Chapter 22: Grace

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"Grace! Explain!" Ares shouted at me.

I was so fucked. I knew his sister was alive, and that she was right in front of us, but I didn't tell him. Didn't tell anyone. Actually, now that I think about it, neither did Jack....but that's not the point right now.

Ares was demanding answers. Dylan gave me that look that meant he knew I had a reason, but he still wished I told him. Thank God Blaze ran after Pear because he would have had me pinned to the ground so fast, not even my reflexes would help me.

"Wait, you're telling me that your missing team member is Vanessa Adams?" And there was Cole....shit.

Cole and his team hated Pear, Aaron, and Zac. If he told everyone about this, we would all be in some serious trouble. Punishment worthy. None of us would be allowed to leave Punishment.....Pear did not need that.

"Listen, I can explain." I tried to remain calm. Fuck! This was all my fault. I panicked when Pear was being attacked by a demon Zac. Fuck!

"You better start talking Grace, or I swear-"

"Uh, Grace, I could use some help here." Aaron interrupted Ares' threat, sounding a little panicked himself. We all turned to see him still putting pressure on the wound Pear inflicted on Zac.

I swore and rushed to their side. From one of the pockets on the inside of my jacket, I pulled out a small needle, took off the safety cap, and looked at a groaning Zac.

"This is going to numb the pain, and in about five minutes, you will fall asleep, okay?" I told him. Without waiting for any kind of reply, I took his arm, and injected the medicine.

"Oh I can't wait to tell the council about this." Cole smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"Cole. Shut up. No one want to hear anything from you." I stopped to shout at the arrogant prick.

"Oh, princess, don't worry, I'll make sure you aren't seen in a bad light."

I stood up abruptly, and faced Cole. "I have had enough of you. Ever since we all were stuck in the base, all you do is irritate everyone and like to try to play leader. Not only that, you hit on me when I have told you a million times that I have a boyfriend that I am in love with!" I pointed at Dylan. "That's him. He carries around guns, and has an accuracy rate of a hundred percent. Want to test it?" Again, I didn't wait for a response when I pulled a pea shooter out of my front jacket pocket, and fired three times, hitting Cole and his partners in the neck. They fell to the floor in seconds. I put the pea shooter back in the pocket and went back to helping Zac.

"What was that?" Aaron asked me with wide eyes.

"Paralyzing dart. They'll be out of it for a little while." I answered distractedly as I cleaned Zac's wound. There was so much blood...

Oh shit...I looked up at Aaron, who has a a pained look on his face. Like he was fighting himself for control.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, remembering his mutation.

"I think so. Just try to hurry please." He closed his eyes. I nodded.

"Someone get me a water bottle." I shouted over my shoulder. Dylan quickly handed me a bottle and I nodded in thanks. I had already gotten a small cloth and gauze from my jacket.

"Geez, Mary Poppins. You have everything in there don't you?" Asked Aaron.

"Not everything, but pretty close." I joked.

Just then, Blaze came walking back through the trees, carrying Pear. He set her down. She still had blood on her hands from keeping pressure on Zac's wound earlier. Her face stained with tears. Blaze didn't look much better. I doubt they realized it though.

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