Chapter 3: Vanessa

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The next day we returned to the Eliminator hall, to recieve our test results. Obviously my predictions were true. My dad and the higher ups were reading off the names of those who passed. "Group three-nine-fourty two A; all three of you passed. Congradulations Zachary Evans, Aaron Ramsey, and Vanessa Adams." my dad said to everyone, sending a quick wink in our direction. He went on to finish the list.

I don't think I properly explained everything it takes to become a fully fledged Eliminator. It's probably the least sought out for job in all of the Slayers. The training is hell, and takes two years minimum. You go through countless torture, only to be feared by every type of slayer. It's like the Navy SEAL team without benefits.

The test, there's a different story. You take eight different parts, each showing a different skill that you'd have to use as a fully fledged Eliminator. Failing the test gives you more options. If you fail, you can go back and train for another year, to get better results, or just go on ahead and become a fully fledged Eliminator. You obviously don't get the option if you pass.

If you failed the test and chose to move on, instead of trying to pass, you join a new team. It's very contradictory. If you scored the lowest, you get partnered up with the highest scorer, and one with an average score. What ever you got, you'll get someone with the opposite of you. Occasionally, depending on how well you worked together during the test, the team you took it with will remain your team permanently.

We filed out of the room. We won't get our new teams until tomorrow anyways. "So, I'm guessing this is goodbye.." Aaron said when we reached the parking lot. He was rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortably.

"Yeah." I said, and I felt something I hadn't felt in awhile. A painful longing in my chest. Walls. "For now." I nodded. I completely removed "goodbye,' or "bye" from my vocabulary. I refused to say them ever again.

"Exactly! It's only for now." Zac said, happily swinging his arm around both of us. "Maybe one of you'll get lucky and get put in a group with me." he smirked. Always a narcisist, Zac is.

"The chances of that are zero." I said blankly.

"Oh, come on Ness! Have a little faith." he tugged on my pony tail playfully. He recieved a deadly glare from me, because of it.

Aaron laughed. "Ness, are you going to the Slayer celebratory dance thing on New Years?"

I wish I could've said no. "Yeah, my dad wants me to meet the other councilmen. Apparently, Councilman Walker's granddaughter was found? When did that happen?" I played stupid, like I did often now days.

"About a year before you did. Did you know, one of the people from the team that found her went missing?'

"Really? What happened?"

"No one's exactly sure. She ran away, and secretly joined a different group. Some people say she went rogue." Zac cut in.

"Rogue, huh?" I clarified outloud to myself.

"Yeah, weird huh?"

"Very." I mumbled.

"Vanessa!" I heard my dad calling my name, and waved off to the guys as I ran up to him. My dad looked a bit like me. We had the same nose and chin, and the same eyes. He was a good six feet tall, with brown short hair. He motioned for me to join him in his car, so we could go home. "Congrats on passing." he said casually. It was one of the rare times when he didn't sound like Jafar from Aladin. I nodded. "You know, some of the higher ups have been giving you a nickname.." he trailed off, and I raised and eyebrow at him. "The Lost Assassin." he chuckled.

"The Lost Assassin?" I asked. He nodded, still chuckling.

"And one more thing. You've heard of the big celebration dance we slayers have every few years, right?" he asked and I nodded. "There's a schedule for you to choose a dress. I expect something fancy. Something you'd see a princess wearing!" Aaaand there's Jafar again.

"Okay." I nodded, and he dropped me off at the dress store.

"Name?" the receptionist lady asked.


"Right this way." she smiled, standing up to lead me down the hall. "Rebecca! Your client is here!" she called, and a petite hispanic lady came running out.

"Vanessa! Darling! I'm so glad you're back!" she said, doing that weird double cheek kiss thing french people do. Did I know her? "Oh, that's right. You're experiencing small cases of amnesia." she frowned. "I'm Rebecca, you always come to me for fashion related problems. I'm like your own personal stylist." she winked. "So, what colors were you thinking?"

"Black." I said the first color to come to mind.

She looked intrigued. "Black. I like it. Black is the color of night, and night could resemble new beginings. Perfect for the party! By the way, did you pass your Eliminator test?" she asked.

I stared at her for a second, taken aback that she knew about us. She just laughed. "Darling, I'm a bait. Remember?"

"Oh, yes! I remember you now!" I pretended, smiling brightly.

She shoved me into a bunch of different dresses. It reminded me greatly of Grace, except I liked Grace's style of clothing. This, just didn't fit me. "Um, Rebecca? Can I look through and choose the dress instead?" I asked politely.

"Always were a take charge kind of girl." she smiled reminisantly. "Go ahead." she pointed me to the room where all the clothes were held. Sometimes, just seeing clothes was enough to make me flash back to Grace. I always looked ten times better with her help.

Most of the dresses I didn't like. As I was about to give up, I found one hanging on a manequin. It was all black, strapless and had a very subtle sweetheart neckline. On half of the bodice neckline, it had black flowers. The bottom of the dress was all wild tule, and longer in the back while it was shorter than the front "We don't need to look anymore. This is the one." I said with finality.

"Are you sure you don't want to try it o-"

"No, it's the one." I interupted, stubbornly.

"Alright. It's your size, you can just leave with it if you want."

"Thank you! Put it on Dad's tab." I said, and she nodded. I ran out of the store, some what excitedly.



Lol. Okay. Nows as good as ever to start publishing regularly. We'll publish one chapter a week. SO, we'll see you next Thursday! ;D



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