmm, so that's why you're already up," the younger bassist said, covering his mouth to muffle a yawn seconds later.

        "Well, that wasn't why I originally woke up," Bobby chuckled. "I've always been the early-riser of Poison, even before I wound up being a mama."

        "Mmmm," he hummed again, already starting to drift off again.

        The older bassist couldn't help another chuckle as he managed to get outta bed this Time, enjoying the boyish look to his features that he'd loved about his late mate, too.

        "Get your gorgeous tush back in here when you're done," Duff told him. "I'm not ready to get up, and it's cold withoutcha here next to me."

        "It's freakin' June!" he argued through a crack in the bathroom door. "It's fuckin' hot in here to me!"

        "You're the insane one," the younger bassist chuckled. "'Cuz I wouldn't have gooseflesh, if it weren't cold."

        "Unless you're horny and just not wanting to admit it," Bobby shot back as he finished up the business at hand.

        His younger mate made a noise that pretty much went along with thumbing his nose at him, which made him laugh again. As he stepped back into the bathroom once he'd washed his hands, he couldn't help the smile that crossed his face as he saw him peep out from where he'd buried his face in his pillow. Now he looked even more boyish than he'd looked before, and he couldn't help feeling like his heart swelled to five Times its normal size within his chest.

        Duff couldn't help a chuckle and all but doing a happy dance, despite having not gotten up for the Morn, as his mate finally decided to join him back in bed. Whether he'd been called out on it or not, he wouldn't deny that he was still horny, even with their slightly wild Night. After all, it'd been an insanely long Time since his last round between the sheets before then, and no other romp in his Life'd ever been so satisfying.

        The older bassist couldn't help a gasp, which was quickly followed by a soft laugh, as he felt his mate twitch against him almost as soon as he'd snuggled up to him again. Course, much like said blonde, Bobby couldn't deny that he was still so horny, it was almost like he was having a second heat this month. While he'd known true lovemaking with his late mate, it'd been long enough for just about anyone to forget that feeling. And even if it hadn't been, just about any touch woulda sent him hurtling into the stratosphere like he was a rocket launched from Kennedy Space Center. But whether he felt like he'd ever get enough or not, their fun was short-lived as they were essentially called into duty for the Day.

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