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This isn't easy to say, and as clichè as it is, I've re-written this letter a million times. It still doesn't sound right, but I've run out of time. So, you'll have to make do with this.

It's time for me to leave. I've gotten an offer not even you would refuse. I have many reasons for doing this, though. Like Grace proving just how weak I really am. And we both know I don't do well with feeling weak.. Haha. But I'm going to become stronger.

I don't know how, when, or if I'll ever see you or anyone else again, but maybe this is all for the best. I'm happy to say that I can leave without any regrets. Wow. That sounds like a suicide.. Maybe it is. The training I'm about to go through is dangerous, and there's no guarantee that I'll live through it. Please don't be sad. I know goodbyes are hard, but please understand, I'm happy with my decision.

Please tell everyone I said goodbye, and give them my thanks. Tell Grace I'm going to miss the shit out of her. I'm so lucky to have made a friend such as her. She helped me out of my shell, and with out that, last night wouldn't have happened. I can never thank her enough for that. Tell Dylan that if he hurts Grace, I will send someone to rip him apart, but thanks for loving her. They're a great couple together.

Thank Jack for offering us his home. That was much too kind, especially since we just came back from Punishment. Thank Allen especially for being the fatherly figure I subconciously needed. I don't know if I would've made it through a lot of tough times without his jokes, or advice.

Jeez.. I can't even think of words to say to you and Ares.. You both have saved my life countless times, and vice versa. Thank you. Tell Ares thank you for.. Just being my brother. We may have fought, nearly killed eachother multiple times, and said terrible things to one another, but at the end of the day, we have a bond that won't ever go away, no matter how far away I am. He's the best big brother I could ever ask for.

And you.. Saying goodbye to you hurts more than anything. Without you, I'd have been alone with Ares these past six years, and that would've sucked. Haha! We both would be dead if it weren't for you. Thank you.

Thank everyone for showing me that it's okay to open up every once in a while. Thank everyone for showing me what love really is.

I fully expect all of you to become Councilmen one day. You're all very strong people. And the kids? Tell them they have an amazing teacher, and they'll grow up to be big and strong. With you, Ares, Dyl, and Grace there to show them the way, I have no doubts they'll become councilmen either. Please, teach them well. And tell Ares to go easy on them. We don't need a repeat of our father.

Please don't bother calling me, or even looking for me. My number's been changed, and my phone's untrackable. By the time you're reading this, Ares won't even be able to pick up my scent trail either. I'll also be out of whistle-zone, so that won't work either.

Do me the biggest favor, and don't be sad. I'm happy with the choice I made. I promise that one day, if I'm still around, I'll come visit you. I won't rejoin the team, because I'll be in a new team. Please understand my choices. Please don't cry.

And Blaze?

I love you.

-Persephone A. Jaeger



That was the letter Persephone wrote the night she left. Those were her final words to us.

But that was two years ago.

We don't know where she went. We don't know who she's with. We haven't made contact with her, despite how much we tried to figure out where she had gone. And I pulled out every connection I had to the people who could tell us. As the long lost granddaughter of the Tracker on council, which was basically the head of council, I was kind of golden. Jack wasn't able to pull the official records of which group she had selected. All we knew, was that she was not a tracker.

Since then, honestly not a lot has happened. Okay, that was kind of a lie.

Since she now had slayer blood and joined our team, Becky has been training hand-to-hand with Blaze and I. I refused to let her use any weapon yet. She was only twelve. She does come with us when we travel though. We don't know her advanced senses yet.

Tommy and Ana are eight, and still as close as ever. They are also still living at the mansion when we are away. They also now have slayer blood since all the proxy in their system could not be rid of. I really didn't want them to start training yet. Maybe in two years, so they can start at the same age Becky did. Luckily though, even though they knew what it was they were destined to do, they weren't in a rush. They still looked forward to it, but they never tried to get me to let them train early. We don't know their advanced senses yet either.

Blaze is so much more closed off. Has been since he found that letter. He is a lot like Ares, all business, no fun. When we have to go out in public, or meet new people, he pretends that he's normal. Like everything's okay. He still goes out and drinks with Ares, but he's never slept with another girl. He comes home some nights so wasted, he starts destroying random things, looking for Pear.

Ares hasn't changed much. He does help train Becky every once in a while, and I am happy to say he was following Pear's request and not being too hard on her. I have caught him wiping his eyes a few times, ever since she left.

Dylan and I are still together, and not close to separating. We need each other. We are the parent figures to the kids.

I found out, not long after Pear left, Councilman Wayman from the Mages saw my test and heard of what happened when I was kidnapped. They offered me a part time training deal, since I refused to leave the team, and they very much wanted me to study with them.

I never told the rest of the team, but when everyone else stopped searching, I never did. I was, and still am, determined to find her.

I don't know where you went Pear, but you can't hide forever.



So. Here's your prologue! We're not done with the rest, so this is all you get for right now. Tell us what you think! ENJOY!

-Nicki! x

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